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JZ's KIC Diamondback Construction Tour!

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Hello TPR!


In January, KIC was going to have a Diamondback Construction Tour...but due to mass amounts of snow and ice, it was canceled and postponed until yesterday!


I have to say, I was really nervous during the walkback because it was:


-Just cold enough so where the rain wouldn't turn to snow

-Dirty Lenses


And I'm proud to say I did my best to make these shots what they are! Please comment, and enjoy!



The tour started off with a walk down International Street; coming up to the International Showplace, we get our first looks.


Coming around through Nick U, here's the gran pano-rama.


Dane man! Not lookin' too good! Boddah looks concerned, too


Red Beards' Revenge was in the building that was here.


Here's the overview of the station and the entrance/exit.





As we continued down towards Rivertown, you see the second hill. That's right, second hill.


The station's kind of western..ish...plain....meh.


Mm....first drop goodness.


230ft at 74*...yum.


That's a lot of airtime in one photo.


Hello up thar.

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Saw your photos and I definately cannot wait until late summer when I take a few friends with me to Kings Island and ride the DIAMONDBACK.


Of course, the pictures also showed how everything isn't beautified yet with the construction still yet to be completed and how glooming the whole area looks with heavy overcast. Yep, the construction phrase makes everything look ugly. But just wait until the construction has been completed, the season changes, the weather starts getting warmer, and the bright yellow sun comes out to play, and that ride is going to look awesome!!!


"Carowinds is getting the Carolina Cobra and Kings Island is getting the Diamondback. Why isn't Kings Dominion getting their own coaster named after a snake?"


"Kings Dominion at one time did have their own snake-themed coaster called the King Kobra. But because the coaster broke down a lot, they had to take the ride out because it was "hissing" riders off when it broke down.


"Aww, kiss my !!!


"Hey, that's my line. You own me a royality, like your soul!!!

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I hope you guys like twisty, because snakes do too.


Diamondback's supports are within reach, so all you enthusiasts can hug away


Old and new


No, no, no, no...that's the second hill dude.


Cedar Fair should go crazay over this red track. It's amazing.


Check my title.


I forgot which angle this was taken at, but every way I turn it...it's amazing.


Flip'd....90 DEGREESE!!!


I have a feeling you will turn to jello at the bottom of this drop.


Money shot!


Out of MCBR...into ravine.


Wait...B&M....in Kings Island?


Someone's going to LOVE this.


Yeah, it goes RIGHT up and over the Crypt.


Then, it roars right over your head before splashing in puddles like a little kid.


Diamondback has a loop! If I'm wrong, Email DAN! mrt0ad@aol.com (or something like that )


Beast get some work for turning 30 this year.




Bringin' sexy back. Yup!


I really, really hope the single rider line isn't like Maverick's.


There's even airtime into the brake run!


Take one!


Take two!


Take three!


By now, we were in freezing rain.


I'd ride it in the freezing rain.


Train one, box 4, WC HYPER COASTER....Wheel covers?


Big, bad, and full of venom.


Thanks for showing us around, Don! ....let's get the hell outa here, I can't feel my face or hands!


Thanks for read...


Woah, you're not going to show them the really good part?


Dude, come on.




Oh..the trains!


There they are...those sexy beasts.


Mr. Green Train....nice fangs.


And the Orange Train




Thanks for reading guys! Comments appreciated!


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Looks like a great ride. KI needed a good hyper. My only negative comment is how Cedar Fair just seems to hate trees. They just clear cut everything in the DB's area. One of the things that made that part of KI unique was all the trees, but not any more. This ride would have been even better if they had left some of the trees back in the woods, so that DB could have had a more Beast type experience.

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Beast get some work for turning 30 this year.


Okay...it's late and I am too lazy to search. Is KI re-tracking Beast? Taking off the trims? Painting?


And the biggest question...should we have a 30 page topic of speculation if no one knows?


My vote is that they tear down SOB and pump it into more theming, retracking, brake removal and more renovation into the parks crown jewel. Hey, don't laugh...Diamondback isn't even open yet!


The Beast is still KING of the Island....even tho.......it is not.........really..........an island

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Beast get some work for turning 30 this year.


Okay...it's late and I am too lazy to search. Is KI re-tracking Beast? Taking off the trims? Painting?


And the biggest question...should we have a 30 page topic of speculation if no one knows?


My vote is that they tear down SOB and pump it into more theming, retracking, brake removal and more renovation into the parks crown jewel. Hey, don't laugh...Diamondback isn't even open yet!


The Beast is still KING of the Island....even tho.......it is not.........really..........an island


Beast is just getting a re-done entrance. If they took out the trims, it would tear itself apart....it recently got track work, infact, I'm pretty sure it's updated with new wood all season.


SoB won't be torn down strictly for the records, and frankly, I like SoB. It's height, and speed...I like that. It's a fun ride.


For those who want, feel free to use my pics as wall paper, just don't distribute them. Personal use is always cool with me.


If you'd like a higher resolution, email me!

-JZ boothe_z09@moeller.org

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