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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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in fact, the only thing I would even flag as a "dislike" for HersheyPark? The park maps are TERRIBLE, and even with the maps in hand, we had to keep asking staff where things were.


If you have a smart phone on you at the park, download the official app. Their in-app map is AMAZING. Who needs paper?

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that said, I thought the operations at HersheyPark were amazing (every ride that was down during our visit, was back up and operating within the hour, in every case). . the park is gorgeous, and some of the rides were very very fun.


I agree with this. I thought Hershey's operations were pretty solid last year during the two days I went for HPITD. The ride ops were proficient, got trains out of the stations without stacking and didn't bullsh%t around unlike some of the ride ops at some of my local parks (KD, SFA).

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in fact, the only thing I would even flag as a "dislike" for HersheyPark? The park maps are TERRIBLE, and even with the maps in hand, we had to keep asking staff where things were.


If you have a smart phone on you at the park, download the official app. Their in-app map is AMAZING. Who needs paper?


The app is definitely a must for visiting Hershey. The wait times are pretty accurate and it will also guide you to any ride in the park. You just pick which ride you want to go to and it will lead you there Google maps style.

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I hit up Hershey's Christmas event the first weekend it was open with my sister, mom, and niece and nephew. It was really well done and I had one of my best park visits of the year despite the fact that "only" three big coasters were running. The light show set to music in the Hollow was stunning. The Christmas show at the Chevy Theatre was extremely professional. The view from the Kissing tower overlooking the decorated park was incredibly beautiful.


At 5:30 we had tickets to ride the Hershey trolley through Sweetlights, a drive-thru display of hundreds of 2D still and animated scenes illustrated in decorative Christmas lights. The trolley entered from the Hotel Hershey grounds (which I hadn't even seen, it's beautiful) and skipped a huge line of traffic for the attraction entrance. Check out some pictures of this (other than mine, which suck, lol) if you haven't seen it - definitely worth the tour. Plus we got to sample all the Hershey Kisses flavors.


Lines were modest and got lighter as the evening wore on. Almost all the flats were running, and the kids had a really great time bouncing around to all kinds of different rides & getting in plenty of consecutive cycle rerides on flats. My mom might be the most ride-averse person on the planet but we convinced her to hit up Scramber, Carousel, Wave Swinger and Skyview with us. I've never heard anyone scream louder on a swing ride, LOL.


Looper and Wildcat were walk-ons when we finally got to them. My niece and nephew braved Looper for their first adult coaster ride. He loved it and she had a big smile when she got off, but didn't want to go again. So he and I rerode Looper and I told him about Wildcat, which he totally wanted to ride as well. I warned him it would be rough - keep in mind it was in low-40s and really, really windy.


Well - we both totally enjoyed the ride on Wildcat. There's something special about riding a classically styled coaster in the cold, crisp, holiday air with the park so beautifully lit up as the backdrop. Plus I actually totally like Wildcat anyway. We finished the night off with a ride on LaffTrakk, which had about a 25min wait. Both kids really liked it.


We could have enjoyed another full day at the park - there was a ton of stuff I wanted to do - like ice skating - but time did not allow. I highly recommend the event, though I'm sure it's a little busier now. My photos aren't great but here ya go....


(This video looks a lot better on YouTube in a bigger window)





Sweetlights. These pic do not do it justice.


The theme park panels were animated, really cool.


This was part of the 12 Days of Christmas displays which they made us sing as we drove though :p









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I would have to agree with your opinion about the park. I went on a weekday back in June and really enjoyed my day there. I even had a family let me share their Ferris wheel gondola since Hershey doesn't allow single riders.


The "no single riders" rule is actually a requirement by Chance. It's also why seat belts are now required on them as well. It's better than having metal bars installed on the gondolas like some of them have now.

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I wonder if it is because of Great Adventure that they have some coasters open. It seems too coincidental that they wouldn't run any coasters for as long as the event had been there each year then all of the sudden with Great Adventure running 7 coasters, they decide to open some non kiddie coasters too.

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It's absolutely because of Great Adventure. They would never admit it but I agree, it's way too big of a coincidence.


Which was announced first? HP opening coasters or SFGAdv announcing their ride lineup

I just found rough time periods...Hershey announced September 18th they would have the coasters open and Great Adventure released it on April Fools Day...but it wasn't a joke!

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Planning a trip back to Hershey next year last trip was 2001 looking for a hotel to do a day/evening at Hershey and day at Knoebels . I know you get an extra hour is you stay on park. Any other recommendations?


Thanks in advance



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The warm weather seems to be bringing a crap-load of people out to the park today as there are some pretty long wait times. As of right now Wildcat and Looper are 1 1/2 hours, Laff Trakk is 75 minutes, The Twin Turnpike cars are both 75 minutes, Ferris Wheel is 1 hour and many of the other major flat rides are either 15 to 45 minutes!


In other news, a few weeks ago a construction trailer has been parked over in the area of the old golf course near the split for Hersheypark's parking entrance and where the road takes you past Chocolate World. Yesterday some road construction signs have shown up from this area all the way down to where the road enters downtown Hershey. If I were to bet, it looks like work on the Park Blvd realignment is expected to start any day now. You can find the overall project plan for the new roadway on Derry Township's website: http://www.derrytownship.org/park-boulevard-project-progresses


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We were in the area yesterday so we made our first ever trip to Christmas Candylane. We got there at 6:00 so we only had 3 hours but at the low price of $18 a person, knowing we could park at Chocolate World for free we figured it was worth it.


Rides weren't really the priority, the only thing we knew we wanted to ride was SooperDooperLooper which we rode first (about a 50 minute wait). Great little coaster!


After that we saw the Noel show, saw the reindeer and walked around looking at the lights. The only other rides we rode were the Whip and Flyers since we were in the area as they were loading with no lines but we had a fun little visit. I'm glad they opened Wildcat even though it sucks because the chaser lights looked great, the 12 days of Christmas area was cute and we really liked the lights in the Hollow. The Noel show was very impressive and overall the park had a very fun atmosphere.


I wouldn't suggest making took long a trip for Christmas Canylane but if you're in the area I recommend it. It was a fun few hours, I really wish they'd open up a few more coasters though. Holiday in the Park to me seems like a much more complete event.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How much do the summer discounted tickets cost if bought at the Campgrounds? The website says there is a good discount but never gives a number.

If you are staying at the resort, you can get them for about $15 or $16 off of the gate price from the camp store. Prices for summer 2016 haven't been released yet.


Road work on the Park Blvd. realignment has begun as they have already tore down the fencing for the old trucking parking lot behind Skyrush and some of the picket fencing down near Chocolate World.

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To add to the anticipation, I just came back from Chocolate world and they have begun to excavate and level small parts of the land almost directly behind the fork between Giant Center and Chocolate World. There are also a few shipping containers and obviously a few machines


Also, took a photo of Chocolate World's full mini chocolate/candy house. It took over 700hrs to create this mini house made entirely of Hershey's candy products. (mostly chocolate) Thought it was cool


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If i were to visit hershey in very early June, are the crowds gonna be light? I did my research and schools are still in session up there during this week, the majority of time i'll be in park will be monday though wednesday. Will all rides be walk-on?

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