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Beech Bend Discussion Thread

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Well, in the artist sketch of the entire project, you can see one area in light gren marked out as go-karts. Assuming the go-karts don't move to a new location, I'm guess ing the water park is expanding out towards the front gate. Recall that park is essentially a large figure 8 shaped park with the water park and the mini golf course in one end of the 8 with rides around the perimeter, and a big lake in the other end of the 8, again ringed with rides. If I recall the only thing along one side of the waterpark was the video arcade, so I'm thinking the waterpark is going to expand out moving away from the curent park confiines removing the path that went essentially from the front gate to the crazy mouse. It is ey to be seen if they will put a new walkway around the enlarged perimeter of the waterpark so as to maintain the same basic traffic pattern, or if they will make the end with the Moby Dick, Crazy Mouse and Jumpin Jumbos a cul de sac.


Again, that is just my two minute obervation. My first hunch when I heard it was the mini golf course was gone, but seeing the go-karts on the park map in that sketch. The other green building is "Beech Bend Hall" is that the name of the video arcade building? That would put it where I would think if I am visualizing this correctly.

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  nannerdw said:
I think it's kind of weird how the lazy river goes straight through the wave pool. That might lead to some "traffic jams" in the lazy river when the pool gets crowded.


I was thinking the same thing! Doesn't make very much sense to me. Especially for people that just wanna relax in the river and can't cause they'll get dumped into the wave pool.

Either way, this is a great addiction to the park.


According to the press release: "The 1,100 foot long lazy river will feature a “not so lazy” component as it is connected directly to the wave pool. Waves generated from the wave pool flow into the river causing a unique ocean motion effect." To me that sounds like the lazy river will flow away from both sides of the wave pool, not towards or in a circular path.

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While I'm not a fan of the lazy river being connected to the wave pool, this expansion looks like a great addition for Beech Bend. While the water park will still be rather small, there will still be enough to spend a good amount of time at, and for a small local park, it is pretty impressive. The two new rides being added should also be good, and hopefully Beech Bend continues to make itself look like a permanent park instead of a carnival.

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  • 3 months later...



Just a few weeks until the park opens! Opening day is May 1st. Beech Bend Park President, Dallas Jones announced that free soft drinks will be included in all park admissions in 2010. The park will offer an adult admission and a child/senior admission and both will include unlimited free soft drinks plus unlimited rides, use of the greatly expanded Splash Lagoon Water Park, Granny Jones' Petting Farm and free miniature golf. Free parking, free sunscreen and free tubes/mats will also return in 2010.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



Beech Bend Park will not be open for business this weekend due to flooding conditions. Parts of Beech Bend are now under water including the race track, amusement park, and camping grounds. Several building were also washed away due to the weekend flooding.


Park owner Dallas Jones says its going to be a lot of work getting the park back to normal. "Its a tremendous loss, its floated a couple of our buildings away, its a tremendous amount of clean-up once the water goes down probably take twenty to twenty-five guys with wash wagons and brooms," Jones said.


There has not been a rescheduled date to when the park will open.

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Beech Bend Amusement park is now open, and only one week behind schedule.


Last week's flood completely destroyed portions of the campground and racetrack. They say there's well over $ 250,000.00 in damage and that this is the biggest catastrophe to hit the park in 73 years. Fences are down, 5 buildings were completely destroyed, and thousands of dollars worth of equipment are a total loss.


Owner Dallas Jones says the most costly thing for Beech Bend is the racetrack. The track is shut down and will be for another week or ten days. Jones says the race track being closed has a negative impact on the entire community. Several races that usually bring thousands of people to Bowling Green have been cancelled and will hopefully be rescheduled later.

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  • 7 months later...

In the latest Beech Bend email I received on 12/31:


"Happy New Year from the management and staff of Beech Bend Park. We just signed a contract for a complete renovation of our Haunted House. The old ride is already being dismantled. The renovations will include new track, new ride vehicles and new scary surprises. Also, TIKI ISLAND and our new IGA ENTERTAINMENT STAGE will be open for 2011."


Sounds like the end of the Pretzel ride vehicles. Season passes are also on sale on their website at the lowest prices of the season through the end of January.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got the latest Beech Bend email newsletter which stated, "The Haunted House had been dismantled, the floors have been re-done, and the new track system has been installed. We're anxiously waiting on the arrival of the new four person ride cars and many new scary tricks and surprises!"

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  • 6 months later...

Don't know if this is the right place to post this, or if I shouldn't have bumped this back up, but here goes.


I am starting to hear rumours on what Beech Bend's newest attraction for the next two seasons could possibly be. I can partially understand it could not be until 2013 they add another major addition to the park, due to the flood that delayed the expansion of the water park and potentially lost them revenue.


But the crazy rumour is, the coaster Greezed Lightnin' is being looked at by the owners as a potential new addition to the park, around the back where the racetrack is. I have no idea why someone got that idea, but it probably is bogus, taking in the account the somewhat limited space the park has left to expand upon, not to mention the racetrack and dragstrip take up a lot of acres of land.


Now, I am not entirely sure, but people keep either saying the Greezed Lightnin' they are looking at is the one from Astroworld, or the one at Kentucky Kingdom. I am one to jump on the bandwagon to say that the one at Kentucky Kingdom is what they are looking at, but because the dispute over whether the park will reopen or not has made me consider that they are actually looking at Astroworld's former Greezed Lightnin', which as we all know, has been put on hold being rebuilt at Joyland Amusement Park due to the park's low water table, and has been sitting out in pieces for a long time now. But we can't be too sure right now, since the whole rumour about either Greezed Lightnin' shuttle coming to Beech Bend is just emerging now.


Also, we need to take in the account that the park is very close to a suburb, and if you have heard either of the Schwarzkopf launched shuttles, you can pretty much understand why the neighbors would be against Beech Bend building it. It would pretty much almost be like Thunderlooper at Alton Tower's all over again.


Anyways, that is all I have on this recent overblown story I have heard. Personally, I believe beech bend will get NEITHER launched shuttles, as it seems pretty far-fetched. But, I do still hope in my heart a tiny bit it is true. It would be wonderful to have a rare Schwarzkopf shuttle loop be saved from the scrap heap and be operational once more at the park!

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:
They Do Need A Looper to Replace Looping Star.


I agree on that part my friend, even though I still don't understand though why they sold it to Saudble Beach Fun World.


For the most part, I just think the best (and more likely) option is if they bought a Schwarzkopf Looping Star or Vekoma Boomerang, both are short yet fun thrill rides. Another reason is because both don't take up a rather large footprint. The one problem is that a Looping Star would be harder to upkeep than a Boomerang.


Also, just throwing this out there, I personally have a wish that Beech Bend would get a Vekoma Hurricane, it would be nice to have at least another model of that coaster here in the US, and if the only one here wasn't rusting down in New Orleans.

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  • 3 months later...

Beech Bend just posted this message to their Facebook page:


"Hey folks! We've got a super special announcement exclusive to facebook! I promised that there would be some big additions this winter, and Beech Bend Park in 2012 would like to introduce a monstrous, giant 140 ft drop tower! This will be the single tallest ride ever in Beech Bend history! We need your help naming this bohemeth, so leave your best ride names as comments and the winner will get a special prize! Happy naming!"

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Had to go and check the stats on Pit Fall and Maliboomer to make sure this wasn't a refurbished or relocated model.


Great to see this small park get another major attraction! Based on everything I've heard of the place, I'm sure it will only make it that much better!

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Wow, this is a great addition to the park, I wonder if the existing trailer mounted drop ride will remain or be sold (wouldn't make any sense to keep it). At 140 feet there should be some pretty decent views of the barren River Valley, might even be able to see Cherry Hall and Smith Stadium at good ole WKU!


Beech bend is a great little park that holds a very special place in my heart, Dallas Jones and his family are great people who truly care about that park and the community. If anyone is ever in the area make sure you stop by and spend a few hours (and a little money) at Beech Bend, you wont regret it!

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Hmm, maybe they bought the old ARM drop tower from Bell's Amusement Park. It was a park model, and I know it was repossessed by the manufacturer after Bell's closed down, but I haven't seen it pop up anywhere else. I don't know that it was 140ft though...


Either way, this is going to be a killer addition to a park that is steadily growing more awesome all the time.

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Those ARM drop towers are terrifying, but are my favorite drop tower I've ridden. Although, 140ft seems really high for ARM though, is it possible that we could see something from Moser? I don't see the park getting one from S&S(although that would be great too), but no matter what, this will be a great addition for the park.


Airtime-if I do end up going to Kentucky next year, I'll be working hard to stop-&Gravity

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