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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Nice TR. I'm addicted to FL+ at KI. You get so much out of it. I'm glad you had a great visit.


Unfortunately, it looks like Emily and I will be delayed for another week or so. We were supposed to go this Saturday, but she's been having sporadic back pain that keeps coming and going. It's a bummer.

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^I don't mean to point out the obvious but I can't tell if you're asking us to give you any more information beyond what the video already provided, in that this is some kind of experience at Haunt...


I'm thinking it is related to this maze, as it is the only thing Swamp related I can find for the event: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/play/haunt/attractions/backwoods-bayou

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Like Jedimaster had pointed out, the only HH attraction that it seems to fit is Backwoods Bayou. But the timing just seemed weird...putting up new ads 3 weeks into the Haunt, when it's only a 6 week event. But it is strange anyway.

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I'm sure there are at least a dozen enthusiasts out there who still think this is going to be a RMC.


Wait - aren't they converting The Racer to a dueling hyper hybrid experience, themed to antique hot rods with cars looking like the Model T?


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OK, finally caught up on my local park's thread after a couple months away. Boy, that was fun.


Crazy to see a coaster get removed! But it was fun to see everyone here guessing on what ride it would be. Here, I compiled a list of all the rides that were speculated to possibly be on the chopping block.


In all seriousness, bye Firehawk, won't miss you at all, you giant hunk of crap. Bring on 2020.

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So I was at KI for haunt Saturday night and I'll admit I was let down a little. I remember it being much better 3/4 or so years ago. Is nostalgia getting to me or has it always been this bad?


It hasn't been the best year...but I thought it was pretty good myself. I want to give C.H.A.O.S another try before I rate it, (It was opening night), and now they should've had plenty of time to work out the bugs, and get their timing down more.


I thought the two new scarezones, Coney Maul & Pumpkin Eater were great. And they were getting us at every turn in Slaughterhouse. Next trip, Madame Fatale's is first up...heard they're doing it Blackout style with flashlights, (hopefully, the Gantom Torches).

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So I was at KI for haunt Saturday night and I'll admit I was let down a little. I remember it being much better 3/4 or so years ago. Is nostalgia getting to me or has it always been this bad?


I agree. But its the same at cedarpoint as well. With that being said, I still really enjoy kings islands haunt over cp's by leaps and bounds.


I'm not sure if its budget cuts or staffing issues, or a combination of both.

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So I was at KI for haunt Saturday night and I'll admit I was let down a little. I remember it being much better 3/4 or so years ago. Is nostalgia getting to me or has it always been this bad?


Maybe it has something to do with the giant Christmas at the park entrance...

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Sorry for the double post, but I'm curious if anyone noticed the crowd getting more rowdy as the park got closer to closing? This happened the last time we rode it out closer to the park closing. Eventually, we just called it a night after the park ran out of beer and when we were in line to grab a piece of pizza there were several douche teens that just walked right by everyone in the 20 minute line. We didn't wait for our pizza and I don't think getting into a confrontation with a bunch of early teenagers would have been a smart move.


Last year we didn't have the option to find out what the park would be like near closing, since it poured rain from about 9pm to close.

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Sorry for the double post, but I'm curious if anyone noticed the crowd getting more rowdy as the park got closer to closing?


Last I went was last year this upcoming weekend. Stayed til close and didn't notice any difference, but wasnt really looking for it either. Also wasn't drinking any beer...so that annoyance didn't factor in. Would also be glad to know as I'm trying to get there either this Friday or as part of my trip to CP the last weekend of the season.

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So I was at KI for haunt Saturday night and I'll admit I was let down a little. I remember it being much better 3/4 or so years ago. Is nostalgia getting to me or has it always been this bad?



I've been to Haunt at KI four years running now (and will be doing it every year for the foreseeable future), and it's been amazing every single year, as far as I'm concerned! Now, I will admit I'm not big into the actual scarehouses, so if that's what you are mostly referring to, I can't speak to that. Also, the lack of any scare actors at the front of the park when you enter, and randomly walking around the rest of the park this year, was a little disappointing, though honestly, I think it was best, considering my kids were on edge enough already. But I will also chime in and say that the 2 new scare zones were nice. Pumpkin Eater especially was really well done! I did think the ambiance of the park was still top notch, and they really upped the ante with some of the animatronic spooks scattered throughout the park.


And as others have mentioned, KI drop kicks CP in this department, that's for sure!

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Any lack of actors in the haunts could be simply due to people not showing up for work. When I worked Cornstalkers, we would often have to give up 3-4 of our people to other, more popular haunts.

Also, I'm really hoping the popularity of Pumpkin Eater will eventually lead to KI getting the full haunt of it from Knotts...the would be awesome.

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Looks like another winner. I really don't know what else I would want from this park. I don't even care if the park gets a Giga. It would be a plus, but it will also take away my appreciation for Diamondback.

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^Yeah, when we were there in July 2017 we really had the feeling that KI is close to our european parks if you focus on the rides. We were without children, so we didn't notice the lack of having enough family rides. When we went back to Europa Park in fall, we thought, that KI (and CP) would need some more balanced rides if we will come back with children to be fully enjoyable for visitors that don't like coasters (or aren't able to ride them because of the height restrictions). When they announced the Antique Cars, we immediately knew this will be a hit.

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