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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I really like the Bizarro take (how he was always emulating Superman) and hope that Six Flags plays it up properly. I have always felt SF should do more with the DC licensing beyond mainly Batman and Superman themselves.


My only concern is that Bizarro is known for failing in his attempts, he better not mess up S:ROS

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Interesting they are putting the fog back in on the first tunnel. Maybe the new trains will be able to handle the moisture from the fog as they stated the old ones couldn't...which was the cause for the trains crashing into each other.

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Interesting they are putting the fog back in on the first tunnel. Maybe the new trains will be able to handle the moisture from the fog as they stated the old ones couldn't...which was the cause for the trains crashing into each other.

I think they are actually using fog machines this time and not water misters. The water caused problems with the wheels. The reason the trains crashing into each other was a faulty air line attached to the brakes.

(Saturday, August 18, 2001) - Investigators at Six Flags New England theme park in Agawam, Massachusetts have determined that the August 6 Superman Ride of Steel roller coaster accident was caused by a faulty braking system.


The accident happened in the ride's loading station as one train was preparing to be dispatched and the other, which was returning to unload passengers, failed to stop. The crash injured 22 people.


After a two-week investigation, Six Flags and Intamin AG, the ride's manufacturer, have concluded that an air supply line ruptured, disabling the ride's main braking system and preventing the ride's back up system from engaging fully. They say that the second train was slowed to just under 20 miles per hour when it struck the first train.


The air supply system has been replaced with steel reinforced lines, and the ride has passed numerous tests and inspections since the new system was installed.

From www.rideaccicents.com/superman
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The work on the ride is going at a fast pace as they are trying to get it done in time for the scheduled opening. With the weather up here in the north east they have their work cut out for them. They still have alot of theming to put up and alot of painting to get done. Here is a few more pics from yesterday.


pianting the fire cannons


putting up more theming


all the theming is on site


You can follow the construction of the #1 steel coaster at sfneonline.com

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The park is closed that day. As far as I know, unless you're invited, you cannot get in. Typically, those invited include the media, owners of significant coaster fan websites, members local coaster clubs, etc. Each park and each event is different. In this case, they are reaching out to the fan community by giving invites to the first 500 people at SFNE and SFGAdv (so 1000 total) to submit an accepted entry at http://bizarroishere.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres an update on whats been going on with the ride. They have finished painting the whole coaster and are now working on the queline and station. Both trains are now on the track and they have been testing them at night. The lighting on the theming looks great at night, new pics and there is a short video of the lights.

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I already preferred SROS over MF. Now with the new lighting I hope/believe it will give MF a run for the money lighting wise.


It's too bad I probably can't be at the park at night. I live far away enough that I should leave by 5 on a SFNE visit day.

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That fireball makes me and x2 jealous I must say though, at first I had my doubts about purple superman and if they'd actually do anything cool, I'm actually decently impressed with six flags, the shield lighting looks awesome and just all of the effects they added. This'll definitely be the gold ticket winner yet again this year

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This ride is going to be so good. I am planning a trip for Boston University students this summer, wait when people find out that there are NO HANDLES ON THE LAPBARS!!!! Having nothing to go onto is going to make the ride very scary for some which is great

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  • 1 month later...

For anyone who has been on Bizarro at Six Flags New England, what are your thoughts on the changes made to Superman? Does it ride the same (airtime, speed, etc.)? I have also read numerous times that the audio was too loud. Does anyone know if this has been addressed?


I'm going on August 7th and it will be my first time at the park and I am wondering if the changes took away from the ride at all. Thanks.

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