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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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  boldikus said:
Totally off-topic but what locations inside the park serve beer/booze? Planning a visit in October for HPITD. Don't waste your time telling me to go to Troegs because I'm going with a big beer geek and already pretty sure we're gonna leave in the middle of the day to go take a tour and come back to the park at night. But inside the park... I'm gonna need some tips on where to get the suds. The map on their website absolutely sucks and the dining page doesnt mention anything about adult beverages.


Thanks for the info.

Hersheypark Place and Overlook Food Court are the only two locations that serve beer and alcoholic beverages in the park.

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Awesome thanks! The restaurant (HPP) is outside of the gate right? Where is Overlook Food Court? Sorry Ive only been once and it was for a little over 4 hours and most of that time was spent running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to ride everything.


It would be great if they could maybe tell me where food locations are on their map... but they don't. :/ Seriously I love Hershey to death but worst park map ever.

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  boldikus said:
Awesome thanks! The restaurant (HPP) is outside of the gate right? Where is Overlook Food Court? Sorry Ive only been once and it was for a little over 4 hours and most of that time was spent running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to ride everything.


It would be great if they could maybe tell me where food locations are on their map... but they don't. :/ Seriously I love Hershey to death but worst park map ever.



I'm not that familiar with the park either cause I only went one weekend but I still have the Hershey Park app on my phone and I just checked it, it shows you exactly where the places are, the app is really good with the wait times when I was there as well.

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  boldikus said:
So the app answered my question for you and you typed all that out but not the info I need. You've been a great help.


I'll go download the app.



my bad, the overlook says it's between the amphitheater and great bear and Hershey Park place is right near the entrance across from the season pass office

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Oh man, if you've only been on a rushed Hershey visit and loved it, a nice relaxed visit is going to blow your freakin' mind.


I actually think Hershey is a total two day park ... take it easy ... ride the monorail .. take a trolley tour, I bring the niece and nephew and do all the cheesy ChocolateWorld stuff, enjoy the ambiance, stuff my face with candy, hit up a few coasters ...............


then late in the evening when the line inevitably dies down, marathon the everloving crap out of Skyrush.


Next day, rinse & repeat.

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  ejot said:
Oh man, if you've only been on a rushed Hershey visit and loved it, a nice relaxed visit is going to blow your freakin' mind.


I actually think Hershey is a total two day park ... take it easy ... ride the monorail .. take a trolley tour, I bring the niece and nephew and do all the cheesy ChocolateWorld stuff, enjoy the ambiance, stuff my face with candy, hit up a few coasters ...............


then late in the evening when the line inevitably dies down, marathon the everloving crap out of Skyrush.


Next day, rinse & repeat.


and then you can't walk the next day due to your thigh's being bruised and bloodied


skyrush hurt me bad lol. i marathoned it and the next day my thighs hurt so bad on a big trip to six flags great adventure. i'm weak, old, and frail

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  ejot said:
Oh man, if you've only been on a rushed Hershey visit and loved it, a nice relaxed visit is going to blow your freakin' mind.


I actually think Hershey is a total two day park ... take it easy ... ride the monorail .. take a trolley tour, I bring the niece and nephew and do all the cheesy ChocolateWorld stuff, enjoy the ambiance, stuff my face with candy, hit up a few coasters ...............


then late in the evening when the line inevitably dies down, marathon the everloving crap out of Skyrush.


Next day, rinse & repeat.


Yeah we went for HIPTD in 2014 on a Friday night from 6-10 and while it was busy, the coasters were all walkons to 15 mins tops. I got 4 laps on Skyrush but sacrificed getting on Comet, Trailblazer, the Mouse, Sidewinder (not that I'm dying for this) and only one side of Lightning Racer. Also didn't do Chocolate World or the Zoo. Want to do basically everything and get rides on Coal Cracker and multiple laps on the Intamins and Great Bear. Hopefully a Sunday in late October will be nice with both weather and crowds. Love the drive there in the autumn too.

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  coasterbill said:
  seasonic said:
Fahrenheit has a manufacturer set temperature limit at which point the attraction is allowed to run. The park is required to follow that. I believe the same is for Great Bear. As for Storm Runner and Skyrush, I believe those aren't open for the fact that it would be very uncomfortable for guests.



And while I do agree that Skyrush would be very uncomfortable for guests, that doesn't stop them from running it in the Spring, Summer and Fall.


Anyway please feel free to keep talking about Hershey's cute little Christmas event all winter and how running fast rides in the winter is uncomfortable to riders but please understand that we won't be able to hear you over the deafening B&M roar at Great Adventure.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  Jcoaster said:
  seasonic said:
  Jcoaster said:
  YoshiFan said:
It's good if you don't mind that there are no Halloween attractions. The park is decorated and some light displays at night but that is it. It is a good value with cheaper admission and just The Boardwalk closed and best of all crowds are usually low except on Saturday nights. I went to the park on a Sunday in October a few years ago and everything except Fahrehnheit was 5 minutes or less. It's nice Coal Cracker will be open, I see they also added Wild Mouse for Christmas Candylane although without any of the Intamin coasters or Great Bear open, I would still rather go to Great Adventure.


Too bad they don't open Great Bear for the Holiday event. It's totally possible.


Also, I find it strange that Lightening Racer isn't open for it either if Wildcat is.


Fahrenheit has a manufacturer set temperature limit at which point the attraction is allowed to run. The park is required to follow that. I believe the same is for Great Bear. As for Storm Runner and Skyrush, I believe those aren't open for the fact that it would be very uncomfortable for guests. Lightning Racer isn't run because of concerns of stopping mid run. Wildcat there isn't that concern because of the dynamics of the ride.


Yes Intamin temp limit blah blah blah. Great Bear can certainly run if Great Adventure is running B&M's in January and I can't see how much a difference in "dynamic" LR is than Wildcat. I think as mentioned before it has more to do with location.


Lightning Racer has valleyed before in Hersheypark in the Dark due to low temperatures; its not location. Different rides have different dynamics, just because it is built by the same company doesn't make it the same.

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Nitro has valleyed before too, you don't see Great Adventure crying about it.


I would absolutely say that it's based on location. Staff is hard to come by for Holiday events so there's no reason to staff a ride that's out of the way anyway, especially when it requires more staff than a traditional coaster since it has 2 tracks / 2 sets of seat checkers and 2 panels. Even if it could run, why would you run it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the double post but this thread absolutely died. Anyway apparently Laff Trakk will be decorated for Christmas this year for the first time. As the website puts it, the ride is "decking its halls with Christmas-themed décor in the spirit of the holiday season!"


I love that idea, hopefully they go all-out inside the ride building.

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Ok so I finally got a chance to ride the new restraints. I can't say they bothered me on Fahrenheit at all. I never had a problem with the old restraints so I would say the ride experience was unchanged.


On Storm Runner the straps were much tighter and they hurt my shoulders. I don't know if all the straps are tighter or if it was just the seat I was sitting in or what, but it was bad. Not as bad as Intimidator 305, but still bad. I fiddled with the d@mn buckle right up until the point when we launched, trying to get some slack in the strap to loosen it, but I couldn't do it, it was just too tight. Maybe next time I'll have better luck, but for now my opinion of these restraints remains very low.

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  mr_rush said:
Has work started on the new ride yet? Haven't heard much about it since it seems like a pretty disappointing ride...

From what I've seen on Facebook the kiddie rides have been moved, FF is gone, no major construction yet. Nothing vertical anyway.

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  amy_mel said:
  mr_rush said:
Has work started on the new ride yet? Haven't heard much about it since it seems like a pretty disappointing ride...

From what I've seen on Facebook the kiddie rides have been moved, FF is gone, no major construction yet. Nothing vertical anyway.

The foundation was starting to be poured last week, Flying Falcon is gone but they kept the foundation and plan to put place the two kiddie rides on top of it, and Red Baron is almost finished. The foundation is done, the center of the ride was placed and they still need to add railings, ride vehicles and the controls.


Over at the Chick-Fil-A site, they removed several large trees in front of the Music Box Theatre, closed down the restrooms, and put a preview sign up on the side of Shakey's Drive In.


Simply put, they are moving faster than I've ever seen on a new addition.

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  Ccron10 said:
  amy_mel said:
  mr_rush said:
Has work started on the new ride yet? Haven't heard much about it since it seems like a pretty disappointing ride...

From what I've seen on Facebook the kiddie rides have been moved, FF is gone, no major construction yet. Nothing vertical anyway.

The foundation was starting to be poured last week, Flying Falcon is gone but they kept the foundation and plan to put place the two kiddie rides on top of it, and Red Baron is almost finished. The foundation is done, the center of the ride was placed and they still need to add railings, ride vehicles and the controls.


Over at the Chick-Fil-A site, they removed several large trees in front of the Music Box Theatre, closed down the restrooms, and put a preview sign up on the side of Shakey's Drive In.


Simply put, they are moving faster than I've ever seen on a new addition.


It's good to hear that they are moving on this one. The Facebook fan pages aren't keeping up with construction for once

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  • 2 weeks later...
  ViperGTS500 said:
Might be going to the park for the first time in 8 years this Saturday! How are the crowds usually, on a Saturday in the middle of October? What's the best plan of action to avoid lines the most and being able to ride all the big coasters a few times each?


Ride Laff Track and Fahrenheit first, they tend to have the longest line. After that just use your own judgement. I wouldn't ride Skyrush until later in the day due to the fact that its usually empty around 5-6 o'clock.

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Okay guys I have a "tremendously" important question. I'm sort of considering going to Hershey next Sunday and I have a question about (to the surprise of absolutely nobody) Coal Cracker. I know this is the first time it's been open for HPITD and I'm curious if it's been running every day or if they've been closing it on colder days. Given the fact that this park is run by a bunch of complete p*ssies who freak out about low temperatures I figured I'd ask. "Normal" people know that unless it's cold enough for the water to literally freeze it's never too cold to ride a Log Flume but for whatever reason some people don't share in my enthusiasm.

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