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Dave's Restaurant & Food Thread

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^Haven't been there. I'll have to go there at some point, though I won't be eating the mussles, as I don't like them.


There should be an update here today, as I made it out to CR WINGS in Bel Air for some awesome wings, but forgot the camera! Oh well, I'll make it back there again. I just know Robb will enjoy seeing the photos, as we used to eat there all the time.


Anyway, more updates this week, including a new fun game you can play along at home!



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How can I get a chain restaurant to build a location in my town?

Our town doesn't have a single "sit down" supper type of chain restaurant. We have a decent sized college, 5 or 6 bars that get packed every night, a computer software company that employs over a hundred people, but no one to really finance purchasing an entire franchise. Are there restaurants that will just place a business in a town much like WalMart does? I'm pretty sure you can't buy a "WalMart franchise"... Is there a group of, like, venture capital people who will consider investing in restaurants?


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OK, time for some updates. As you may or may not know, I went to Las Vegas a few weeks ago, and when I go to Vegas, I go there for one main reason: To Eat! Vegas is PACKED with awesome restaurants, and I visited quite a few while I was there, which I'll be documenting for you over the next week or so.


We're also going to start playing a new game here. And that game is called...





Yes, you can now guess whether or not Falafel would be able to find something on the menu that she would actually eat. The answer will be revealed with each following update, so you can keep track of your score at home. Hope you enjoy. If not, blame her, as it was her idea! Seriously, you guys should see the ideas we come up with on AIM. Actually, you probably shouldn't, as most peoples' brains are not equipped to handle our extreme nonsense...


Anyway, for the first Las Vegas update, we'll take a look at THE GRAND LUX CAFE AT THE VENETIAN.


If you have checked ou the Dave Goes To Las Vegas update, you'll know that I stayed at The Venetian on my latest trip to Vegas. The Grand Lux Cafe is in the hotel, inside the casino. It's run by the same company that runs Cheesecake Factory, and features an equally huge menu. The other advantage is that it is open 24 hours, so it's always easy to get something decent to eat.


Anyway, after arriving at the hotel around 9 PM and dumping all my stuff in the room, I headed down for a late meal, which I've photographed below. Don't forget to guess if Falafel would eat here! Enjoy!




My meal was cedar plank salmon. And it was tasty! And huge! I pretty much only ate the fish, ignoring the other stuff, as the portion size was just insane. Next update soon!

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Dave, this thread gets better and better. If I'm ever in the Baltimore area, I'd love to check out some of these places you've discussed.


As for Falafel, I don't know if she'd eat at that place or not. There doesn't seem to be any kind of quirky cool humorous stuff that draw her to the place. But then, I dont' know either of you so well, so I'm kind of grasping at straws.


Even so, I'm enjoying the food updates and have a new appreciation for unique restaurants.

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OK, so breakfast the next day was again at the Grand Lux Cafe, since it was right there. I had an omelette that was full of peppers and other spicy stuff, and it was amazing.


Since I ate at the same place as in my previous update, we'll continue this round of "WOULD FALAFEL EAT HERE?". So keep playing at home!




Yummy breakfast! Nice and spicy!

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OK, before the next update, we have to answer the question of WOULD FALAFEL EAT HERE?


And the answer is...





This place has a HUGE menu, and it's even possible to find something here that Falafel would eat! Likely chicken strips or pancakes, but still, there is actually food available here for her.


Thus concludes the first round. Next part coming up!



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So the next Vegas restaurant I visited was THE MESA GRILL. I had eaten here the last time I visited Vegas, and it immediately got into my person Top Ten Restaurants Ever list. The menu chnages all the time, but it features all sorts of southwestern/TexMex takes on all sorts of differen dishes. If you like interesting spicy food, this is the place to visit! My meal here was just as good as the last one, and I'm pretty sure that I'll be visiting here every time I make it out to Vegas from now on (I was pleased to discover that you can get full menu at the bar, so this means if I have some time during the TPR Vegas add-on, I'll be able to get in for a meal without having to make a reservation).


As always, ask yourself WOULD FALAFEL EAT HERE? Enjoy!




For dessert, it was warm chocolate cake with ice cream. This could easily be labeled as Crack, as it was totally addicting. I don't eat a lot of dessert, but I usually will get one in nicer places like this, since they'll usually employ a really good pastry chef. Anyway, thus concludes my meal at The Mesa Grill! Next Vegas food update soon!


Main course was a blue corn crusted halibut with salsa and tomatoes. Spicy and very tasty, I highly recommend this if it's on the menu if you visit.


For an appetizer, I had a chicken and black bean quesadilla. Excellent.


Any meal here must be started with a tasty margarita!


The Mesa Grill is located in Caesar's Palace, and is a Bobby Flay restaurant.

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Mmmmmmmmmmmm! Mesa Grill! How I miss you so.


My answer to the Falafel question is most likely not. I think she might try it. Only problem is, when she finally found something she would eat, it might not be on the menu the next time she visited. She likes consistency. Mesa grill is anything but that.


Guy "How close am I to being right?" Koepp

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1) Falafel would not eat at Mesa Grill


2) Derek, Robb, and I went here a few years back and it was AMAZING! I didn't eat much, but what I did pick at was very good.


3) I really hate Bobby Flay! As much as I like his restaurants and stuff, I just can't stand him!!! Plus our lunch for three was over $300!!!!

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I really hate Bobby Flay! As much as I like his restaurants and stuff, I just can't stand him!!! Plus our lunch for three was over $300!!!!


For $300 for lunch you better have received a table dance from Mr. Flay or something.

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^This is the sort of restaurant that you're likely going to spend about $100/person, especially if you get a bottle of wine or other alcohol. I don't mind paying money for actual quality food, which this place certainly has.


The website has a menu with prices for those that are interested. Just be advised that they change the menu all the time, so consider the one on the site more of a "sample" of the types of dishes that will be available when you go.



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^I've done ~$100/person dinners and not felt ripped off. For lunch that's really getting up there for me though. I guess I'm too used to running to the crappy deli across from work so that I can pick something up and work through lunch.

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From what I understand of Flay, he basically doesnt get involved in his restaurants much anymore, most of its licensing/consulting. Im guessing Food Network pays him too much to be an ass on TV. Unlike Emeril, who actually makes a point to visit his restaurants on a regular basis in between doing Emeril Green and other projects.

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From what I understand of Flay, he basically doesnt get involved in his restaurants much anymore, most of its licensing/consulting. Im guessing Food Network pays him too much to be an a$$ on TV. Unlike Emeril, who actually makes a point to visit his restaurants on a regular basis in between doing Emeril Green and other projects.


I've heard a bit of a different story actually. My mom managed to go to Mesa Grill once and he was working the grill, which if you've been there is quite visible. He was also signing books for any costumers that wanted him too. I'm sure with how many tv shows he is on now, he has to stick to his NY restaurants, but he always seems to be at Bar American for Throwdown.


I managed to eat at Mesa Grill with my girlfriend for dinner including alcohol and desserts for roughly $50 a person. Granted, we didn't have much alcohol, but everything was delicious. Great update!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the lack of updates, I have just been insanely busy with various projects. I'm going to try and get totally caught up with these before I head off to Scandinavia.


Anyway, before the next update, it's time to answer the question about the Mesa Grill: WOULD FALAFEL EAT HERE?


NO! There is nothing even remotely close to what she might eat here on the menu! So that's the answer, remember to keep score at home!

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OK, so when wandering around Vegas, I decided I needed some lunch. I was in the Miracle Mile shopping area at the time, and spotted something called CHEESEBURGER LAS VEGAS. While I wasn't in the mood for a burger, given what I was going to eat that night (which you'll learn about soon), I decided to eat here anyway. I ended up having a chicken salad sandwich, which was pretty tasty. I'll have to try a burger her next time.


Now, as always, it's time to play WOULD FALAFEL EAT HERE?


Next update soon...




Chicken salad sandwich, complete with festive umbrella!

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