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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Going to be at the Candymonium first rides event and the second passholder preview. Going to finally cross off all but the kiddie coaster here (missing Fahrenheit, Wildcat, and the Lightning side plus Candy obviously)


First summer with passes so it's been rough so far but hopefully we get a good rest of the year

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The rides page on the website lists Storm Runner as closed for the season. That seems odd (though not really I guess b/c Intamin), and it would be unfortunate if it's closed all summer.


sooperdooperLooper is also temporarily closed.

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The rides page on the website lists Storm Runner as closed for the season. That seems odd (though not really I guess b/c Intamin), and it would be unfortunate if it's closed all summer.


sooperdooperLooper is also temporarily closed.



Confirmed on their Insta.


Probably about launch concerns with weight. Or parts. Or just anything.

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You need a ticket or pass to access the reservation system.




I think this is what you were looking for: https://www.hersheypark.com/reservations/reserve-your-day/availability.php?_ga=2.173162337.35138034.1593269977-1848675145.1591994155

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No idea; I don't have a pass or tickets, and you can't access the actual reservation system without one of those.

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I see on the HersheyPark website, that StormRunner is now showing "Closed for the Season"


It had opened, right? So wonder what's going on that it's suddenly down?



According to their Instagram page in some of the comments they said due to the delays caused by COVID-19 they weren't able to perform their maintenance necessary to open it for the season. Something like that. Really unfortunate!

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^ StormRunner is easily my favorite Coaster there, so that's a shame


but they still have a really stellar lineup anyways - worth a visit for Great Bear, Lightning Racer, Farenheit, SuperDooperLooper, Coment, and I'm assuming Candymonium will be awesome. The Indoor spinner is fun too.


can easily skip the Mouse and Wildcat


I'm personally not a fan of Skyrush - so that's not a "deciding factor on a visit" for me.

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^ StormRunner is easily my favorite Coaster there, so that's a shame


but they still have a really stellar lineup anyways - worth a visit for Great Bear, Lightning Racer, Farenheit, SuperDooperLooper, Coment, and I'm assuming Candymonium will be awesome. The Indoor spinner is fun too.


can easily skip the Mouse and Wildcat


I'm personally not a fan of Skyrush - so that's not a "deciding factor on a visit" for me.

I'm definitely really excited to visit for the first time, and yeah I'm very bummed Storm Runner won't be open. However, I really am excited for Skyrush, Candymonium, and the other highlights there. Since I have to come back to the area at some point for Dorney and Jersey Devil at SFGAdv, I will definitely be back to get Storm Runner and anything else that's closed.

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Eek. This is not the year to be making any first ever trips to parks.


Agreed. Unless you can temper you expectations to realize that everything is going to suck.


Granted, I'm going to KI for 2 days and CP for 3 in a few weeks, but I fully expect everything not to be running, lines to be long, and food service to be a shitshow. I just need a dose of normalcy in my life, and if I can't go get drunk and play video games at my local Dave and Busters, coasters it is.

Edited by Mike240SX
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^ that's a shame, as I love that coaster.


what about Sidewinder and Trailblazer? (I mean, neither of those are must rides, but they are coasters there)


. . . wondering if those two are closed, if they just closed that Section over by StormRunner? Since the 3 coasters are all right next to each other.

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^ that's a shame, as I love that coaster.


what about Sidewinder and Trailblazer? (I mean, neither of those are must rides, but they are coasters there)


. . . wondering if those two are closed, if they just closed that Section over by StormRunner? Since the 3 coasters are all right next to each other.



They'll both be open

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^ that's a shame, as I love that coaster.


what about Sidewinder and Trailblazer? (I mean, neither of those are must rides, but they are coasters there)


. . . wondering if those two are closed, if they just closed that Section over by StormRunner? Since the 3 coasters are all right next to each other.


More than likely it's just maintenance issues that normally would be addressed in the off-season but due to COVID they most likely weren't able to finish the work and/or parts couldn't make it to America from wherever they are coming from. It's a shame and SooperDooper is my daughter's favorite but we will still enjoy our visit this year just the same. And Kissing Tower is also closed which is no surprise due to the broken window and the fact it's probably a bad idea to run it with Social Distancing and all.

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