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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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  jmillzy said:
Forgot to mention my home park is Valleyfair - which has a V2 ride. I am a super CF freak and no almost nothing about Six Flags policies and flash passes. I think I would want to do 2 days - 1 with Flash Pass and 1 to do other rides and water park. I am, though, a theme park native and would stay open to close using strategies to get thru lines. I have heard that the top 3 lines are Goliath, Superman, and what will be Justice League. I do think I would push back 1 more week and go on two of the most normal, unspecial Mon/Tue/Wed possible. I would be fine with getting the standard Flash Pass, and just going to the non-included rides immediately. Also, what is a boarding pass? Is it free? How do you get one?


Thank you for letting me answer. If you ever have questions about Valleyfair, Nickelodeon Universe, or MN, let me know.

I would consider getting the Gold or Platinum Flash Pass because the Regular Flash Pass doesn't really buy you any more time (you wait the same amount of time as the regular line, just not in the actual line). The boarding passes (they're free) are used at some of the most popular rides to curb line jumping. They distribute them to everyone entering the regular line. The passes have numbers on them which must be redeemed in numerical order to ride.

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  jmillzy said:
Forgot to mention my home park is Valleyfair - which has a V2 ride. I am a super CF freak and no almost nothing about Six Flags policies and flash passes. I think I would want to do 2 days - 1 with Flash Pass and 1 to do other rides and water park. I am, though, a theme park native and would stay open to close using strategies to get thru lines. I have heard that the top 3 lines are Goliath, Superman, and what will be Justice League. I do think I would push back 1 more week and go on two of the most normal, unspecial Mon/Tue/Wed possible. I would be fine with getting the standard Flash Pass, and just going to the non-included rides immediately. Also, what is a boarding pass? Is it free? How do you get one?


Thank you for letting me answer. If you ever have questions about Valleyfair, Nickelodeon Universe, or MN, let me know.


I agree with above posters, unless you get a fast pass, you will most likely not be able to ride all of the bigger rides in one day. IMO Raging Bull has one of the longer lines too. When I go between June to August, I almost always end up getting a fast pass, usually Gold. The lowest lines I've seen were mid-May when my son and I went on a Friday (I let him miss school, yes, bad mom!). Many schools were there for their class trips, but I think the longest lines were 45 minutes or so. And the weather was kind of iffy, drizzly on/off most of the day so that helped as well. We had a great time.


It's really a crapshoot, but if the weather is nice, prepare yourself for long lines. Although the beginning of June should definitely be better than late June through August as some schools aren't out yet til the following week.


You also mentioned boarding passes, but I'm not sure what you mean as there are no boarding passes. If you get the flash pass you walk up in the dedicated flash pass line and the ride attendant scans it. Edited to add, sorry, I haven't had to use boarding passes before, I usually get the fast pass so never heard of it until now.


I had my first visit to Cedar Point this summer and I think the lines were much better than at SFGAm. Maybe it's because they have more rides? I was there mid-August and while it was crazy packed, most lines weren't more than 45 minutes except for a couple of the bigger rides like Dragster and Maverick. I wasn't even tempted to get their fast pass except for the day the LeBron James Family Foundation was there. In comparison, I went to SFGAm a couple days later and most rides were 1 hr or more at minimum. And walking on the black pavement when it's hot is brutal so prepare yourself that too. I never noticed it as much until I went to CP where it's all concrete.

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  Jason82807 said:
Does anyone know anything about the replica of the park that was located in Carousel Gifts? It was removed at some point this past season to make room for merchandise. I hope they didn't permanently get rid of it.


It's been in the front gift shop for about 4 years now, all the times I've been there. They were built "back in the day." Pictures of them have been posted at http://greatamericaparks.com/ - an AWESOME SITE! He doesn't update it too often, but there is also a facebook page he posts to.

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  AirMBTB said:
  Jason82807 said:
Does anyone know anything about the replica of the park that was located in Carousel Gifts? It was removed at some point this past season to make room for merchandise. I hope they didn't permanently get rid of it.


It's been in the front gift shop for about 4 years now, all the times I've been there. They were built "back in the day." Pictures of them have been posted at http://greatamericaparks.com/ - an AWESOME SITE! He doesn't update it too often, but there is also a facebook page he posts to.



I love/hate the model cause as a theme park nerd, I keep finding all the flaws/missing rides in it. Big Top Isn't there and there are others.

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  n1ch0las said:
  jmillzy said:
I have heard that the rides with the longest lines are Goliath, Superman, and X-Flight. Is this true?


Substitute X-Flight with Raging Bull and those are typically your top three.


Raging Bull doesn't tend to get above 45 minutes, so yes X-Flight and those two are the longest. American Eagle has the shortest line, and never really gets above 20 minutes

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  Vonni said:
^ I was under the impression that Goliath is the worlds tallest, steepest, fastest wooden coaster. I'm pretty sure that is how it has been marketed since its announcement.
It has been marketed like that since it's announcement but that wasn't even true when it opened.
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  jelder8 said:
You can't flat out lie to them like that.

Says who? All the people boycotting Six Flags Great America over the wording of the marketing for their new coaster?

And, to answer your question, it is correct, actually. Tallest drop, fastest wooden coaster, steepest wooden coaster. At this point, it is still true. And they probably won't change it, just like Kingda Ka is still "the tallest and fastest coaster in the world" and El Toro has been the "Worlds best wooden coaster." Why? Because nobody cares.

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  Imagineer Josh said:
  n1ch0las said:
  jmillzy said:
I have heard that the rides with the longest lines are Goliath, Superman, and X-Flight. Is this true?


Substitute X-Flight with Raging Bull and those are typically your top three.


Raging Bull doesn't tend to get above 45 minutes, so yes X-Flight and those two are the longest. American Eagle has the shortest line, and never really gets above 20 minutes


6 or 7 years ago I'd agree with you on the Raging Bull thing. Substitute poor operations, flash pass increases, and a whole lotta teenagers in that EAP line though and suddenly one full queue house means a 90 minute wait.

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  jelder8 said:
Does it bother anyone else that on the back of the park map it says "world's tallest, steepest, fastest?" Come on six flags! Get your sht together! The GP is stupid, but You can't flat out lie to them like that. Not cool.


The GP believes the truth in this case! It doesn't bother me it says it because, as of last check, Goliath does happen to have the Guinness Book of World Records for Tallest (drop), Steepest, Fastest wooden coaster. The latter of which it will lose when Lightning Rod opens. So maybe you should check the facts!


  jelder8 said:
Is it worth the trip to go to sfgam from Minnesota?


Yes it is. But did you really criticize what a park says (while its the truth) without ever having been there?

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  Password121 said:
El Toro has been the "Worlds best wooden coaster."


While I don't care about the misleading language they use anyway, this one isn't technically wrong because it's completely arbitrary and opinion based. And to be fair a lot of seasoned riders probably do rank this as their #1 wood coaster (though it's debatable by it's very nature).


  Coasterguy21 said:
The GP believes the truth in this case! It doesn't bother me it says it because, as of last check, Goliath does happen to have the Guinness Book of World Records for Tallest (drop), Steepest, Fastest wooden coaster. The latter of which it will lose when Lightning Rod opens. So maybe you should check the facts!


This is just every coaster enthusiast stereotype ever all rolled into one post. Posts like this are why I can't stand the vast majority of coaster enthusiasts. Who cares? Calm down. lol

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  coasterbill said:
  Coasterguy21 said:
The GP believes the truth in this case! It doesn't bother me it says it because, as of last check, Goliath does happen to have the Guinness Book of World Records for Tallest (drop), Steepest, Fastest wooden coaster. The latter of which it will lose when Lightning Rod opens. So maybe you should check the facts!


This is just every coaster enthusiast stereotype ever all rolled into one post. Posts like this are why I can't stand the vast majority of coaster enthusiasts. Who cares? Calm down. lol


I don't care that it has those records. I like it because it is a good ride in my opinion! I was just pointing out the fact that it does, indeed, hold those records because of the manner of his post blasting the park for advertising it that way. Even if it weren't true, they could advertise it any way they want. And I am not a ride or die enthusiast, there are a lot more important things to me honestly. He was blasting a park that wasn't false advertising it anyway. Excuse me for saying they weren't false advertising. But if that comes across as stereotypical, then so be it! Do not really care at all. And you also missed a few stereotypes, some of which appear in your own posts. So pot meet kettle. But it's whatever, obviously it is bound to happen on this site. We all can be stereotypical every now and then I guess.


  Password121 said:

Yeah that's exactly my point. Not everything on park maps, park website, the Internet... Well, not much of anything "has" to be true. And usually nobody really cares except some coaster enthusiasts and it almost never matters.


You'd be surprised. That's why marketing exists. And it goes a long way! Even false advertising. Its a human stigma but people believe what they want to believe anyway. So yeah I guess it doesn't really matter in the end. I prefer coasters of more quality than records, but records do have a certain draw to them to more people than just enthusiasts. We studied a whole section about that in one of my marketing classes and how amusement parks specifically put that spin on it to boost revenue.

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