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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Damn, even the pre lift section on SC looks fun lol!


I'm assuming this isn't sarcasm, but if it is, please disregard what follows.


I'm all for giving under-appreciated portions of a coaster their due, but that pre-lift is about as nondescript as any I've seen. This isn't a shot at the design of the coaster by any means, but let's not go overboard on the RMC praise. There are hundreds of coasters with a pre-lift section nearly identical to that of Storm Chaser.


Of all things under-appreciated on this ride, I think the hill prior to the double down is unbelievably cool. The quick roll to the left followed by the slow unrolling looks amazing. I'm not sure what the actual experience will be like, but it is definitely pretty to look at.

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I'm a big fan of the bolt on the left side 117.2 m from the station.


You mean bolt 2,654? Have you seen the threads on that thing? I was underwhelmed by its representation in that original animation, but now I'm impressed!


Seriously, though, I can't wait to ride this thing. It'll be my first RMC.

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I'm a big fan of the bolt on the left side 117.2 m from the station.


You mean bolt 2,654? Have you seen the threads on that thing? I was underwhelmed by its representation in that original animation, but now I'm impressed!


Seriously, though, I can't wait to ride this thing. It'll be my first RMC.


Yeah, I' m with you. This is my first steel RMC.

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Damn, even the pre lift section on SC looks fun lol!


I'm assuming this isn't sarcasm, but if it is, please disregard what follows.


I'm all for giving under-appreciated portions of a coaster their due, but that pre-lift is about as nondescript as any I've seen. This isn't a shot at the design of the coaster by any means, but let's not go overboard on the RMC praise. There are hundreds of coasters with a pre-lift section nearly identical to that of Storm Chaser.


Not the first time in this thread RMC receives praise for making a standard flat turn between the station and the lift. Must be nice for them, getting praise for what every single coaster manufactures is able to do.

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I agree. I'm just glad you guys found someone's Cheerios to piss in.


To be fair, it would be nice if the coasterenthusiastnerds would at least publish a set of standardized of guidelines so that people will know what they are and are not allowed to be excited or upset about. Although I guess that would defeat the purpose of exclusivity. That being said, I think we can all agree that Vonnie is a huge piece of **** for vocalizing his opinion on the pre-lift section. Not cool, bro. Not cool. Punish yourself, son.

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^ Project approved.


A coaster enthusiast is allowed to be enthusiastic about a new/under construction ride that has any of these qualities:


1. Has never been done before.

2. Has never been done as well as this.

3. Has never been near the enthusiast.

4. Breaks a record of any kind.

5. Looks like fun.

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Coaster looks awesome! Not surprised at all. I hope that's how it runs on a normal day, I know these RMCs can be temperamental. Like someone else said, the layout is beautifully symmetrical and makes my OCD side very happy.


My secret wish: that everyone who's going to go to the trouble of making a nice HD mounted POV will follow two simple guidelines. 1. Make the height of the camera a closer approximation of where the rider's head will be than literally in between the tracks. 2. Please use a normal, non-fisheye no-distortion lense. I know I know, nerdy nitpicking...

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Wait a second, is the lift hill footage sped up in the video? That lift hill looks faster than normal to me.


Also that looks like a huge lateral jab at the very end before the break run. I am hoping against hope that I'm right. I really don't see why these RMC coasters that clearly aren't afraid of intensity should never have a single underbanked turn that really throws you to the side.


Maybe in their original calculations, the outer-banked turn bled more speed from the train before that final flat turn, and now that the outer banked turn is no more, the train goes flying into that flat turn faster than originally intended? That would be awesome.

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RMC, unlike B&M, actually uses laterals. It's just B&M's style to only utilize positive and negatives as part of the experience, and as a result people assume this is how all coasters are supposed to be built. Not everything has to "feel" right or be banked perfectly to be a good element.

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I really don't see why these RMC coasters that clearly aren't afraid of intensity should never have a single underbanked turn that really throws you to the side.


RMC actually incorporates a ton of laterals into their designs. They all have them!


Definitely. I've only been on Twisted Colossus, but it absolutely has a good mix of laterals.

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I really don't see why these RMC coasters that clearly aren't afraid of intensity should never have a single underbanked turn that really throws you to the side.


RMC actually incorporates a ton of laterals into their designs. They all have them!


Definitely. I've only been on Twisted Colossus, but it absolutely has a good mix of laterals.


Could someone name a spot on one of the RMCs that has sustained laterals, just so we can be sure we're talking about the same thing? Because that's what I like, sustained laterals, not the brief jabs you get from the banking twisting around (which RMCs obviously have tons of). This might sound like splitting hairs but for instance I love all the flat turns on the Legend whereas the stengel dives on Maverick don't do much for me.


There was actually a thread devoted to this distinction: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1434554#p1434554 p1434554 A couple physics smarties gave some good info on it.

Edited by neil009
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I really don't see why these RMC coasters that clearly aren't afraid of intensity should never have a single underbanked turn that really throws you to the side.


RMC actually incorporates a ton of laterals into their designs. They all have them!


Definitely. I've only been on Twisted Colossus, but it absolutely has a good mix of laterals.


Could someone name a spot on one of the RMCs that has sustained laterals, just so we can be sure we're talking about the same thing? Because that's what I like, sustained laterals, not the brief jabs you get from the banking twisting around (which RMCs obviously have tons of). This might sound like splitting hairs but for instance I love all the flat turns on the Legend whereas the stengel dives on Maverick don't do much for me.


There was actually a thread devoted to this distinction: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1434554#p1434554 p1434554 A couple physics smarties gave some good info on it.


- The whole turn immediately following the stall on Outlaw Run

- The whole turn immediately following the zero-g on Medusa

- The final turn/hill into the brakes on Iron Rattler

- The turn into the final brakes on Twisted Colossus (green side)

- Last turns on New Texas Giant

- There's more

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I've not ridden The Great Nor'Easter for comparison, but T3 is an enjoyable ride. nothing great, but fun enough and worlds better than its former self. I admit my expectations were not very high but it was a pleasant surprise when It (finally) opened last year.

I concur. Everyone typically survives a ride on it, and even I find it re-rideable.

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I'm a big fan of the bolt on the left side 117.2 m from the station.


You mean bolt 2,654? Have you seen the threads on that thing? I was underwhelmed by its representation in that original animation, but now I'm impressed!


Seriously, though, I can't wait to ride this thing. It'll be my first RMC.


Yeah, I' m with you. This is my first steel RMC.



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Damn, even the pre lift section on SC looks fun lol!


I'm assuming this isn't sarcasm, but if it is, please disregard what follows.


I'm all for giving under-appreciated portions of a coaster their due, but that pre-lift is about as nondescript as any I've seen. This isn't a shot at the design of the coaster by any means, but let's not go overboard on the RMC praise. There are hundreds of coasters with a pre-lift section nearly identical to that of Storm Chaser.


Of all things under-appreciated on this ride, I think the hill prior to the double down is unbelievably cool. The quick roll to the left followed by the slow unrolling looks amazing. I'm not sure what the actual experience will be like, but it is definitely pretty to look at.



I'm not being sarcastic at all. I'm not saying its particularly a stand out part of the coaster at all. I just thought that the speed the train takes through the turn heading to the lift hill looks fun. Like "weee" fun. That's all I was getting at lol!

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Damn, even the pre lift section on SC looks fun lol!


I'm assuming this isn't sarcasm, but if it is, please disregard what follows.


I'm all for giving under-appreciated portions of a coaster their due, but that pre-lift is about as nondescript as any I've seen. This isn't a shot at the design of the coaster by any means, but let's not go overboard on the RMC praise. There are hundreds of coasters with a pre-lift section nearly identical to that of Storm Chaser.


Of all things under-appreciated on this ride, I think the hill prior to the double down is unbelievably cool. The quick roll to the left followed by the slow unrolling looks amazing. I'm not sure what the actual experience will be like, but it is definitely pretty to look at.



I'm not being sarcastic at all. I'm not saying its particularly a stand out part of the coaster at all. I just thought that the speed the train takes through the turn heading to the lift hill looks fun. Like "weee" fun. That's all I was getting at lol!


Not a good enough explanation. You must now punch yourself in the face or privates. Your choice, pal.

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Will one even be able to ride it at night? Given that sunset is already after 8:00 PM, I don't think Kentucky Kingdom is ever open late enough for there to be night rides outside of the State Fair.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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