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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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what I do not like, and that has nothing to do with the theme of the area

Except they are moving the entrance to SW Territory towards the restrooms & concession stand down by Ricochet and River Rocker... The area will be its own thing... This area has never had a "Southwest" feel to it anyways, even with SWA there...

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what I do not like, and that has nothing to do with the theme of the area

Except they are moving the entrance to SW Territory towards the restrooms & concession stand down by Ricochet and River Rocker... The area will be its own thing... This area has never had a "Southwest" feel to it anyways, even with SWA there...


Agreed. Southwest Territory always felt more authentic In between Viper and River Rocker. The Amphitheater area always felt bland and too open

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still find it interesting that this is the amphitheater that was chosen to remove. I've only been to SFGAm once, and its been many, many years, but from what I understand from posts on here the Wilderness Theater is hardly ever used.

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I still find it interesting that this is the amphitheater that was chosen to remove. I've only been to SFGAm once, and its been many, many years, but from what I understand from posts on here the Wilderness Theater is hardly ever used.

The amphitheater is used even less and takes up much more space.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This new Onion article mentions Six Flags Great America




Roller Coaster Designer’s Artistic Vision Sullied By Fantastic Four Tie-In


GURNEE, IL—Insisting that every ounce of integrity had been removed from his creation, roller coaster designer Jonathan Leeman told reporters Friday that Six Flags Great America’s egregious incorporation of the Fantastic Four into his ride had completely sullied his artistic vision. “I didn’t spend a year crafting each corkscrew, hammerhead turn, and dive loop of this ride to have it tarnished with a blue-and-silver color scheme and cars painted to vaguely resemble Mister Fantastic and Doctor Doom,” said Leeman, shaking his head and remarking that, had he known it was going to have a 20-foot-tall number 4 mounted to the side of it, he never would have added a 17-story lift hill. “This ride was supposed to be purely about the thrills, the choreographed push and pull of G-forces, but look at it now: a garish mishmash of steel, comic book art, and speakers that endlessly blare The Thing’s awful roar. It’s a hideous perversion of what it once stood for.” At press time, Leeman was reportedly relieved to learn that his newest idea for an inverted coaster would, in contrast, be subtly complemented and enhanced by several tasteful likenesses of Yosemite Sam.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope that trees and flowers are planted around the building to help shield the "industrial" look of it. I know it will have the nice façade like the SFStL and SFOT versions, but that will just be one side.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Are you locals looking forward to JLBFM? My home park is SFStL. It is a fantastic ride. It still has some kinks to be worked out, but all in all a great addition.

I think most people will be looking forward to this... It's something that the park hasn't seen before... Add in an A/C ride and you have a hit for sure....

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I love the ride and think it will be a fantastic addition to the park. That being said, given the crowds that occur on a daily basis at SFGAm, I don't see the queue ever getting below a 2 hr wait.


I hope that will draw people away from Goliath's que.

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