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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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is it me, or does that drop out of the covered bridge look steep for a family coaster? I can't wait for this to open...

Looking at it from this angle, it doesn't appear that steep...




Keep in mind, this has a 48" height restriction, whereas Big Bad Wolf was 42". There are other family coasters out there, like Shock Wave at SFOT that have a 42" height restriction that have both a steeper drop and two inversions back to back!



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I know BGW is supposed to plant trees over by the bridge and around the event building, but are they going to plant them before it opens or sometime later?


I hope so! I mean the areas look too open to give off the forest feel. Trees that block the ability to see segments of the ride yet to happen or block the view of people on midway help immerse the ride experience in my opinion. Especially the beginning of the ride as you wind down you can clearly see the exit from the even building... there should be trees blocking the view of the ride's track entering the building from the track exiting the building. Also the space beneath the brick tunnel facade should be filled in because it doesn't go down to the ground so shrubbery or such would fill in that space well. The hill under the bridge could use some more adult trees also. Other than that... the ride is SPECTACULAR LOOKING... I can't wait to ride.

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"Früling in Deutschland" always fun when american parks change our spelling.... i often see this when parks use german expressions it's kind of funny for us! But here they only lost n "h", the correct spelling is "Frühling" But i like this little failures... It's like many european parks make many mistakes with english expressions,too! it's kind of sympathetic


EDIT: ^you were a little bit faster or i have overlooked it

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The park still has a ways to go yet with adding the theming. I'm not sure what they have in mind to "hide" the show building (after all, they stopped theming DarKastle at the front), but time will tell. The concept art suggests that more needs to be installed, but we'll see. They certainly have made a lot of progress since the Hard Hat Tour earlier this month.


Sorry I missed you too, Jeff--I'm glad you got those additional angles on Verbolten from the Rhine River Cruise (I "missed the boat" on that one, but I did get some decent shots from the train). You get great views of Verbolten from Mach Tower (of course) and the top of the Loch Ness Monster.

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Thanks for the updates, Chuck. Busch Gardens never disappoints and I love how they pay attention to all the little details to make each ride they put in fit in the themed area they put it in.


Love the look of the trains, the decrepit covered bridge and the look of the area around the station.

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Busch Gardens never disappoints and I love how they pay attention to all the little details


(I hope this is hydroseeding and not spray-painted concrete ) It wouldn't hurt to plant some proper trees in this area though:




A river full of cubes, why not theme them to rocks ?




Floating tunnel entrance; why not extend it to the ground, with a bit of a hill around it:






Edited by BDG
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^And they would've anchored the coaster on what, exactly--old tree stumps? Build a ride, you need some concrete somewhere. And, by the way, that green stuff you're seeing is not "painted concrete." It's most likely dye they use in hydroseeding, which helps them keep track of where they've seeded (grass, flowers, etc.) and where they haven't.

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Concrete footers can have any shape. Some parks sculpt the actual footer, others cover them up.


Kumali, Flamingoland:



That tunnel entrance can be surrounded with something like this:



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^They're reusing the footprint of the Big Bad Wolf--that's why those footers are there. I'm hoping for some more BBW references, too (in addition to the license plate on the green train).


As for the theming, I like what I'm seeing so far, but won't pass final judgment until it's done.

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Why should they unnecessarily waste that much extra money on something no one is going to notice anyway? That will be the fastest part of the ride, will it not? I highly doubt someone is going to come off the ride extremely disappointed because the footers at the bottom of the drop weren't shaped like rocks...let alone even notice them in the first place.

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Why shouldn't they ?

Concrete is cheap and it's a detail that goes a long way, especially for what will be one of the most photographed sections of the ride.



(And before anyone mentions it... Yes, I know the water level is currently lower than what it eventually will be.)

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