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Liseberg Discussion Thread

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All the themed and built new areas and buildings look great, Peter!


I am sooo looking forward to (soon) getting back to this park, lol.



P.S. The Rabbit looks more B U L K I E R than less greener, heh heh.

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You are all welcome!


I think the rabbits have a much better proportion than the older ones, it seems like they have changed the suit so that the person inside look out through the eyes instead of the mouth like they did on the older model. Also the new shade of pink and green is much more easy on the eyes

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Attended today the premier opening for the season. The weather started with clear skies but then it started to hail and rain after 20 minutes the sun return



Some of the new buildings


Entrance to the new Kanin Landet


A overview of the new Old Timers


A view of the new Old Timers



Looks really god in the sun


A new waterwheel




The rabbits has some new vehicles



It looks that the kids really likes the new playarea "Bushållplatsen"



The new boardwalk looks really nice


The new boardwalk looks really nice


Balder both looks and rides god :)


Liseberg have contracted the old rabbits as circus performers to do dangerous stunts

After my visit at Liseberg I attended the Swedish Master for autonomous robots at the Chalmers University of Technology.

In a fountain on the campus was Red Bull having a wakeboard competition







A robot that makes waffles


Stockcar-robots competetions




Sumo wrestling for robots


The yellow robot won the round


It looks like the GPs really likes the new area at Liseberg.


/// Marcus

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^^ That what was missing on the press day, People!!

Having people around you is a must on such a place


And the right number of people too. Packed parks can be just as bad as empty parks.

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^ True that! But Liseberg is rarely that crowded, usually only if there is some major concert in the park.


Helix update


Images of the construction of the footers have been posted on the Unofficial Helix FB page:


Loads of soon to be footers:



Construction headquarters just beside the old Ferris Wheel:



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I don't know if anybody here (except for the Swedes) has seen it, but Liseberg has been really hurt lately from an insane advertising campaign they decided to run.


Read more here


Basically what it does is that there is a poster with a crying child that says "Some kids are forced to go to Mallorca this summer", and down in the corner it says "Liseberg, happy kids guaranteed"


What I'm most upset about is that when the poverty is getting bigger thanks to the economy, and a lot of children won't be able to go to Liseberg, they decide to run a campaign that basically says that it is a pity for children who "has to go on a sunny vacation".


The media around this has been HUGE. It has been on the news, in articles and even a prime time TV debate.

People working at Liseberg has even received death threats.


Liseberg defends itself with "the message has been taken out of context" and "we thought people would laugh".

They also claimed that they have tried it on people before running the campaign and that no one thought of poverty.


Personally I think it's really bad taste that they decided to run this, and I really don't understand how they could not see what was going to come at them, after this campaign.


A funny thing is that it shocked the tourist sector in Crete, with the Association of Hoteliers in Chania complaining directly to the Swedish ambassador in Athens.


The president of the Association M. Giannoulis commented to local media Flashnews “I understand that this company wants to attract customer, but not with such methods.”


The Association sent a complain letter to Swedish embassy in Athens, to Foreign and Tourism Ministry and hope that Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni will solve the issue. Kefalogianni is due to visit Sweden on Thursday in an effort to stimulate the flow of Swedish tourists to Greece.


I can understand the way that they have thought when coming up with this idea, but not the way they decided to do it.

Anyway, I won't write more about this matters, but the campaign has really hurt the park, and they have for sure lost a lot of customers by this.



The CEO of Liseberg has posted a well written letter about the subject on his blogg, you can find it here (google translation needed)

Andreas blogg

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Watch the park's social media.


And yes, when you get you're own TV debate for this kind of stuff, it is extremely hurtful.

I have not even met one person that is not upset about this.

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Wow. I just read up more on this and the translated response from Andreas Andersen's blog.


Interesting to see the irrational responses from a few people who claim the campaign is promoting child rape, while these complainers send pictures of dead babies to the park and threaten the staff. Sounds like some Swedes need to lighten up.


Regarding offending other countries. Too bad. Liseberg has an obligation to the people of Gothenburg and Sweden first. Isn't Liseberg still technically owned by Liseberg through a subsidiary/holding company?


If the governments of Italy and Greece (Crete) don't like it let them run ad campaigns telling people not to visit Liseberg. Sounds like Crete is just looking for a way to generate free publicity and the TV network jumped all over it because controversy = viewers.

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I have not even met one person that is not upset about this.

You obviously haven't met me then.

I didn't care for this thing at all and I don't really see what the fuss is all about. As Larrygator said, people really need to lighten up and see it for what it is and not literally. But I do have to say that I much rather go to Liseberg than any of those places posted in the advertising.


Isn't Liseberg still technically owned by Liseberg through a subsidiary/holding company?

Well it's pretty complicated. Liseberg is run like a normal Joint-stock company, but it's really a Municipal company wholly-owned by the city, thus owned by all the people living in Gothenburg. No Holding company's, private investors or anything like that. They have at times received loads of complaints about this, due to people think that the municipality give the park money at will to bail them out/by attractions for them, etc. Also much of Liseberg's operation is hidden due to be able to compete with other amusements parks, but since it's also an municipal company then all the operations should be open to the public so that they could be reviewed by anyone. It's really a tough balancing act for Liseberg between being a Joint-stock and Municipal company.


Also forgot to post this yesterday:


Happy 90:th anniversary Liseberg!!

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Now how about we go after Grona Lund (see photo)


for this Thematic BLUNDER that is on permanent (for now) display, for all to see.


Even ... The Children.

(And the clothes all eventually end up in the locker, kiddies.)





I mean, really?


Words - can't - describe... :p

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Interesting to see the irrational responses from a few people who claim the campaign is promoting child rape, while these complainers send pictures of dead babies to the park and threaten the staff. Sounds like some Swedes need to lighten up.


This. As disgusted as some may be by the advertising, doing the stuff written here is even more disgusting.


I didn't care for this thing at all and I don't really see what the fuss is all about. As Larrygator said, people really need to lighten up and see it for what it is and not literally.


So you don't se how how people could get upset about it?


When it comes to commercial it needs to be 100% idiot proof.

The messages needs to be clear from the start, you can't leave anything for people to interpret as they want, like they done here. Especially not things that are as sensitive as this, after all this is Sweden.


The thing I'm most annoyed by is the park.

They all live in this country and they know how it work, they should have predicted the shitstorm coming. The fact that the CEO wrote on his blog that before running it they were not sure if it would be received as planned should have been enough to decide not to do it.


There are so many other ways to do great commercials.


This is silly....really silly.

Well, not really. When you have done a commercial that people get offended by, then it's not really silly.

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So you don't see how how people could get upset about it?

In a way yes, but I also blame social media for over hyping it to extreme proportions. Just because most people are hunting "likes", "re-tweets", etc. to feel happy then things like these gets out of hand. And as always with these things, you only hear from those that complain about it, not the rest. And since most newspapers today are sensationalistic (especial Aftonbladet and similar "evening papers"), then these things will be blown into even bigger proportions.


But as I said before, I would love to go to any theme park (especially Liseberg) than to sit on a hot beach all day and feel miserable.


Oh and Bill, that's an awesome photo

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Personally I don't see what the fuzz is about either.


But is this really such bad press? I don't really see this harming the number of visitors they'll welcome this year. If they actually had a discussion show dedicated to this subject, im sure they had a lot more press time than they would have with a normal campaign.

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Hi guys,

Here's a question for you:

I have an option to visit one of these parks at the end of June for 1 day (hopefully 2)

As i have 2 free days in london:


Thorpe park in England

Liseberg or Gruna Lund in sweden (i can't believe i can squeeze these 2 in 2 days unfortunatly).


My heart goes for the sweden parks.

I read all those great reviews about both parks,Especially balder.

But i think that now that Gruna Lund has it's own good wooden coaster - It might just be a bit more attractive as a park?


What do you think?




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well i guess i'm ready to shell the extra $$ flying to sweden for 2 days,

I just can't decide to which park

The cheap flights timing is not good enough for doing both in 2 days, And i do not think it's worth the hussle doing half days in each park (as it is also a weekend)...

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This is silly....really silly.


I worked in advertising for 24 years and I agree with you. I've seem a lot of frivolous complaints about advertising brought up over the years and this rivals them in terms of foolishness.

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This is silly....really silly.


Yes it is. The media blows things like this way out of proportion. A few people don't get it and complain I can understand. Then the media gets involved and makes it seem like a bigger problem then it is. I miss the old days when the media actually reported news and didn't try to manufacture it.


At least with all this bad press the park will be empty next year when TPR visits!

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