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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I think everyone agrees that they don't really change the experience but they still slow dispatch times (even though it may be just a bit) and, given that they are pretty much useless I don't see why they should do this at all. Plus, as ajfelice said, it will be just another thing that will require maintenance and repair while being totally unnecessary. That's what many find annoying

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There are always people worried about the effects on the ride experience, but the issue for me is the unnecessary change that could harm capacity (and definitely does at some poorly operated rides). The ride experience should be the same. It really only makes a difference when the seatbelt is much closer to the body than the primary restraint, as with buzz bars. Even then you still get to enjoy the benefits of the higher restraint, since the belt has plenty of give.


Mostly irrelevant side note: I really like when parks install retractable seatbelts. No need to buckle them on empty seats, easy to be certain they're buckled (I assume), no need to for operators to tighten them if that's required, and little chance of riders struggling to adjust them. (What this has to do with Diamondback is, uh, nothing.)

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I absolutely agree that they are a pain from a maintenance standpoint, but I don't think it's necessarily that big a deal. I rarely, if ever, hear people complain about Millenium Force or Intamin hypers having seatbelts, and the decreased capacity really comes down to the ride operators. If this was Six Flags, capacity would be severely effected, I'm sure of it. But Millenium Force has great capacity and rarely stacks at all, so I think it comes down to efficiency of the operations. Same with I-305- after it's debut year, most people don't complain about the OTSR's, which need to be buckled. My point is that it comes down to the operations. Now, I don't see it necessary, as most, if not all B&M hypers don't have seatbelts, but I don't see it as a major issue.

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^The thing is that MF always had them and, as to OTSR, almost all of them do have those buckles (but, yeah, if we think about it, they may also be unnecessary).

Now adding them to a ride that didn't without anything happening is a bit weird.

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I rarely, if ever, hear people complain about Millenium Force or Intamin hypers having seatbelts, and the decreased capacity really comes down to the ride operators.

Yeah, I feel our complaints are legitimate, but if you just want to start accepting it, it does help to remember the numerous rides that have had them forever, and ride fine with reasonable dispatch times.


If this was Six Flags, capacity would be severely effected, I'm sure of it.

And this.

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I don't understand why parks feel the need to install redundant restraint systems on a ride that has been operating perfectly fine for years without them, especially when no other installations of the same model have said restraint. I'm sure there is a behind-the-scenes reason (probably insurance related), but to me it makes little sense. Not sure how much this will affect Diamondback's capacity, but I'm sure there'll be a measurable drop. Fortunately, it shouldn't affect the ride experience, only the line experience.


Now to see if Intimidator, Behemoth, and/or Leviathan wind up with seatbelts this year.

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^Safety standards, insurance. Whatever the reason is, they have good reason to install them. Or else they wouldn't have, no one likes wasting money.


It's for the better I suppose. There is still going to be that lovely floater air, so...yeah.

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If I can still enjoy my rides on Steel Force at Dorney Park or Magnum at CP, which has had seat belts for many years, people can enjoy Diamondback with seatbelts too. And I doubt they'd effect the ride as much as the belts do on the Arrow and Morgan ones anyway. This isn't like when Magic Mountain added OTSRs to Revolution.

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I love how most people assume safety belts on coasters are actually there as a restraint, when 90%+ are actually there to determine if the rider's body proportions are adequate to be safely restrained by the restraint.


Then why doesn't any other B&M hyper owned by any other park have these belts?

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They are redundant accessories that serve literally no other purpose on this coaster than extra security. I'm not necessarily upset of the extra time it takes to dispatch as I am flustered with why they needed to do them. But, I'm sure the park didn't want them so insurance companies are probably involved.

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Well, crap. Apparently Diamondback has seatbelts.



Hey look, I took that!




Yeah, it's interesting. Dispatches were down today and there was stacking on the final brake run, but it wasn't that bad. Honestly, I'm surprised at how little the belt did. I'm a decently large dude at 255 and the belt didn't do much to me. My girlfriend (about 140) said she didn't notice a lack of airtime either.


Interesting to note, the test seat is still the three click go/no go light. No seat belt there.


As for the park today, what a great day. Did everything and more in 6 hours. Banshee back row night time is insane. Beast is running fantastic too.

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I love how most people assume safety belts on coasters are actually there as a restraint, when 90%+ are actually there to determine if the rider's body proportions are adequate to be safely restrained by the restraint.


Then why doesn't any other B&M hyper owned by any other park have these belts?

My statement was in regards to those who falsely believe most safety belts on roller coasters are a safety device when in fact more than 90% are not a safety device what so ever. I think it's safe to say this was not a decision made by a manufacturer but could have everything to do with insurance, park management wanting to make the ride appear safer, or using them to determine if a Rider's Body Proportions can be safely accommodated by a restraint. You wouldn't believe some of the BS these insurance companies care about and what they completely ignore. I'm sure if RC was still at the park, there would be no safety belts on Diamondback.
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Has there been a death, or even an accident, on any B&M? Ever? (From riders aboard the train, not idiots who trespass under an inverted coaster to retrieve a hat)

I don't think so (apart from a woman who once died from a heart attack)

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