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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^ That's for sure! Glad the event is mostly at night because those night rides on Banshee will be killer.


It's not at night. Just because the ride will launch doesn't mean they are going to run the nighttime effects......those are reserved for the fundraiser from 9-11pm.....

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I typically go to Cedar Point every year but this year I would like to try somewhere different. I was thinking Six Flags Great Adventure, or Kings Island. Can you guys tell me how much you'd recommend Kings Island? It doesn't look like it has many standout coasters but then again neither does my hometown park (Kennywood) and it's still very fun. So can you guys give me a lil info?

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I typically go to Cedar Point every year but this year I would like to try somewhere different. I was thinking Six Flags Great Adventure, or Kings Island. Can you guys tell me how much you'd recommend Kings Island? It doesn't look like it has many standout coasters but then again neither does my hometown park (Kennywood) and it's still very fun. So can you guys give me a lil info?


^ Seriously......slam the park, then ask us for advice?


You clearly haven't heard about the coaster KI is unleashing this year.......

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Haha didn't mean to slam the park. Hey I even admitted my hometown doesn't have the best lineup. It looks like a fun park it's just the only coasters that really stood out were banshee, diamondback, and firehawk.


I typically go to Cedar Point every year but this year I would like to try somewhere different. I was thinking Six Flags Great Adventure, or Kings Island. Can you guys tell me how much you'd recommend Kings Island? It doesn't look like it has many standout coasters but then again neither does my hometown park (Kennywood) and it's still very fun. So can you guys give me a lil info?


^ Seriously......slam the park, then ask us for advice?


You clearly haven't heard about the coaster KI is unleashing this year.......

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I'm sure this has been asked, but what will crowds be like opening weekend/Easter weekend?


If you're sure this has been asked, then why are you asking? Wouldn't it make more sense to go back through the thread and find where the answer might be?


It certainly would reduce the time you waited for an answer from people who might be annoyed and ignore this inquiry entirely.....

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^ That's for sure! Glad the event is mostly at night because those night rides on Banshee will be killer.


It's not at night. Just because the ride will launch doesn't mean they are going to run the nighttime effects......those are reserved for the fundraiser from 9-11pm.....


I wasn't referring to the night effects...I just think the overall experience in the dark will be fun! - just like the beast. It doesn't have effects, but it is one unforgettable experience.

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I'm sure this has been asked, but what will crowds be like opening weekend/Easter weekend?


If you're sure this has been asked, then why are you asking? Wouldn't it make more sense to go back through the thread and find where the answer might be?


It certainly would reduce the time you waited for an answer from people who might be annoyed and ignore this inquiry entirely.....


You sure have been quite abrasive and rude in your short time here.

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I'm sure this has been asked, but what will crowds be like opening weekend/Easter weekend?


If you're sure this has been asked, then why are you asking? Wouldn't it make more sense to go back through the thread and find where the answer might be?


It certainly would reduce the time you waited for an answer from people who might be annoyed and ignore this inquiry entirely.....


You could have reduced a lot of time by just answering the question...


It will be crowded on Easter weekend, yes. At least thats what Ive found in my experience. Fast Lane Plus should be your friend.

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I'm sure this has been asked, but what will crowds be like opening weekend/Easter weekend?


If you're sure this has been asked, then why are you asking? Wouldn't it make more sense to go back through the thread and find where the answer might be?


It certainly would reduce the time you waited for an answer from people who might be annoyed and ignore this inquiry entirely.....


You could have reduced a lot of time by just answering the question...


It will be crowded on Easter weekend, yes. At least thats what Ive found in my experience. Fast Lane Plus should be your friend.


You're assuming I know the answer to the question....which I don't......I don't make it a point to be there opening weekend. Personal preference.

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I typically go to Cedar Point every year but this year I would like to try somewhere different. I was thinking Six Flags Great Adventure, or Kings Island. Can you guys tell me how much you'd recommend Kings Island? It doesn't look like it has many standout coasters but then again neither does my hometown park (Kennywood) and it's still very fun. So can you guys give me a lil info?

Apparently you haven't heard much about KI. It's a great park with plenty of great coasters, and flats.

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I typically go to Cedar Point every year but this year I would like to try somewhere different. I was thinking Six Flags Great Adventure, or Kings Island. Can you guys tell me how much you'd recommend Kings Island? It doesn't look like it has many standout coasters but then again neither does my hometown park (Kennywood) and it's still very fun. So can you guys give me a lil info?

Apparently you haven't heard much about KI. It's a great park with plenty of great coasters, and flats.

Well, to be fair, Great Adventure is a great park as well. If you usually go to Cedar Point, you may not have been on a GREAT wooden coaster before. El Toro is one of the best. I have nothing against The Beast or KI, but El Toro is another level.

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I'm sure this has been asked, but what will crowds be like opening weekend/Easter weekend?


If you're sure this has been asked, then why are you asking? Wouldn't it make more sense to go back through the thread and find where the answer might be?


It certainly would reduce the time you waited for an answer from people who might be annoyed and ignore this inquiry entirely.....


You could have reduced a lot of time by just answering the question...


It will be crowded on Easter weekend, yes. At least thats what Ive found in my experience. Fast Lane Plus should be your friend.


You're assuming I know the answer to the question....which I don't......I don't make it a point to be there opening weekend. Personal preference.



So you didn't know the answer to the question, but yet you felt the need to take the time to chastise someone about their question? That seems kind of dumb and self-serving, kind of like me replying to your response. Sometimes, when you have a thought, it's better to just leave it as a thought, not a post.

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Banshee Progress! KI GM Twitter



That has got to be the most unoriginal and Cedar Fair queue i've ever seen. What ever happened to planting some trees or adding some shrubbery rather than putting in all these shade canopies? It's just switchback after switchback after switchback.

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I'm sure this has been asked, but what will crowds be like opening weekend/Easter weekend?


If you're sure this has been asked, then why are you asking? Wouldn't it make more sense to go back through the thread and find where the answer might be?


It certainly would reduce the time you waited for an answer from people who might be annoyed and ignore this inquiry entirely.....

I am asking because if somebody could have just answered the question it would've only taken one post and then the thread could have just gone on. If you could have just ignored this post since you don't know the answer, that would've happened. The question has been asked already, but I think it was months ago which could make searching harder than just asking.


Edit: Thanks a bunch OrlandoGuy. I was thinking it would be crowded but didn't know if I'd need Fast Lane Plus.

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That has got to be the most unoriginal and Cedar Fair queue i've ever seen. What ever happened to planting some trees or adding some shrubbery rather than putting in all these shade canopies? It's just switchback after switchback after switchback.


I'm just happy there are shade canopies. Gatekeeper's queue doesn't have any of them in the portion of the line that's actually full all of the time, but they have plenty over by the lake in the part of the queue that's only full when the line is huge.

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