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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Went to the park yesterday, Sunday 11/1. My first visit since 2011. What an awesome visit, pleasant temps and light crowds. Everything was a walk-on with the exception of Laff Trakk, which we rode both with lights on and lights off. This was probably my fifth visit to HP ever, and I got to ride more yesterday than all of my visit to HP combined.


I must say, rode Skyrush for the first time yesterday. I have heard so much negativity about the ride, but WOW!! I loved it. Superb ride, easily a top 5 for me. I lost count with how many times I rode. Fantastic!!!

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Unfortunately, after we exited Laff Track the park had officially closed



It seems like we were in the park at the same time Friday night. My BF and I arrived around 8:50Pm and rode Skyrush three times (without getting up) before heading back to Laff Track to ride it for the second time of the season. We got off when the park was closed so we were probably in line with you!


Glad you have a great trip! You are absolutely right about Sidewinder my BF refused to ride it even though I told him it has received new restraints since he rode it last.

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^ Agreed. I only rode it once but Wildcat was rough like a good older woodie should be. I've ridden much worse.


Also glad to see we have some more Skyrush geeks roaming this great planet.

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If anything, I'm just not a fan of the layout of Wildcat. It really does nothing for me like LR does. The flyer trains are really comfortable as rough as the track is.


Layout of a ride is about 100x more important to me than smoothness. Predator at Darien Lake still ranks very high for me, and it has to be one of the roughest coasters on the planet. But the layout is filled with airtime and does a lot.

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Unfortunately, after we exited Laff Track the park had officially closed



It seems like we were in the park at the same time Friday night. My BF and I arrived around 8:50Pm and rode Skyrush three times (without getting up) before heading back to Laff Track to ride it for the second time of the season. We got off when the park was closed so we were probably in line with you!


Glad you have a great trip! You are absolutely right about Sidewinder my BF refused to ride it even though I told him it has received new restraints since he rode it last.

We had to have been in line at the same time! I've ridden a few other Boomerangs and none of them (even the ones without new trains) have been that bad. Whenever the train entered the second spike I was wishing I could just get off and not have to go through the entire ride over again, backwards. But now that I've ridden it I will never ride it again, its for sure a one and done.

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Whenever Hersheypark gets around to expanding to the golf course area, do you think they should build a long, snaking B&M hyper coaster or maybe one of their Wing coasters? They'd have the space to do so, and I think a long coaster could be really cool in that area if it interacts with other rides and areas, sort of like of the rides in Comet Hollow all seem to interact in some manner. Or would you rather see a fully-fledged Intamin hyper (I think Skyrush technically qualifies a minor hyper-coaster, albeit a small one).

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Whenever Hersheypark gets around to expanding to the golf course area, do you think they should build a long, snaking B&M hyper coaster or maybe one of their Wing coasters? They'd have the space to do so, and I think a long coaster could be really cool in that area if it interacts with other rides and areas, sort of like of the rides in Comet Hollow all seem to interact in some manner. Or would you rather see a fully-fledged Intamin hyper (I think Skyrush technically qualifies a minor hyper-coaster, albeit a small one).


A B&M Giga coaster would work great here. There are none nearby, and although they have skyrush, they don't really have a floater air ride. Plus it would be the new tallest ride there and could potentially be a new top 3 (in the world) coaster if they do it right!


But what they really need is a drop tower.

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Yep. Hershey would basically become the most perfect park on earth if they


- added an Intamin Skyjump/some other drop tower

- add another adult flat like a Screaming Swing

- RMC Wildcat


The end. Best park on earth.


edit: Oh and implement some sort of worthwhile fast pass system.

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Yep. Hershey would basically become the most perfect park on earth if they


- added an Intamin Skyjump/some other drop tower

- add another adult flat like a Screaming Swing

- RMC Wildcat


The end. Best park on earth.


edit: Oh and implement some sort of worthwhile fast pass system.


Hard to argue with this list. I would substitute a Star Flyer for the Screaming Swing, but that's just personal preference. Hershey is already one of the top parks in the country, but these additions would make it even better. Giving Wildcat the Iron Horse treatment just makes too much sense, especially since the park already has two other superior woodies in Comet and Lightning Racer. RMC's typically have a 48 inch height requirement (same as Wildcat), so it would still be family friendly even with an inversion or two.

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I totally agree. Hershey is probably one of the more underrated parks because it isn't part of a big box chain. But they definitely know what they are doing and have developed a park of world class coasters. Wildcat is really the only one there that is sub-par, and it's not horrible. My ONLY complaint ever while visiting Hershey is that there are not many slide attractions in the waterpark.

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I totally agree. Hershey is probably one of the more underrated parks because it isn't part of a big box chain. But they definitely know what they are doing and have developed a park of world class coasters. Wildcat is really the only one there that is sub-par, and it's not horrible. My ONLY complaint ever while visiting Hershey is that there are not many slide attractions in the waterpark.


There is also a vekoma boomerang, which I also consider sub-par (although the restraints on that particular one are not bad!)


But yeah I agree with everything eveveryone has been saying above. My predictions for the next 5 years are a drop tower, a family ride or park improvemts, a RMC of wildcat, Family ride or park improvemts, and then finally a waterpark expansion (hopefully a complex like snake pit).


That would be a REALLY solid next 5 years (and then hopefully they can add my dream Giga coaster!)

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RMC's typically have a 48 inch height requirement (same as Wildcat), so it would still be family friendly even with an inversion or two.

Low height requirement =/= family-friendly.

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Last time I checked, Wildcat is not really considered a family friendly ride even on its smoothest day. An RMC conversion would take an existing mediocre thrill ride and turn it into one of the best thrill rides in the park. Also, I do not think an RMC Wildcat with two or zero inversions would be considered a family ride unless the layout was severely neutered.

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Yep. Hershey would basically become the most perfect park on earth if they


- added an Intamin Skyjump/some other drop tower

- add another adult flat like a Screaming Swing

- RMC Wildcat


The end. Best park on earth.


edit: Oh and implement some sort of worthwhile fast pass system.


The crazy thing is they could do all that without utilizing the area that will be the eventual expansion.

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Yep. Hershey would basically become the most perfect park on earth if they


- added an Intamin Skyjump/some other drop tower

- add another adult flat like a Screaming Swing

- RMC Wildcat


The end. Best park on earth..


When you think about it it's pretty crazy that with those changes residents of Hershey, PA would have the best park in the entire world right in their back yard.




























See... it would be like an hour and a half away TOPS. Best park in the world.

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  • 4 weeks later...


edit: Oh and implement some sort of worthwhile fast pass system.


I know, right?!?! I am a SkyRush geek and really, really enjoy Hershey. I do not particularly care for how crowded it gets and I think that they desperately need a good fast pass system.

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I will note that we don't use "fastpass" type systems, and have absolutely no issue waiting in lines (we enjoy that as part of the experience).


that said, I thought the operations at HersheyPark were amazing (every ride that was down during our visit, was back up and operating within the hour, in every case). . the park is gorgeous, and some of the rides were very very fun.


in fact, the only thing I would even flag as a "dislike" for HersheyPark? The park maps are TERRIBLE, and even with the maps in hand, we had to keep asking staff where things were.


but other than that? we loved it and would Rank it among the better parks we have been to.


(tho not as high as BGW, or Knoebel's)

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