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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I think the heart line will be cool as well. Gives a different experience that will make Banshee different from most inverted coasters.


Going back to the discussion about the line, I think they might still have something up their sleeves. Wrought iron fence switchbacks anyone?

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^^first of all, it's not on Kings Islands Twitter page and secondly, that "tweet" is way over 140 characters. Going to call bull on that. Just my opinion.

and if it's sarcasm, I guess I don't get internet sarcasm yet.

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This tweet was made a few hours ago: [attachment=0]Stupid Tweet.jpg[/attachment] Lines for Banshee are going to be packed!



Could this be a joke?????? Maybe the ride needs more repairs? It just seems really....well....random...

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^^Thinking better, you may be right. I don't know about the number of characters but it is sort of strange that they would already know that it won't be possible to open it on opening day.

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Yep, that's quite the fake tweet you got there. Way over 140 characters, makes zero sense onto why Diamondback would be closed on opening day, and the last tweet they sent out was for season pass processing. Not to mention the scaling of the text on the tweet looks like it was done in MS Paint, which I know you very commonly post stuff from that on here.


This is just me, but I think you're just trying to stir up a bunch of rumors.

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Personally I don't think the park would think highly of someone making up a tweet like that to look like something their official Twitter account would post. If it sounded more like a parody then maybe, but I don't see any comedic value in it.


As for Banshee's queue line, it looks great and seems one of the better Cedar Fair queues as far as theming goes. I'm guessing the tombstones will have removed rides on them? As far as operations goes, hopefully they do a better job than Diamondback as they constant stack all three trains the entire time I was there last year.

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It's just a rumor that's been flying around, and it started at Carowinds. I'd like to mention that Intimidator never received seat belts even after someone said they did, although I heard they're being a bit more strict on the locking position of the restraint.

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