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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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An interesting tidbit from Insider Louisville:


Insiders are telling MBB that Ed Hart is asking engineers to take on a big project at Kentucky Kingdom. Hart envisions taking the existing wooden roller coaster, Thunder Run, and connecting its 3,000 linear feet to a new wooden roller coaster, scheduled to debut in 2016, to create the world’s longest wooden coaster




If Ed Hart is one thing, he is ambitious...

And I remember Alan Schilke said he would like to make longer coasters...

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Did he really say he wants to add say Twisted twins and Thinder run together? Or just add on to Thunder Run in 2016? Or is it just another gimmick for the public?


I think he wants to connect the two sides of the Twisted Twins together into only one coaster

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If the article is right about Ed Hart wanting to combine both sides of twisted twins to make the "worlds longest wooden rollercoaster", then that rules out an I- box RMC conversion. Twisted Twins already has steel supports, so adding steel track would make it entirely a steel coaster with the look of a wooden one.

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^Not a bad idea at all. That's a gp attractor. What would it be called then? Twisted Siamese Twins?


so excited to see footers being dug, only 4 more months till its time to break the cherry on the season pass, if they combine Twisted Sisters I kind like the thought of a Dr. Jeckell & Mr. Hyde name, that'd be unique and awesome.

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Lightning Run construction today: [attachment=0]25955_698721683495340_1090277243_n.jpg[/attachment]


Wasn't this from their facebook page? Do you need to link or give credit when you take from their page? I've always been curious if we have to give credit if its not our own photo or from a parks page, I looked on the ToS but couldn't see anything. You've posted some for here and other parks so just wondering if you knew, i've always just posted the link back to the FB as a courtesy to whoever the original photographer was.

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Did he really say he wants to add say Twisted twins and Thinder run together? Or just add on to Thunder Run in 2016? Or is it just another gimmick for the public?


I think he wants to connect the two sides of the Twisted Twins together into only one coaster


That would only come out to 6,000ft total if that were the case. If there is any stock in that rumor, Thunder Run and both sides of Twisted Twins would all have to be combined to make it longer than the Beast; there's no way you could get an extra 3,000ft in TEDs spot....and has any park announced a launched wooden roller coaster yet?


Man, I hope the weather cooperates the rest of this winter. Even though LR is a small coaster, it doesn't seem "fully constructed/tested/approved in 3 1/2 months" small. Either way, I've got my pass and I think I might actually spend some time at HB; seeing a waterslide taller than the highest roller coaster in the park is going to be intimidating.

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I was re-watching the new Thunder Run on-ride video, and it looks like a great ride.


Thunder Run has the same layout as the Hurlers, right? Why are the Hurlers so bad then?

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Lightning Run construction today: [attachment=0]25955_698721683495340_1090277243_n.jpg[/attachment]


Wasn't this from their facebook page? Do you need to link or give credit when you take from their page? I've always been curious if we have to give credit if its not our own photo or from a parks page, I looked on the ToS but couldn't see anything. You've posted some for here and other parks so just wondering if you knew, i've always just posted the link back to the FB as a courtesy to whoever the original photographer was.


Yes, it is strongly encouraged that you credit your source when posting photos that are not yours.

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I think things are starting to pick up a little now.


Facebook Image


Also, I was one of the bunch that attended the job fair since I needed a summer job for 2014. I stood in line for a fair 40 minutes before they opened the doors 30 minutes earlier than planned, and got to be part of the first bunch to go in, which was nice since it wasn't crowded until near the time I left.


Front of the line. The line behind me stretched pretty far when it got closer to starting.


Roller Skater car sitting on the floor looking pretty.


Different booths for different departments the park was looking to hire.

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I was re-watching the new Thunder Run on-ride video, and it looks like a great ride.


Thunder Run has the same layout as the Hurlers, right? Why are the Hurlers so bad then?


Simple. Because Carowinds and KD didn't take care of them.

Not to get off topic here, but Carowinds is actually re-tracking the first turn of their Hurler.


As for Thunder Run, the ride was re-tracked by Rocky Mountain Construction over the summer.

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After all the drama this whole story just makes me happy. Glad to see so much interest at the job fair.


It's definitely exciting to see how popular the park already is and how good it is for the local economy. I can't wait to use my season pass might even have to go on Opening Day. Here's a quote about the online application system from KK's fb page. They had 7,000 apps for 1,000 positions, amazing response:


Wow! We've received over 7,000 applications so far! In response to the overwhelming number of applications being received it is necessary to temporarily suspend the online application process as management continues to evaluate those applications. PLEASE DO NOT CALL – this process will start January 13th and continue through mid-February. Thank you!

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They shouldn't worry about me since I live in Virginia and have a great job driving a forklift. The only thing I'll be doing in Kentucky Kingdom is riding every ride that's in sight.


I love that Roller Skater car they had at their job fair.



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Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend = back in Louisville for a holiday = another drive by KK on Saturday, this time with something new to see!


Water park construction begins going vertical! Looks like the ProSlide Mach complex is up for assembly first.


A tower, and some ProSlide pieces were being assembled. No workers were out on this day.


Since the park already has a ProSlide BulletBOWL, I'll assume this is probably the better and faster brother, the ProSlide CannonBOWL.


More pieces from another vantage point.


You'll see less and less of T2 once more towers and slides go up.

Edited by Midgetman82
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