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Hard Rock / Freestyle Music Park Discussion Thread

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Oh I cant wait to see what the ride names will be.


Here are some guesses:

Freestyle Kiddie Coaster

Freestyle Mine train

Freestyle Big Shiny Coaster

Freestyle Coaster that looks like a Ferris Wheel but doesn't work

Freestyle Wet Coaster


Freestyle Swinging

Freestyle Mudding

Freestyle Driving

Freestyle Spinning Ride


Freestyle Pit

Freestyle Play Area

Freestyle Bandstand

Freestyle Stunt Show

Freestyle Ice Show


Freestyle Bandstand

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I mean, if you're going to land on a name as bad as "Freestlye Music Park" you might well have just called it "Soft Rock Park" and licensed Kenny Loggins.




You're screaming like a mimi every time I come near you but like a Kenny Loggin's record, no one's ever gonna hear you.

The Bloodhound Gang


I really hope this is just a temporary name until the come up with something permanent. It may be, since They have to change everything in such a short amount of time.


Here are a few of my ideas for park and ride names.


Park - Music City


Led Zepplin - Heavy Metal, Iron Man(the song not the movie), Metal Mania, Thunder Strike( with the AC/DC song Thunder Struck playing)


Eagles - Midnite Rider(I always like that better anyway), Gypsy Road(Cinderella), The Highway Man, Country Thunder


replace the Bohemian Rapsody with Bon Jovi's Lay your hands on me

Rip Slippery When Wet out of the ground and scrap it. Bon Jovi deserved so much better.

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This is just the best name/idea/concept ever for a park!


The possibilities are endless! Especially now that they haven't backed themselves into a corner with that evil, vile, amusement killing rock music! It's every type of music now. Can't you all see how much better that is than just rock n'roll?! The advertising for this practically takes care of itself.


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Oh, please let there be a Photoshop contest for this...

There already was a Photoshop contest for this.


It seems like they're trying to capture a larger audience by naming the park some generic name.


As for the actual name, it doesn't seem too bad. It could've been worse. And the logo is better than the CF and SF logo.

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Ok, I agree HRP's new 'name' is a bit less than imaginative. Frankly, I thought it was a horrible mistake/typo ... or possibly a secret Lost-like subliminal encoded message.


A quick rearrangement of the letters comes up with:


A Perfect Silky Serum




A Priests' Fluky Creme


I know, both of those are equally disturbing for a variety of reasons. Especially that last one ...

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There already was a Photoshop contest for this.


Sorry, I meant ideas revolving around the new name, not the one for park ideas a couple of months back.


P.S. I refuse to call it "Freestyle Music" if they neglect the inclusion of the Boston Pops.

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This new name is made of fail. Seriously, I haven't been so dumbfounded by a park's decision to rename something since Cedar Fair came up with Flight Deck. In fact, this is far worse, and I bet Dick Kinzel is glad to have the pressure off his parks from the criticisms of bad names, because Freestyle Music Park is the new rock bottom.

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This just in Freestyle Music Park has made a name change to market people in from all around the world. We spoke to the manager of the park and we quote, "We have changed the name of the park and the overall theme as to attract more attention to the park, and we are very pleased with our feedback, though the neighboring city doesn't enjoy it, we talked to some pedo's on the internet and they said they thought it was a great idea."


Further investigation has found a new logo for the park as well...


This is what we found...


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