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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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i am planning a trip to seaworld may 25th.

schools are out so i think it will be crowded

Can anyone answer these questions...


1) does it only work once for each attraction?


2) how fast do they sell out?


3) if anyones used it is it worth it?



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^1. Yes, the Quick Queue works once per (included) attraction.

2. Not quite sure, but I would assume that depends on the crowds that day.

3. While I haven't used it at Seaworld Orlando yet, I did get the chance to use it over at Busch Gardens Williamsburg this Summer. Mind you, the park has plenty more rides than it does shows. Seaworld's Quick Queue covers more shows than it does rides, so if you are into shows more than rides, it should be worth it. With only one ride included with the ticket per attraction, I'd rather wait in line and not pay anything extra since I rarely stop to see a show.

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Just a little quick update from the Orlando Sentinel to see how Manta is going along. Good to hear it is ahead of schedule.


The article is actually about how Universal parent company, GE, may be interested in Busch Entertainment.


Manta poised to roll


Speaking of SeaWorld, the resort says its the much-anticipated Manta roller coaster is ahead of schedule — so much so that it might start letting guests ride it in about a week.


SeaWorld spokesman Nick Gollattscheck said water has already been pumped into the aquariums around the attraction, and the testing and safety checks of the inverted-flying coaster are complete. The park is now populating the aquariums with rays. It has been allowing employees to ride Manta for the past couple of weeks.


Letting guests aboard at the beginning of May would allow for a roughly three-week "soft opening" of the ride before Manta's formal grand opening on May 22.


Link: www.orlandosentinel.com/business/orl-biztourism27042709apr27,0,6560597.story

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^ Yeah, I'd also try getting there during it's soft opening instead of opening day. I was talking to another manager yesterday in front of the ride and they said they're expecting wait times in excess of 6 to 7 hours on the 22nd.


Wouldn't surprise me seeing how SheiKra had a 7hr line after we got off after only waiting an hour for our ride.

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^ Yeah, I'd also try getting there during it's soft opening instead of opening day. I was talking to another manager yesterday in front of the ride and they said they're expecting wait times in excess of 6 to 7 hours on the 22nd.


Wouldn't surprise me seeing how SheiKra had a 7hr line after we got off after only waiting an hour for our ride.


Wow, I never knew wait line could get so long. It could get that long if everyone goes on the 22nd and not to mention that weekend is the start of the busy period too.


Good thing that during the soft opening period, its during a slow time so lines shouldn't be too bad.

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MY roommate just got back from SeaWorld and said that employees were ridding manta today.

What were they ridding manta of? Swine flu?


Not on here too, I have heard so many swine flu jokes at work already...


Can't wait to ride Manta and check out the aquarium around the station.

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The attention to detail in the q is phenomenal and just the couple of rays that are in the tank now add so much to the ride experience. They look so cool just cruising and there is only a few right now. Will there be other things in the tank besides rays, or will it only be rays?


Thanks for posting and man do I hope that this thing opens soon, the anticipation is killing me! What does the ocean look like?


Have there been any tests of the "splashdown" to anyones knowledge?

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Will there be other things in the tank besides rays, or will it only be rays?


There will be eight species of rays. Along with them there would be sea dragons, seahorses, and a lot of fishes such as angelfish and clownfish.


What I notice that wasn't mention before is that there will be an Giant Pacific Octopus in the exhibit. Pretty cool if you ask me.


A lot of info on the aquarium, animals and the ride itself can be found here:


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There will be eight species of rays. Along with them there would be sea dragons, seahorses, and a lot of fishes such as angelfish and clownfish.


Yes, Sea Dragons!


What I notice that wasn't mention before is that there will be an Giant Pacific Octopus in the exhibit.




/Terrifying. And now venomous!

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Wow! I want to ride this for the queue alone! What a great looking attraction.


perfect! cause there will be a non rider path that goes by the tanks too!


I love that idea, so the animals aren't hidden for only riders.


And thanks for the update! I was think of going the week after the opening, but now, i may go weeks before!

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Hey Guys. First time i have posted in this forum.


Just thought i would let every one know that Sea World is offering a front of the line pass to ride Manta to anyone who completes these 6 Missions on their website: http://www.ridetheflyingray.com/manta/manta-mask.aspx


They seem relatively easy and might only take a couple hours. Might be worth it if you are going on MDW for the opening. Anyways, that was it, just thought i would let you guys know.


ps. did anyone hear about the guy who tried to get into Sea World by sneaking in? It was in my local paper. They tazed him repeatedly without any effect. Turns out he was on LSD! hah!

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