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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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^I "think" the top scan could fit where the old Rainbow ride used to be, next to the bridge. The cement pad it sat on is still there. And I do not think the Quake should come back, unless its the flipping model like what you can find at Dreamworld with their Wipeout ride.


Also, I checked the park's facebook page and they're replying to people asking about Enterprise saying that they're still waiting on a part to come in, but plan on it opening sometime this year.

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Oh Please No, Quake was the most boring ride ever. In all the time it was there I rode it several times and maybe 2x I had a whole ride without a breakdown. I know it was a prototype and unique at the time, but it was still boring. I think we will see something new in Dragsters spot next year to fill a void between Thunder Run and Raging Rapids. In their contract they have to add at least 1 new ride a year, not including the reopening of T3, Raging Rapids and Twisted Twins.

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I never actually saw Quake running. I didn't know it was the non-inverting kind. That does sound kind of meh, then.



every time I saw the Quake it was always stuck in a weird position.

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A bit off topic, but according to screamscape, attendance for Kentucky Kingdom is "through the roof". I'm glad to hear this, after Ed spent so much time restoring, so this is his well deserved reward. Could this mean they have more money for attractions in the future years?

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That is an interesting question... I'm not entirely sure how money is distributed between the management group, the fair/expo center, and the City of Louisville. You would think more people, more money for all parties, but I'm just not sure. Regardless, I think Ed and his team will stick to their plan set in place for the next 3 years. Then after the park is fully operational, I think we will see any money, in excess of what they were expecting, put into possibly more additions than they were expecting.


Right now, I think KK views any extra money they may be getting as a security blanket, for if the park is unable to sustain the type of numbers it is getting this year. That way if there is a dip in attendance by reopening rides that people have already ridden, the management team can still afford to try to make a major splash in year 4 with a major attraction or two.

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I mean, I get that a Speedo might be a little too revealing for a family water park, but calling the guy "queer" and threatening to arrest him was completely out of line. Simply asking him to change into a different swimsuit would've been the better choice.

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I mean, I get that a Speedo might be a little too revealing for a family water park, but calling the guy "queer" and threatening to arrest him was completely out of line. Simply asking him to change into a different swimsuit would've been the better choice.


Lol what the f'ing... Since when is a Speedo something you can link to somebody who is homosexual? And since when is it 'revealing to much'? Little children wear this type of swimming outfit a lot and in some parts in Europe it's even obliged to wear it because it's much more hygienic then a normal short. Some people are just plain stupid...

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If you don't know, I work for a very large LGBT print newspaper. I saw this story this morning and chose NOT to report it yet. I smell shenanigans with this one right now. As an on-line journalist, social media specialist, and LGBT community member, I see too many loose ends in this story that need explaining.


I'm not buying anything on the speedo story just yet!

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I will say one thing; they really do need to get a better handle on the PR thing...don't be surprised if you read some kerfuffle about breast feeding. Didn't pay too much attention but I saw the following statement on my FB news feed:


"Some Facebook followers have misconstrued our earlier statement regarding breastfeeding. So, for clarity, please refer to the policy:

At Kentucky Kingdom mothers can and have always been welcome to breastfeed anywhere in the park, providing they use discretion.

However, for those who desire privacy, Kentucky Kingdom has several locations at their disposal including 3 health service buildings, and 2 bath houses with private stalls located in Hurricane Bay.

This is our official statement and we caution everyone from posting comments that are either uninformed or posing as impostors."



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I disagree with the park's decision to kick the guy out for wearing a Speedo, but I must say I also disagree with that guy's decision to wear a Speedo...I don't think they're really "in" right now.

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I disagree with the park's decision to kick the guy out for wearing a Speedo.


Until more details emerge i'm not sure what can be believed but you may need to read the article again, It seems the problem was with a police officer not so much the park and he removed himself from the park.


Jesse Colter wore his red swimtrunks to the Kentucky Kingdom earlier this week, and was told his swim attire was suitable by one of the park's public safety officers. Unfortunatley, the park's officers weren't on the same page as Louisville Metro Police.


“He informed me that several Public Safety Officers from the park had warned [me], which is 100% false," Jesse added. He decided to take himself and his apparently controversial Speedo out of the park to avoid being arrested.
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