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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I've only been on four (Montu, Dragon Challenge and Alpengeist), and I have absolutely no problem with and kind of head banging. Alpengeist's cobra roll has a slight rattle but nothing I'd consider rough.


The one thing I really like about these new trains is the fact there's a better view for those that aren't in the front.

Edited by mike541x
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Not to mention, with the way newer B&M's have been, there wouldn't be enough forces to generate whiplash or head banging anyway! (sorry, I couldn't resist that one!)


In all seriousness though, I think Banshee looks fantastic! I love the look of the layout, with what looks like a great assortment of elements. I've always been a huge fan of inverted coasters, so it's nice to see that they're not fading away just yet. (shoot, I've been dreaming for years about Kennywood getting one....)


That reminds me, I need to make sure I sign up for media day! I think it's great that parks have started to offer this perk. The one for GateKeeper last year was awesome!

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  mike541x said:
The one thing I really like about these new trains is the fact there's a better view for those that aren't in the front.

I agree with this. I refuse to ride B&M inverted coasters in any row but the front because I don't like not being able to see anything.


But in all seriousness I like pretty much everything about how the new trains look.

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  mike541x said:
The one thing I really like about these new trains is the fact there's a better view for those that aren't in the front.


This, and the extra arm room will be nice too. I notice it on the floorless models too, it's not the best situation sitting there jockeying around for elbow room with the person next to you.

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  coasterbill said:
I've only ridden the Batman clones at Great Adventure and Magic Mountain but if you think those rides are rough then maybe riding coasters isn't for you. They couldn't be any smoother.

I definitely agree. I rode the one at SFGAd last summer and there wasn't any single moment of any sort of roughness whatsoever (in the front and very back) and it was 20 YEARS OLD!

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I've never had any head banging issues on any B&M Inverts.


I love these new restraints! One thing I hate about the old trains is that you usually end up touching the person next to you since you're so close. There are many times I don't want any part of my body touching the person beside. me. These new trains look like you can isolate yourself from rubbing against others... so my issue with the older trains is body rubbing, not head banging.

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  arby said:
I've never had any head banging issues on any B&M Inverts.


I love these new restraints! One thing I hate about the old trains is that you usually end up touching the person next to you since you're so close. There are many times I don't want any part of my body touching the person beside. me. These new trains look like you can isolate yourself from rubbing against others... so my issue with the older trains is body rubbing, not head banging.


Yeah, it's especially terrible on hot days when you're stuck next to the sweaty guy. I'm jealous of all those that get to do the media day!

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I actually like these new trains, they look so much more open for the rows behind the first one, and I have yet to hate these restraints. But I do think B&M missed out on not going to lap bars only, like the rest of the industry, when developing a new train.

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  _koppen said:
I actually like these new trains, they look so much more open for the rows behind the first one, and I have yet to hate these restraints. But I do think B&M missed out on not going to lap bars only, like the rest of the industry, when developing a new train.

I'm hoping that's their next step which, as I've already said, isn't that far from these restrains as all they have to do is remove the vests and move the bars to the side a bit, I think.

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Ok so getting away from the restraint issue for a moment (which IMO won't be settled until the ride opens and we find out for sure how tight they do or don't get), I've figured out what it is exactly that doesn't really appeal to me about Banshee's layout. This is all just my opinion, it could still be great ride despite this. And I promise this'll be my last comment on the subject.


Of all the B&M inverts I've been on, of which there are five, the second half has always been my favorite. You've got the first half, with the first three or so bigger, show-offy inversions, which is ok and all, but then you've got the second half. Usually occuring after a MCBR, it's where the ride feels like it's really "getting down to business". This is where you get the smaller, tighter inversions (usually a corkscrew or two) and those fast low-to-the-ground turns. It's the part that really makes your head spin.


Banshee, due to the elevation change, doesn't really have that. Every inversion is gigantic, like two first halves put together. It looks to me like the most intense parts of the ride might be the turnaround after the second loop and the helix right before the end, but those are separated by that long inline twist, breaking up the pacing.


Again, all just my perspective. Any other comment I made about how "intense" Banshee looks was really just about this.

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^I have to admit I also feel that second half is kind of lacking, especially as there is no corkscrew (which is one of my favourite parts of an invert too, as well as a good snappy zero-g which the ride doesn't have either). But I'm assuming that the speed all the elements will be taken at and their sheer size could compensate that, hopefully.

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That's my problem with my off-ride impression of Banshee as well. The layout has no pacing or progression of any kind (I think Montu and Raptor are the clearest large invert examples of how to do this) and just goes from one drawn-out inversion to the next the whole way through. I'm not claiming that these elements won't end up being enjoyable, but from a designer's perspective there is no variation or attempt made to tighten the pace after the first half. Not trying to be a naysayer before riding, but B&M has plenty of recent coasters to base this conclusion on. I plan to visit KI this year and hope Banshee is great!

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Thanks goodness we don't have a MCBR on Banshee. We all know Vortex, FOF, and Diamondback are braked so hard.


I love Montu's second half. It makes you think it is winding down and then surprises you with one final dive and a corkscrew.


Also shocked that there are 7 inversions. As far as I know, it is the first coaster in Ohio with 7 inversions.

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  CPmillenia94 said:
^Yeah well someone needs to explain to busch gardens that mid brakes are not put there to bring the train to a near stop mid ride.. It would be soo much better.


Technically it is designed to bring a train to safe stop. If there is an e stop or a train hasn't cleared the main brake run .

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^So, like you said, it is only in an emergency. The coaster doesn't need to stop every time, they just have to make sure that, if it does, it will have enough speed to clear the rest of the course. I like when the trains flies through the MCBR with little or no braking, like dragon khan, for instance.

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  A.J. said:
There really isn't a second half, it's one big long ride.


I don't know if it'll feel this way when you're riding it, but I think you could say the second half starts with the drop before the batwing. It's arbitrary of course but I break Talon up the same way. I'm overly analytical like that.

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