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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Why shouldn't they ?

Concrete is cheap and it's a detail that goes a long way, especially for what will be one of the most photographed sections of the ride.


Using your logic every park should just build their rides à la Scream. Just dump them on an empty parking lot, don't even waste time or money erasing the lines.

Who is going to notice anyway ?


(And before anyone mentions it... Yes, I know the water level is currently lower than what it eventually will be.)


No, I never said no theming whatsoever should be used. They themed the important areas that guests will notice, and left the unneeded areas unthemed, achieving a perfect balance. Keep in mind that Busch still has to follow a budget, and isn't Disney or Universal with basically unlimited money that can build $100+ million attractions/expansions at will. Perhaps more extensive theming was on the table at one point in the development stages, but they axed some of it for a better ride experience. Would you rather have more theming, but a shorter and duller ride (i.e. Terminator/Apocalypse at SFMM) or a better ride experience and a bit less theming/detailing. I don't know about you, but I vote the latter. And even then, who says they still don't plan on adding some smaller little details? It's not like this is opening tomorrow.


Using your logic, Universal should have added millions upon millions of unnecessary dollars to the Harry Potter expansion by theming the entire Forbidden Journey ride building, instead of just the front facade, right? Even though you can barely see the building, except in a select few areas of Jurassic Park.

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Why shouldn't they ?

Concrete is cheap and it's a detail that goes a long way, especially for what will be one of the most photographed sections of the ride.



(And before anyone mentions it... Yes, I know the water level is currently lower than what it eventually will be.)


And please note that this is the most expensive and most complex ride Busch Gardens Williamsburg has built to date, at least according to the park. Reusing the footers was prudent and cost-effective. There's always a balance between "show" and "budget," even at parks like Universal and Disney.


BDG, you've stated your point--no need to beat it into the ground.

Edited by cfc
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Why shouldn't they ?

Concrete is cheap and it's a detail that goes a long way, especially for what will be one of the most photographed sections of the ride.



(And before anyone mentions it... Yes, I know the water level is currently lower than what it eventually will be.)


And please note that this is the most expensive and most complex ride Busch Gardens Williamsburg has built to date, at least according to the park. Reusing the footers was prudent and cost-effective. There's always a balance between "show" and "budget," even at parks like Universal and Disney.


BDG, you've stated your point--no need to beat it into the ground.


Not only that, but cranes, cherry pickers, etc. are not small machines; I'd venture a guess to say that they're still in need of larger maintenance access to the track than once the ride is complete. Also, there are still 2 months to go before opening.

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^ That was established 2 pages ago.


Anyways, he does have his points. With the track and supports being dark, those huge cube footers do stand out way too much as of now. Also, the tunnel does look very silly as of now, especially since you'll be able to see it on the ride and off of the ride in the spring, Howl-O-Scream, and ChristmasTown when the leaves are off of the trees. Hopefully, they put a lot of evergreen trees in there to cover that since it looks like a floating random stone wall. Like others have said, they have 2 months to go... so there is still plenty of time.

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I can't believe this thing looks like a roller coaster. You'd think Busch could do something about that, no?


, I hope? I also don't really understand the complaints about the present lack of themed footers when the rest of this thing is already themed out the wazoo. I mean, each train is a completely different car! With real tires! God, enthusiasts can be so jaded sometimes.

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I also don't really understand the complaints about the present lack of themed footers when the rest of this thing is already themed out the wazoo. I mean, each train is a completely different car! With real tires! God, enthusiasts can be so jaded sometimes.




And, yes, I think we can rest assured that Scott was being sarcastic.

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, I hope? I also don't really understand the complaints about the present lack of themed footers when the rest of this thing is already themed out the wazoo. I mean, each train is a completely different car! With real tires! God, enthusiasts can be so jaded sometimes.


Whiners will find anything to whine about. If the park had sprung for a full on bridge to be built rather than a façade, if the footers were minimal and beautifully sculpted, even if the forest were as thick and lush as could be, year round, the same people would find some obscure minutia to groan about. They don't consider real things like budgets, time constraints, and technical limits... If it's not as perfect as the fantasy they've built in their mind it's garbage. Given that this is Busch Gardens, and given what they have to work with i'd say they're going above and beyond!


It's not just coaster enthusiasts... there are whiners in every community.

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Yea the drop is not steep at all it just has that appearance from the bridge, here is the best shot I took of the angle of decent. and It looks like 50 degrees tops.




In defense, its not always the steepness itself but how fast you get to that steepness. The trains look like decent length and the drop looks like it gets to maximum angle rather quickly. Should provide a nice solid punch of airtime. But nothing real sustained since the radius isnt very round.


I think itll thrill a thrillseeker and families alike.

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I am very curious to how the whole covered bridge scene will play out. Is it a MCBR? There are definitely brakes or Lims in there. but will it be trimmed to a crawl then come out or stop for a scene then launch. or just get an extra boost when it goes in there. I know if I was on a rickety old bridge like that I would floor it at the first sound of wood cracking.



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I think it'll be interesting to see how the blocking on this ride plays out. Busch Gardens, at least when I've been there, is great about sending trains without stacking. I may be wrong, but it looks like there can be a train in the station and two behind it. That means two would be on the course. But, slow unload/load would mean the others stop somewhere, which might kill the pacing/story. Right?

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If I were to guess where the blocks are -


Station, Station, Brakes in the building, Drop Section in the building, Covered Bridge, Final Brakes, Transfer Table.


Seven blocks for five trains. If they time it correctly, they could run all five trains at once with no stops in the circuit apart from the drop section.

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