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Speed: The Ride in Las Vegas .... Closed?

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I do not think that some of you people understand that Vegas is going for a more upscale clientele, that's why the hotels probably look more generic to you who want theming and coasters.


Hotels these days are looking for guests who will enjoy there spa, shop in pricy stores and eat in restaurants to only cap it off in one of the upscale nightclubs in addition on spending $in the Casino


They make more money with one person like this then with a family of 5 who are looking for the 99 cent shrimp cocktail and $3.99 buffet


The Sahara was bought by SBE which is a big event company in Los Angeles and are running some of the biggest, more upscale clubs in Hollywood/ They also own the Sofitel Hotel across from the beverly center, which was transformed with upscale designer restaurants e.t.c.


I highly doubt a family rollercoaster is in there future plans for the Sahara. Hopefully it can be relocated, should be not to hard to do so

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Is anyone else amazed how Vegas seems determined to remove any sort of character from the casinos right now? Honestly who is going to want to go to a specific Casino when all of them look exactly the same and offer exactly the same entertainment?


Is this the death of the Vegas that was built up over the last several decades? I mean Star Trek is gone. Luxor is going generic. TI... Nothing else needs to be said there. I know there are tons of other examples but what is there going to be to attract people? People can gamble anywhere in Nevada...


I totally agree with you. That was the one major advantage to heading all the way out to Vegas to gamble was the rides, over-the-top themes, and the lights. Take all that out and I might as well just drive 4 hours to Windsor or Niagara Falls instead of flying across the country.


Speed was my favorite ride in the Southwest and I can't see myself going back to Vegas more and more hearing stuff like this. I guess if you want thrills and gambling together we still have Atlantic City?

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I totally agree with you. That was the one major advantage to heading all the way out to Vegas to gamble was the rides, over-the-top themes, and the lights. Take all that out and I might as well just drive 4 hours to Windsor or Niagara Falls instead of flying across the country.


Speed was my favorite ride in the Southwest and I can't see myself going back to Vegas more and more hearing stuff like this. I guess if you want thrills and gambling together we still have Atlantic City?


So, upgrading one of the most out-dated casinos on the worst side of the Strip is getting rid of over-the-top themes and lights? Last time I checked, newer casinos like the Paris and Venician are pretty over-the-top in theming, and the Bellagio fountains don't exactly kill the Strip atmosphere. Sure, it sucks for us that the best ride in Vegas is getting removed, but it didn't exactly draw massive crowds. And for the price of two rides on Speed, I could spend an entire day at Kennywood.


Can you honestly tell me that anything in Atlantic City is better than what Vegas still has at the Adventuredome or Strat?

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I have so many opinions on this topic, I dunno where to begin. I'm actually happy that I don't live there anymore, since everything that had attracted me to the city is now gone.


Circus Circus created the family niche and mastered it. Nobody will ever compete with it, and these days, nobody wants to anymore after the expensive mistakes of the 90's. (Cough MGM cough). I would actually make the prediction that the Sahara's decision to remove Speed isn't going to be the shocker of the decade. I give it 5 more years max, and New York, NY, and Stratosphere will be right behind them. I'm surprised they all actually lasted this long. The only other casino who's rides will survive is Buffalo Bill's, and that's only because of it's location.


I too, don't like the new "yuppy-club" trend of the city, where everything is so cleanly designed to be ultra-modern and sleek. Gimme back the neon and tacky light sequences that cover the facades that made it so unique that you felt like you were in the world's largest carnival.

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I'm suprised that Sahara would even consider taking Speed down, It is a truly unique shuttle coaster, but the hotel is a casino, and its in vegas, so its understandable that they want the hotel to be more of a casino. I wish they would take something else down instead.

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I do not think that some of you people understand that Vegas is going for a more upscale clientele, that's why the hotels probably look more generic to you who want theming and coasters.



Great analysis. Las Vegas would be thrilled to be known as the Monaco of the United States. Why would they want to sell 100 dinners that cost them $3 at $5 when they can sell one dinner that costs them $40 for $300 . Thanks to the economy, Vegas will never be the same. Although we think that the economy can't get worse, I think it will. It will be many years before recovery happens.


A coaster is simply a blip on the screen. When the convention business dries up, Vegas is in some serious s%$t. That won't show up for another year or so because many of the conventions for this year were booked back in the "good old days".


They MUST go after the top execs. The ones with the golden parachutes that will soon be flush with our tax money thanks to the bailout. (Yeah, I know that they are saying they will build that into the plan, but that's just a smokescreen).


This article is quite telling:




They could actually give the rooms away for free right now and people still wouldn't come. Airfare and fuel are just too high.

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Why would they shut it down now to reopen in february? Dont think that would happen. The reason they would put a sign saying "closed for the season" is that the ride is still featured on adertisments they put out over the summer and people might come to ride, so this gets them off the hook somehow.


The ride was not a big moneymaker, whenever I was there, nobody and i mean NOBODY was in line or even was going to purchase a ticket. They had sometimes 1 or 2 people on the ridewhen it launched.


I know some SBE people as I work for nightclubs in Hollywood, i know there mentality and a rollercoaster is not on there mind to deal with the hassle to operate


The only way the ride will survive there is if they would make it part of a nightclub. which would bring a unique twist to a club. But do you really want half drunk people on a coaster? Yeah, dont think so...


Ride is doomed

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^Well, obviously you have gotten the complete information and we should just close this thread.


Please...just because you called someone way down low on the totem poll and they gave you the line they've been instructed to give means absolutely nothing!!!!

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I am sure if you called costumer service at closing day for Geauga Lake they would have told you that they are looking forward to seeing you next year.


If i run into any of the Sbe people i know this week, i will ask of course and report back on here. They probably just do Los Angeles/Hollywood stuff but of course it can not hurt to ask

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^ HA!

Another funny thing for a Friday it was incredibly slow at the Adventuredome.

I went there with a friend today, the original plan was the ride Speed and go out for lunch, so we opted for Adventuredome. Rim Runner looked to be undergoing maintainance, no water and workers painting and repairing certain parts of the ride. Makes me wonder about the new coaster?? Why rehab a ride if it may be closing? But as far as attendance, there were only a couple of people on any of the rides. Lines were no where to be found. The longest wait was to buy wristbands!




May I ask what time were you at the dome? School is in session, so that always has an impact on daytime crowds even if it is a "getaway Friday." When I worked there, it never got hopping until about 6 or 7p on Friday nights unless it was a holiday weekend.


Oh BTW...im working FrightDome!

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I've got to be honest here. I'm a bit confused by the last couple of pages. I'm certainly not discrediting anyone's opinion on their own personal taste, and whether they approve of the "new Vegas." However, there is something that everyone seems to perhaps be overlooking.


Trends come and go. Big thrills come and go from all types of amusement locations around the globe. One thing will remain the same. Vegas will still be Vegas. People will still flock to it, if not for anything else, the name alone still means fun to most people. Sure, the new trend is the chic, slick, modern look; but as long as the city offers gaming, women, and alcohol, it can stand to lose a roller coaster or two and still do quite well.


Almost undoubtedly, ten years from now we'll probably see another huge swing in the way the city is viewed and/or marketed. And who knows, maybe even an actual theme park will appear somewhere along the line.


Again, markets rise and fall, trends come and go, but Vegas will always be Vegas....still one of, if not the most unique city in the world.


And as for Speed....it was really fun, I really enjoyed it, and it's probably done for. Even as a coaster enthusiast, coasters were only 4th or 5th down the list of reasons to visit anyway.

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