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Liseberg Discussion Thread

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^Funny, my first funicular was the Quebec City one back in 2006 (I think it was then), and then my second was Magic Mountain's in 2010!


Great to see them spending the money to add something that isn't so much an 'attraction' as it is a means of improving the guest experience for all. Liseberg just seems like such a quality park with management who've really got their heads screwed on just right - definitely need to get here soon!

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^ I'm not sure how long this funicular have been in the planning (they haven't really made an official announcement of it yet here in Sweden), but it's really nice to see them to make an effort to help the people that need some extra assistance. One of the things that is really different about Liseberg compared to other posts, are as said in an earlier post, that they are owned by the city, and run in a "non profit" fashion, where the profits will come back to the people in the surrounding area and other visitors in terms of investments, lower prices, give free tickets to those who can't afford their own, etc. So I really hope that this ownership will last and not try and turn Liseberg to a profit driven park like most other, since there is so much love going on around Liseberg.


This funicular will also make it easier for Liseberg during the winter season, since at the moment there isn't a path up the mountain (never really is during the winter season) but they runs a minivan for everyone that can't take the escalator up to the top.


Edit to add: Won't ride it - I'm not disabled. Just old.

Well, sure it's aimed to the disabled ones, but as Andreas said at the convention, these things improves the visit for all people not just the disabled ones, so you will be more than welcome to ride it

Who knows Robb might try and get some ERT on it on the upcoming trip

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^ I think that it will be done for the opening of the next summer season, so April 2014. Especially seeing that Helix is more or less completed in that section, and it would be unnecessary to dig up the hill again after fixing it up after the Helix construction. We just have to wait for the press release to be published.

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^^ Seeing that they are digging up half of the hill-top due to Helix, then there is no time like the present to start work (as long as the temperatures allow for it). I guess that it have something to do with the last couple of years when the winter stayed on for a lot longer than planned, so that they only had a few short weeks to prepare the park for the start of the summer season, so starting early then there would be more time to finish of everything with time to spare. As a matter of fact, the first trees were put in several weeks ago, just before the behind the scenes tour.


^ Neither had I or anyone else outside the park until Andreas said it on the convention last week.


As Ap0ptosis said on the previous page:


Helix Blog Update - Landscaping have commenced

New blog post.


Liseberg is currently working on restoring the vegetation on the montain. Trees, boulders, bushes etc.

Meadow flowers and grass will be planted in the dirt areas.


Pictures in link.



It's going to be close in a couple of years


Working hard for your enjoyment


This image gives me Lapland flashbacks, just the snow that is missing to get the full effect


More tight trees

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^ Nope, we know nothing at all, just what Andreas Andersen said on the convention linked above, which means that we know that they are going to build one, that it will go between the bottom of the park and up to the tower complex and that it will cost 2M€, nothing more.

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Look at the girl in the back of the second car. She just appears to be scratching her face as if nothing special was happening.


I was too busy checking out the uplift on her boobs. It's miraculous what good airtime can do for clevage.

Hmmm I like your thinking sir

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