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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Verruct is not a body slide.


Deep Water Dive will be our country's tallest body slide

Yes, but he was not really specific. It is going to be the nation's tallest speed slide and will indeed beat out Summit Plummet by a staggering one foot. Joking aside, this one benefits from the fact that it has a drop capsule and I am very excited for it.

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"WDRB Wrote-"

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Kentucky Kingdom's new water slide couldn't get built Saturday without the permission of the Federal Aviation Administration.


One of the runways at Louisville's Standiford Field airport had to be shut down as pieces of the slide were lifted into place.


At just over 12 stories high, it is the nation's tallest body slide. One of the tubes was installed Saturday and another will be installed this week.


Park officials say it will be a ride like no one has experienced before. "It's the type of a body slide where you are not in a raft and you are actually up at the top in a chamber in which you'll give us a thumb's up" John Mulcahy said. "the ride attendant will then hit a button and the floor drops out and you will drop."


Kentucky Kingdom is set to open on May 24th and Mulcahy says everything is running on schedule and on budget. There have already been 80,000 season passes sold.


Seasonal parking passes are also $75 to all fairground events, including KK.

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"WDRB Wrote-"

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Kentucky Kingdom's new water slide couldn't get built Saturday without the permission of the Federal Aviation Administration.


One of the runways at Louisville's Standiford Field airport had to be shut down as pieces of the slide were lifted into place.


At just over 12 stories high, it is the nation's tallest body slide. One of the tubes was installed Saturday and another will be installed this week.


Park officials say it will be a ride like no one has experienced before. "It's the type of a body slide where you are not in a raft and you are actually up at the top in a chamber in which you'll give us a thumb's up" John Mulcahy said. "the ride attendant will then hit a button and the floor drops out and you will drop."


Kentucky Kingdom is set to open on May 24th and Mulcahy says everything is running on schedule and on budget. There have already been 80,000 season passes sold.


Seasonal parking passes are also $75 to all fairground events, including KK.


My wife and I are seriously thinking about the parking passes to go along with our first time ever season passes... The parking would pay for itself in just 10 visits and I foresee lots of visits to KK this summer... there goes all my vacation days...

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