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Insufficient restraints on coasters

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In the case of over-sufficient restraints, I nominate Revolution. Either keep one or the other, lap bars or OTSRs.



Agreed! And now that I've finally been on my first looping Schwarzkopf (Mind Bender at SFoG), I can see why OTSRs are totally unnecessary. I say take 'em off all coasters!

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I felt really vulnerable on Phoenix at Knoebel's. A single position buzz bar, no seat belt, and insane air. I felt like it'd be really easy to slip out. Of course, that's what made it so fun and awesome.


Same can be said for the famous Playland Coaster. Ok maybe not THAT famous but anyways. Look at how wide open the trains are too. Sure, it scares the hell out of me every time I ride it, but that's why it's so exciting. And that is what rollercoasters are supposed to do; make you think that you're going be thrown off without actually letting you fall off.




Insufficient? I don't think so. Anyone ever died on it? Not as far as I know.

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no no no no! This topic is named wrong


Shoulder harness cause more (mostly minor, but still painful) injuries than not having enough 'restraints'.


I hope you enjoy Mind Bender in Atlanta. It's still firmly at the top of my steel list (I'm not a big B&M or 'new' Intamin coaster fan). It's fun time after time, year after year. I often describe it as a smooth woodie (with airtime/laterals) with 2 nice big loops

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I felt really vulnerable on Phoenix at Knoebel's. A single position buzz bar, no seat belt, and insane air. I felt like it'd be really easy to slip out. Of course, that's what made it so fun and awesome.


Those types of bars are what in my opinion should still be used on ALL wooden coasters. They give you the freedom you need to ride comfortably and just enough safety. The lap bars used these days are very painful on a air time filled wooden coaster. It's like you spine is being pulled out of your a$$ because the lap bar won't let your a$$ leave the seat. Lets not forget about where the great lap bars these days are attached to the trains. They are right where the side of your leg is so you are constantly banging into it during the ride.


I can only imagine how much more fun a ride on Voyage would be if it used the old fashion lap bar instead of the spine separators it's trains were built with.


Edit: just read the post about new trains for Voyage. Now if we can just get them replace all the box type wooden coaster trains! The trains used on Dollywood's Thunderhead would be great also. Plenty of freedom on those trains.


In one of the first posts of this thread a picture of a TOGO stand up coaster was used as a reference as restraints that are not safe. Been on the old King Cobra at Kings Island probably 50 times before they took it out and not once did I ever feel like I wasn't safe. I really miss that ride. To this day it is the ONLY stand up coaster I have ever ridden that had air time besides it's clone Shockwave at Kings Dominion.


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The one coaster where I actually got a good scare was Jack Rabbit at Kennywood.

I thought just having a stationary lap bar and a small leather strap would provide excellent freedom. It didn't let me down when it felt like I was flying out of my seat on the double down.



I once performed a small experiment when I worked at Dragon Fire at Canada's Wonderland dealing with forces and everything. The ride was empty and we were running trains with around 5-6 passengers each, and we found a penny in one of the back seats. We decided to leave it there to see if it would come back...it stayed in it's spot in the seat for a good 1.5 hours until we closed. We even checked to make sure nobody glued it to the seat. That little experiment kinda reassured me that doesn't matter what restraint, the forces will keep me in on loops and corkscrews.

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Does anyone else think that Rita/clones could have gone with the normal T-Bar?


Without the shoulder part on the restraints you would fly forwards into the seat infront of you. The brakes are kind of harsh on Rita..

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Cyclone at Lakeside only has a seat belt and metal bar to hold on to. It was pretty terrifying, but so much fun. There is also some good moments of airtime on the ride, and it surprises me that there aren't any other restraints.


Greezed Lightning still only has lap bars which seems pretty minimal in today's world of OTSRs, but they still do a good job of keeping you secure.


Whizzer and Tig'rr really don't't need the seat belts, but I can see why they were installed. They just don't seem to serve much of a purpose.


Steel Hawg's restraints seem weird and over protective too. I can see the purpose they serve, but how the fit is just odd. The lap bar staples you in, and the OTSRs also fit tightly around you. The lap bar seems like it would be enough, as you aren't going anywhere when they are locked in place. The OTSRs don't seem to add that much more security.

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Does anyone else think that Rita/clones could have gone with the normal T-Bar?


Without the shoulder part on the restraints you would fly forwards into the seat infront of you. The brakes are kind of harsh on Rita..


Now that you say that, I totally understand. Many people say Maverick could have used the t-bars, but there are two braking parts where I'd say the same.

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I am always super scared when riding Tatsu at SFMM. That's the only ride I think I have been on where if that fails, everyone goes plop.


But I always worry when I share a lapbar with anyone. I am 6'4" 235 lbs and the bars on certain rides, especially Disneyland, don't close on my GF, let alone her little younger cousin.

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Has anyone ridden a Zamperla Volare? To those never ridden one, there's absolutely nothing to keep you secured. You literally have to hold on for your life. Well, ok, maybe not for your life, but to have at least a bit more comfortable ride.


Here's a pic showing the lack of restraints: clicky. The car is basically like a ladder, which is then raised to a horizontal position.

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  • 3 years later...

Am I the only one still laughing at the "That's what she said" joke going over the OPs head?


I really can't think of any rides where there are "insufficient" restraints. Often they may feel insufficient and somewhat unsafe, but at least 90% of the time they'll be perfectly safe. The remaining 10% are coasters in China

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