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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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^San Diego is getting a major addition in the form of Manta.


Considering the three Orlando parks in the company earn about forty percent of the SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment total operating income, I think Orlando is entitled (and I use that word sparingly, as justified only by numbers) to additional investment on this scale, especially considering the amount of growing competition next door.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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^Agreed. I've been indifferent toward Sea World Orlando over the last few years, but these new attractions will definitely get me to visit again. They have to do something to counter Disney and Universal.

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It's not clear on the specifics though. Is the penguin ride just a retooling of the existing simulator? "New Ride Technology" is a pretty vague statement. I'm not getting my hopes up for some sort of full on penguin dark ride.


And will you be able to encounter otters, included with a normal DC day, or will actual touching involve an upcharge (I've heard that before)?



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That's right. Give Orlando ALL of the attention. -____________-


It would be nice if they did something for the San Diego park...you know, the FIRST park? Itwould be great if we at least got a dark ride or something.

You should feel VERY fortunate that we don't enforce a mandatory IQ test before you are allowed to post to the forums.

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^^^The way that it was described was a "family adventure" ride that would be different each time you rode it. I'm thinking it will still be a penguin dark ride with some sort of interactive element and live penguins thrown into the mix.


As for the otters in the Freshwater Oasis, it was described that you could swim alongside with them. Based on what they did with the "swimming alongside the sharks" in the Grand Reef, I'm guessing you'll swim alongside their habitat separated by a pane of glass.




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This looks great! My family gets fun cards for Seaworld a lot since it's a short drive from where I live and it has attractions for all of us (I'm the only coaster fan in my family, although I do plan on taking my mom on Cheetah Hunt!) So this'll definitely bring us back in 2013


The Antarctica area looks really nice, I really wonder what the ride will be..

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"The Penguining World of Harry Penguin" looks amazing. Can't wait to hear the "ride" details, but they don't really matter much. (Runs out to buy advance tickets for "Happy Feet Two.")






When I saw the video that Robb posted of Brian Morrow (his parents should have named him Tom) describing the attraction as "epic" and a "world within a world" this was the first thing that came to mind... According to the press release this will be a unique ride system as well..



I'm looking forward to reading everyone's speculation on what this ride or world might entail... I'm thinking an entire domed land where snow and ice is constantly being created. Something very similiar to the indoor skiing facilities across the world...The ride system? hmm... It will be a motion based platform that by making choices on a touch screen, the ride will take different path or themes.

Edited by Chroniq
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Regarding my last post, I apologize for not being very clear about what I meant to say.


I know we are getting Manta, but what I meant to say is that it feels like SW San Diego just seems to be playing second fiddle in comparison to what Florida gets. I mean, they're getting a big dark ride, a massive 3D show, and other cool animal exhibits, but all we're getting is just a "smaller" roller coaster to fit the CCC's standards. It's nice we're getting something, but it would be nice to see the SD park get a legit dark ride or something.

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I'd like to see EPCOT get a renovation like the Sea Turtle Experience with there dome show(s?) I know there is the Japan one but I'm not sure if there are more off the top of my head, but if they revamped them to 3D and followed in SeaWorld's footsteps I think that'd be pretty cool.


Also on the project for the penguin place, I'm glad to see that getting updated it seemed a bit outdated the last time I went there, glad to see they're keeping things new and updated!

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According to the press release this will be a unique ride system as well..I'm looking forward to reading everyone's speculation on what this ride or world might entail... The ride system? hmm... It will be a motion based platform that by making choices on a touch screen, the ride will take different path or themes.

I wouldn't rule out something along the lines of a "family friendly DarKastle." Remember, that was a Busch ride, and the company has a long history of re-using past ideas and companies they've worked with before.


Taking that technology, and having a way to "choose your ending" would be very state-of-the-art...

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Regarding my last post, I apologize for not being very clear about what I meant to say.


I know we are getting Manta, but what I meant to say is that it feels like SW San Diego just seems to be playing second fiddle in comparison to what Florida gets. I mean, they're getting a big dark ride, a massive 3D show, and other cool animal exhibits, but all we're getting is just a "smaller" roller coaster to fit the CCC's standards. It's nice we're getting something, but it would be nice to see the SD park get a legit dark ride or something.

I honestly cannot even believe you're complaining. You're getting a multi-launched, family coaster. The only kind of it's type in the USA, and you're bitching? REALLY!??!!?


I think considering the strict building issues that park has, the fact that Sea World San Diego has seen two major mechanical rides go up in less than 10 years, a new kids area, a couple of new flat rides, and a number of shows and re-themed animal exhibits, the park is doing quite well for expansions.


I mean, what do you expect? Top Thrill Dolphin or something?


--Robb "Sounds like someone needs to get realistic expectations..." Alvey

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lol, while it would be nice for the SD park to get a similar project (and who knows, maybe it will?) Let's let the dust settle on the current project before we get our panties in a bunch. But from the sounds of things, Orlando will be getting much love for the next decade all cuz of little Harry and the guys at Universal.

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**Runs off to recommend Top Thrill Dolphin to the Georgia Aquarium**


Seriously, though... these look like really solid additions. SWO is really crafting a great set of attractions (i.e. rides) in addition to the animal displays and shows. I always enjoyed the park, and I think these are going to contribute greatly to that. Kraken is already a favorite coaster of mine. And, with some minor tweaks to the story and music, JTA would be one of the best attractions out there IMHO. I'm excited to see how these new guys stack up once actually built!

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Very very excited about all these additions.


Seaworlds one of my favourite parks so, these improvements can only be a positive for me.

Will be interested to see what the ride mechanism is for the 'dark ride',

maybe something like 'poohs honey hunt' in Japan could would be not far off? not sure, far too early to tell.


I'm somewhat slightly dubious that it will be 'ground breaking' for what is essentially seeming to be a family / children's ride but, could certainly be different in the local area (if you ignore Spiderman ), I know they will deliver something special though

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Will be interested to see what the ride mechanism is for the 'dark ride',

maybe something like 'poohs honey hunt' in Japan could would be not far off? not sure, far too early to tell.


I'm somewhat slightly dubious that it will be 'ground breaking' for what is essentially seeming to be a family / children's ride

I normally would be too, but you did mention Pooh's Hunny Hunt in your post, and think about it, if prior to what we all now know about ToykoDisney's Pooh, if you were old that Disney was going to build a "Winnie the Pooh Dark Ride, and it will be the most amazing, technically advanced ride you've ever seen", you'd probably have thought the same skeptical way.


I agree with you though, it's going to have to be something pretty impressive, even for a family ride, to live up to the statements they made at the press event.

Edited by robbalvey
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I think we can rule a dark ride with a drop section (like Thirteen) out of the equation.


What I've always wondered is the feasibility (economic and technical) of building a dark ride with dozens of variations of the story line like the Dragon's Lair video game.

Edited by larrygator
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