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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I'm sensing that the rumor regarding the floorless-style trains is crossing my mind...again..lol

I think the ride will blow-away Shiekra for sure. I suspsect that Busch will incorporate another 'water-feature' along the course as well. But, I really can't think of the ride name/theme based on the country its located in.

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That's terrific! Though if the centerpiece is supposed to be the station, I'm kinda worried about what kind of coaster it will be. I could see them getting a dive machine, it'd be the first in the north, and could spark the dive machine revolution.


Meh... B&M's always turn out sexy.



If they get a dive machine, count me there for media day!

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And that pool of vaccine happens to be the mighty Rhine River..lol

What the heck did they do to the Rhine? A-B actually had a patent on a environmentally-friendly product that killed bacteria/algae within the Rhine and it was sort-of clean. Now, its a mess. The area along the AC course almost looks like a cespool or some residual waste-site from Nuclear power plants...just my observation. Please BG-clean the river again.

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Houston? We have track sightings!


Clermont Steel Fabricators (located in Batavia, OH) have been manufacturing all of B&M's track since it started supplying rides within the US.


I found some track sightings about a month ago and reported an orange-beige color and seen some dark blue (supports) around the "yard" area. Whether or not that was the color selection for BGE new ride or not remains to be seen, but it is quite eerie and VERY similar to the preview 2007 board that was reported from Chuck.


Well, without further adieu, here is a link. Some track has already been moved. So, looks like some is heading towards VA.


Link: http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=34.009081~-118.497115&style=o&lvl=1&scene=508418&sp=aN.28.357946_-81.559346_Disney-MGM%20Studios_~aN.33.845675_-118.000799_Knott%27s%20Berry%20Farm_~aN.34.008583_-118.497899_Santa%20Monica%20Pier_~aN.28.408337_-81.462050_SeaWorld%20Orlando_~aN.42.038906_-72.613923_Six%20Flags%20New%20England_~aN.28.376058_-81.549454_Walt%20Disney%20World%20Resort%20-%20Epcot_~aN.41.353267_-81.376215_Geauga%20Lake%20%26%20Wildwater%20Kingdom_~aN.28.478368_-81.468596_Universal%20Studios%20Orlando_~aN.28.471173_-81.470805_Islands%20of%20Adventure_~aN.41.485999_-82.688120_Cedar%20Point%20amusement%20park_&s_cid=SPT00015

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Ok. Let me rephrase my earlier post. The (reliable) source is from a friend that works in the area located where the factory is. His name is Craig and he actually lives about 5-10 minutes from Batavia. He has visited the site and took pictures of the track from the site, but has not posted them anywhere on a site(s) because he doesn't really know how to use these type of forums and has no interest in them and he is not a rollercoaster fan by any means.


He is willing to email the pics to me, but he would like to get permission to "walk" on the property from the owners which that wish has been granted (by the owners!). Craig is a fabricator/owner that loves steel fabrication (as an industry/owner).


He does know what Clermont Steel Fabricators do (manufacturing-wise) and the shop he works for also does steel fabrication. Clermont just doesn't only specialize in coaster-track fabrication; they also have many other local clients as well. So, it isn't "spying" on anything since any sattelite imaging/surveying is free and easy to access. So, to another earlier post that claims that is was spying is not so. Anyone else could have accessed and reported the same thing (so get a grip). Two-three truckloads left the factory left this week, apparently heading toward the "Old Country".


Live links/sources:








Clermont Steel Fabricators Incorporated

2565 Old State Route 32, Batavia, OH 45103

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Maybe I'm just reading this wrong, but you do realize most of these sattelite photos have not been updated in years, right? To update all of them live would require millions of satellites positioned over every portion of the planet.

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The sites posted you can retrieve recent photo's (most within a 2 day or less time frame). Some of the sites posted above require you to be a member and/or purchase the "real-time" data.

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You're right, its not spying. So you just really dig the whole looking at sat images of random steel fabricators in Ohio thing. No biggie, I can respect that. For me, I scan dozens of satellite imagery websites looking at the variations in the orientation of air conditioner units on the roofs of Wal Marts in Nebraska. That's what turns me on. But hey, by all means, keep doing what you are doing. Im sure its not a waste of time.

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If it bothers you that much, then why bother replying to the post?..lol

I supplied the link(s) to support the fact(s) presented and you can interpret them anyway you wish. Many of the links provided above are in "real-time" images, but as I stated before, you either have to be a member or pay for a specific photo(s).

The address was provided and if you read an earlier post awhile back, the steel factory is not any "random" factory I picked out of a hat. They are the actual fabricators to mfg. B&M track/supports. Perform a search and you will also find the link to the interview with the factory owner. Give it a break already.

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And I'll let anyone know if I see anonymous track cruising through the 'Burg. Hey, maybe I can follow it on a bike and the satellite can lock onto my bald spot as a marker.

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