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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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  -Edge of Beast- said:
I'm guessing they're just gonna trash the station sooner or later. I don't know what would go in that area. I'd be amazed if they put a new coaster there in the future, but that probably won't happen for a few years.


I'm not sure if they're in storage, but I can see some of the flats from Looney Tunes National Park going into the area by Camp Cartoon behind Spacley's Sprocket Rockets. As for where the entrance is, who knows. I'd like to see a major flat ride or two or a dark ride built. It's been a long time since we've had a flat ride built, and something like a Gerstlauer Sky Fly or S&S Screamin Swing would be great.


Then again, who knows. Maybe we'll end up with SFNE's Flashback in that area...hell, paint it green and call it Deja vu.

Edited by Airtime&Gravity
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People always complain about having three yellow coasters all semi-close to each other and I don't understand why. You never notice it when you're in the park and even if you do you're never going to think "OMG three yellow coasters?! I don't like that!!", you just keep doing what you were doing that day.

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  Airtime&Gravity said:
I'm not sure if they're in storage, but I can see some of the flats from Looney Tunes National Park going into the area by Camp Cartoon behind Spacley's Sprocket Rockets.


They are, the lady bugs are backstage and some of the ride cars were in between Condor and Superman this summer, not sure if they were moved or not. I'd be surprised if they already scrapped any of them, they seem to hold on to things for a few years. I'd like to see a few of them put in the old areas with kiddie rides like HTS near Orbit, or the bees back in YH. SWT could use a kiddie ride too. But I think the ladybugs might be done for, as those closed after the 2009 season, and the rest closed after the 2010 season.

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  traincrossin said:
People always complain about having three yellow coasters all semi-close to each other and I don't understand why. You never notice it when you're in the park and even if you do you're never going to think "OMG three yellow coasters?! I don't like that!!", you just keep doing what you were doing that day.


We have 3 yellow coasters? Seriously, this is how much I pay attention to the color of a coaster. Just go and ride it!!!

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  Jojo19799 said:
  traincrossin said:
People always complain about having three yellow coasters all semi-close to each other and I don't understand why. You never notice it when you're in the park and even if you do you're never going to think "OMG three yellow coasters?! I don't like that!!", you just keep doing what you were doing that day.


We have 3 yellow coasters? Seriously, this is how much I pay attention to the color of a coaster. Just go and ride it!!!


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  Jojo19799 said:
  traincrossin said:
People always complain about having three yellow coasters all semi-close to each other and I don't understand why. You never notice it when you're in the park and even if you do you're never going to think "OMG three yellow coasters?! I don't like that!!", you just keep doing what you were doing that day.


We have 3 yellow coasters? Seriously, this is how much I pay attention to the color of a coaster. Just go and ride it!!!

Why do people have to bitch about the small things!!! Did they ever notice that Cedar Point has 4 coasters with red track, 5 if you count Mantis. I don't see what the big deal is. If they are good thats all that matters to me!

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  • 3 weeks later...
PhysiX Day Educational 5/15

Six Flags Great America hosts the annual PhysiX Day private event on Tuesday, May 15. Be one of the first people to ride the all-new

X-Flight. X-Flight will be open exclusively for PhysiX Day guests before it opens to the general public. The PRIVATE PhysiX Day is open to physics teachers and students only. Please contact SFGAMspecialevents@sixflags.com for more information.



So not only is X-Flight not going to be open for opening day, but it won't be open for everyone?!

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  traincrossin said:
PhysiX Day Educational 5/15

Six Flags Great America hosts the annual PhysiX Day private event on Tuesday, May 15. Be one of the first people to ride the all-new

X-Flight. X-Flight will be open exclusively for PhysiX Day guests before it opens to the general public. The PRIVATE PhysiX Day is open to physics teachers and students only. Please contact SFGAMspecialevents@sixflags.com for more information.



So not only is X-Flight not going to be open for opening day, but it won't be open for everyone?!


Good thing I'm taking a high school Physics class right now!

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