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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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This would be an amazing addition next year, and could be likely since we're the only Six Flags park with no wooden coaster.


Maybe they learned their lesson with Rattler?

Six Flags didn't build Rattler; Fiesta Texas did. Six Flags acquired the property in 1998.

Edited by ytterbiumanalyst
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This would be an amazing addition next year, and could be likely since we're the only Six Flags park with no wooden coaster.


Six Flags Mexico also has no wooden coaster since Medusa got converted.

Oh yeah, that place is a thing... right.

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This would be an amazing addition next year, and could be likely since we're the only Six Flags park with no wooden coaster.

Maybe they learned their lesson with Rattler?

Yeah. Destroy all RCCA coasters.

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I'm at the park right now. Just rode Batman for the first time and wow, VERY fun, unique, and quite an intense experience. Great addition to the park. Queue time at park open was an hour and a half including a short delay to add a 5th train to the circuit.


Currently I'm in line for Superman and there is a ride attendant at the ride entrance handing out regular admit one tickets. There is a security guard before the station that is checking the numbers on the tickets to make sure they are consecutive. If you don't have a ticket you are not permitted to ride. They are using this system to prevent line jumpers. It theoretically should work great, very cheap and effective idea. Props to the park for trying to make everyone's experience the best. I don't know how many or what rides are currently using this system, but I'll post to update if there are any more.


Park crowds are moderate/heavy as expected. Drove in 2 1/2 hours this morning from Houston to come to the park with friends and we're having a great time so far!

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This would be an amazing addition next year, and could be likely since we're the only Six Flags park with no wooden coaster.

Maybe they learned their lesson with Rattler?

Yeah. Destroy all RCCA coasters.


They definitely have some god-awful ones, don't they? Just looked at the list...wow.

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This would be an amazing addition next year, and could be likely since we're the only Six Flags park with no wooden coaster.


Six Flags Mexico also has no wooden coaster since Medusa got converted.


And from what I'm hearing, the same will happen to SFDK in 2016.

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I'm heading to the park for the first time this Sunday. After reading through I have a few questions. How does Fiesta Texas handle Gold Pass Early entry? I know SFA has a separate line that they allow you to walk through, and SFNE had ropes that they would stop the GP at and then check your pass and allow you to walk through.


Our plan is to head to Batman first and then just hit up Iron Rattler afterwards and then just knock the rest out casually. It looks like it is going to be about 97 degrees Sunday so I am going to expect the waterpark to be packed. My partner loves water parks so I'm trying to make the trip fair for both of us


Regardless I'm very excited to visit this park!

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Someone posted the Batman: The Ride opening ceremony video!



It was a really nice event. They had limos to take us from the font gate back to the ride and the lunch was so good!! They even kept the ride running past 2 PM since the rain closed it most of the day.

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Here's some pictures of the area behind the Boardwalk (pictures taken from the ferris wheel)

Let the speculating begin!!!

(although it could just be landscaping changes or parking lot expansions)


I'm calling it now... Aqua Trax!!!


(Or maybe it is just landscaping changes, or parking lot expansions after all.)

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I just got back from SFFT after an all day trip with my kids, and a couple of employees told me that the new ride was going to be fool throddle (the same as the one at SFMM, and that Pandemonium is on its way out to make room for the new coaster as well. Its all speculation but these employees seemed very convinced thats whats coming next year. If it is then I can't wait!

PS. it didn't let me spell the coaster correctly so i had change the spelling up a little.

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Ah, the Boardwalk staff.

Pandemonium doesn't seem to be very popular because of its location, but I don't feel like a second Premier launch coaster is a good fit for our park, plus Six Flags already invested in a new coaster this year. I'd expect 2017 to be our next coaster year based off of the past:


2012 StarFlyer

2013 Coaster

2014 Slide Complex

2015 Coaster

2016 ?


However, I wouldn't be too disappointed with a YOLO clone, I just seriously doubt they'd add it next year and replace Pandemonium.

If anything, Power Surge should be replaced since even on busy days it's always a walk-on.


I doubt the employees know what next year's addition is yet, though.

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^Exactly one previous example is nowhere near enough "data" to call something a trend. Batman was two years apart from Iron Rattler. This means absolutely nothing for when the next coaster could be. I'd fully expect there are multiple other SF parks that are a higher priority for a new coaster than Fiesta Texas.

To add to this, I really don't see a Yolo clone happening anywhere. It's a terrain coaster, firstly, and is a record breaking coaster--which in general are not cloned. Many parks just don't clone other parks' premier (no pun intended) attractions.

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2012 StarFlyer

2013 Coaster

2014 Slide Complex

2015 Coaster

2016 ?


2016: Slide Complex!

Just a guess. I have no evidence to back this up.


I doubt the employees know what next year's addition is yet, though.


I agree with you on this one. I have worked at several theme parks, and at all of the parks no one knew about what was coming the next year till about when the addition was publicly announced. So basically the employees at SFFT who were saying there is a new coaster coming next year were just guessing, and wanted to look like they knew what was going on, when in all reality they have no idea. Sure there might be a new coaster coming next year, but they only people who know this are the ones behind desk, working 9-5 in the offices, who are part of the planning, and development teams. Not a ride host.

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If anything, Power Surge should be replaced since even on busy days it's always a walk-on.


I agree. I mean it does help cool off during the heat but the other 2 water rides are way more popular.

I say replace PS with a coaster and connect that side of the park with the boardwalk again.

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