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About ragerunner

  • Birthday 07/01/1970

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  1. I live on the south side of Denver in Castle Rock and I have a season pass.
  2. If they end up adding a DC themed interactive dark ride with all these other changes and additions, they are going to have a great superhero themed 'land' area.
  3. I am glad to see Elitch getting some love. I think the remodel of the kids area with the new rides and theater are a welcomed addition. Plus the new Tantrum will be fun. What I am really looking forward to is the new night time show. If they can improve on Ignight (which was very good until it was reduced do to complaints from residents in the area) from last year, than it should be VERY good. Add in more flowers/landscaping and they are clearly headed in the right direction. Hopefully next year we will see a quality coaster addition with some good theming.
  4. A new alpine coaster has opened in Breckenridge, CO. Here is an article about the new coaster (halfway down the page). I have also found a youtube video of the ride. I hope to get some photos in the next few weeks. http://www.realvail.com/blog/261/New-Breckenridge-alpine-coaster-a-blast-for-the-kids-after-or-during-a-day-on-the-slopes Youtube - This is the second Alpine Coaster in Colorado. The other one is located at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park. The Caverns also have one wicked Giant Swing that swings out over the Canyon about 1,300 feet in the air. Check both rides out. http://glenwoodcaverns.com/thrill-rides-in-glenwood-springs.html#swing
  5. Dick Kinzel reminds me a lot of Bobby Knight. During a period of time their philosophy and approach put them at the top of their industry, but they refused to adjusted as the industry changed. They finally were unable to produce a product that keep them and their 'team' at the top of the industry.
  6. I was at Elitch Gardens on Sat. and they have put up a new construction fence back by the flying coaster and the plaza area near it. Large construction equipment is already on site and they have started removing the concrete in the plaza area and have some significant digging taking place. It pretty clear this is more than just removing the Flying Coaster. I will try and get pics up next week. So what is it? A lot of talk is either for a Eurofighter type ride or a large family coaster. Anyone know more?
  7. Elitch is actually a very well maintained park. Lots of new paint, nice landscaped grounds, good shows, nice waterpark and a great location. Elitch could use a star coaster, like many have said, but its far from being 'ghetto'.
  8. It really is a great waterpark. I have been to Disney waterparks, Splash'n Safari, and many others. But, this park really is top notch. You could easily spend a day and half or two without any problems.
  9. Thanks for the info. The cable car system always seemed very business and a good way to get up the hill from one side of the park to the other.
  10. Yes, The speed slide with the extra little hump starts slow but really gives a nice pop on the final hill.
  11. It was a weekday and I took most of the pics when the park was closing. It was a lot business earlier in the day. With that said, the crowds were nothing like a weekend or holiday time. I know around the 4th they hit 11,000 on one of the days. That is a lot for a waterpark. RFID bands. Yes, I believe so.
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