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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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WooHoo! But the downfall is Mr. Pibb. Dr. Pepper has no equal!


No, that doesn't mean that you will get Mr. Pibb instead of Dr. Pepper necessarily. Dr. Pepper is not owned by either company so it can be served with either depending on the contract.



Edited by ernierocker
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^,^^. Couldn't agree more. Beverly tastes awesome...finally tried it at Epcot this year. I think it's Coca Cola's version of Brio, or other chinotto drinks from Fanta or San Pellegrino. The best American replacement of those drinks that I've tasted is Dr. Pepper. In typical North American fashion, it is milder tasting but close enough.


Very happy too that Sea World parks are also free from only offering a "This Bud's for you".

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Well, I was on the edge about going on New Hotness, but now that Busch Gardens Wiliamsburg has coke, I have made up my mind. Hahaha, kidding. But either way, in terms of Coke Products as a whole, I have no preference, aside from Mountain Dew over Vault. But Coke vs. Pepsi... Coke is the winner. I tolerate Coke, I hate Pepsi. Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke are awesome though!

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From WESH 2 News Orlando...


SeaWorld To Ditch Pepsi For Coke


Report: SeaWorld Switching To Coca-Cola Sponsorship In January


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Come 2012, there won't be any more sea otters carrying Pepsi cans at SeaWorld, or any guests doing so for that matter.


Starting Jan. 1, SeaWorld is making the switch from Pepsi to Coca-Cola, according to the Orlando Sentinel.


Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort both already partner with Coca-Cola.


The Coke sponsorship at SeaWorld was signed for a reported 10 years.


Read more: http://www.wesh.com/themeparks/30013619/detail.html#ixzz1gid0AOfK


Darn, I was holding out for RC Cola.

Just kidding.

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^^ I see where you're coming from. My brother has been a die hard Coke drinker since he was a preteen and refuses to drink anything pepsi related. So I guess he'd be pretty excited about this too if he were an enthusiast and knew of this announcement.


I don't drink soda anymore but when I did, I only drank Dr. Pepper and Root Beer so this wouldn't have affected me that much anyway

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^Every time we have Q&A with park management at the Cedar Fair parks I ask about switching to Coke...when we have Q&A with the ex-Paramount Parks I ask how long they will keep coke, and if there's a chance they'll keep it when the contract is up.


From what I've been told the different ex-Paramount parks have different contract expiration dates and they are open to basically whoever gives them the better deal. Come on Coke, bring it home!

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Tilikum, the whale who killed SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau in February 2010 when he grabbed her and dragged her underwater, is ill.


SeaWorld says trainers noted a change in Tilikum's behavior this past week and moved him into a medical pool that allows trainers and veterinary staff to closely monitor his progress.


SeaWorld says Tilikum is continuing to interact with his trainers and shows signs of improvement and zoological staff will continue to monitor his health closely and treat Tilikum.

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