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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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Just got home from the park, and Manta took it's first full train of GUESTS for a ride around 2:20!


All the construction walls are down and the ride site looks amazing. Both waterfalls are flowing, and the splash effect is operational. The coaster is amazing to see live, people gaze at it in awe everytime the train passed.


Most of the aquariums are filled and many have inhabitants. Although I didn't get a chance to walk through the aquarium I was told is beautiful, and it is great to see a large collection of FISH at SeaWorld again.


The park has a real winner on their hands, congratulations to the design team!

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I went to Seaworld today and it was open to the public for the first time.

I was on the second train ever for it to be open to the public.

The ride is awsome. It is every smooth and the back is intense. I only rode it once

The theming is great and detailed.

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^You only rode it once, in the 2nd row but the back was intense? How does that work haha?


Tell us more?! Is it as short as everyone said it looked? What was the best part? What did the splashdown look like? Kraken or manta?


What about pictures! Need some of those ya?

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^You only rode it once, in the 2nd row but the back was intense? How does that work haha?


Tell us more?! Is it as short as everyone said it looked? What was the best part? What did the splashdown look like? Kraken or manta?


What about pictures! Need some of those ya?


I think he meant the second train and he rode in the back.

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The people in the back near the water do get wet . The line got long real


Did not have my camera with me sorry. Oh it is alittle faster than you think .

I also talk to brian the Desiger of the ride .

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^^That makes more sense, I just read "car" and that the second row. To me, the second "car" would be the second "train" but whatever. Its cool. I just want to see pictures now!


^Faster in a sense like speed wise or faster as in time? That makes sense in my head, but does it in anyone elses?


What did you talk to him about?

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^ I just asked him how the ride was picked out of other roller coaster Manufacture.


The ride is faster in speed.

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I spoke with KrakenKing who was also at Sea World today. We went yesterday in anticipation of Soft Opening but only got Jack Hanna. Today, I had to work, but he went and when I spoke with him a little under an hour ago, he'd gotten 3 rides.


The only details I got were "the pretzel loop is more intense than Superman: Ultimate Flight".


But apparently, it's worth riding 3 times.

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WHY does everything awesome happen when I'm recovering from hip surgery?


If I had one wish, I need to get to Sea World ASAP. Ive been putting it off for... 10 years. I'm glad to hear the ride is awesome and that it doesn't have a hydraulic floors. It makes everything that much faster.

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Now that the ride has opened, I have no problem posting my opinion as I was able to ride quite a few times the past week or so. The ride flat out rocks. I've been on all 3 Superman clones plus the 2 Vekoma models. I had an idea of what to expect from Manta, much to my surprise the ride absolutely exceeded my expectations. The backseat is most certainly more intense than the front seat. I gotta admit though, being in the front and watching the Manta Lead Car spiraling ahead of you is pretty awesome.


The backseat is fantastic. It starts with a nice pull over the lift and a quick whip around to the right.....the drop honestly has some bite to it and much more than what one would expect. As any of us could have anticipated, the Pretzel Loop is fantastic....it is WAY more intense than Superman's.....but I have yet to ride Tatsu but can't compare. i will tell you that a few employees that I was talking to one night HAVE been on Tatsu and they actually preferred Manta.


The rest of the ride is just fun. The first inline twist is relatively slow in the back seat, but very graceful as you watch the sky spin around. The downward spiral picks up the speed VERY quick and you pull some nice g's going through it. I do want to note that before entering this element, you do appear to glide over the tree tops below. The flat spin is a lot of fun as well! Its taken pretty fast and I love the dip upon exiting it as you are facedown over the crowd on the walkway below.


The block brake trims VERY little speed off the ride and the drop whips the backseat over it. I will say that the second half of the ride doesn't have so much intensity, but stands out and is INCREDIBLY effective with all the visuals in play. While riding, as the train banks out of the block brake drop, you see the wall of water that sprays in front of you for the splashdown. The climb up and turn into the waterfall turn is quick and fun. Backseat, left side is the money seat.....the waterfall is VERY VERY close and you do get wet from it on the ride. The next inversion is smooth and taken pretty fast, but the last turn on the ride is where it seems like you are just inches from the water surface on the left side of the train.


Overall, the ride is AWESOME and it most certainly exceeded my expectations for it.....which doesn't happen to often to me. I know some may think I'm biased because I work there, but I am a seasoned rider and have been on plenty of coasters to make fair judgement. Definitely a backseat ride.


The non-rider side of the aquarium is not open as of yet. The queue for the ride is absolutely beautiful inside, even has hidden rays engraved into the rockwork. As of now, there are rays in the main tank however it isn't anywhere near what will ultimately be in there. Even with this not being complete, the experience is wonderful. For guests not knowing anything about the attraction, it really is immersive in how they have it set up. There are multiple smaller aquariums along the way as well, some of which have yet to have their occupants move in. Once you reach the end of the aquarium building there is a greeter where the line splits to go to each of the two stations. At this point, everything is heavily lit in deep blues, given the impression of being under the sea.....and I gotta say much more effectively than the queue for Nemo at Epcot.


There is a wonderful soundtrack that not only accompanies the queue line and station, but also the entire area. The Park did a wonderful job at bringing everything together, its all very cohesive. One of the coolest "little touches" that I like is the sound effect that accompanies each train as they are dispatch. A very loud thunderous type roar sounds, followed by a mix of the music from the promo video that was released back in March.


The ride opend around 230 today as others have stated. The queue was filled, but not quite to the entrance. After I got off work, I walked over and decided to wait just to get the rest of the experience with the queue. Wait time was only 30 minutes. KUDOS to the crew! Fantastic job running all three trains, very impressive dispatching given its the first day of operation with guests. As you are waiting on the bridge that leads from the waterfall to the showbuilding, you will get splashed. As the last car of the train passes the waterfall, water is flung all the way over to the bridge which was unexpected, but cool


This attraction has elevated the standards for BEC Parks and I feel has set the bar even higher for the SeaWorld.. Comparing the final product (well, not quite final, yet) to the artist renderings.....you won't find all that much difference. The aquarium is almost completely hidden behind the foilage that the Park has planted. The entire area is absolutely gorgeous and the ride fits in seamlessly. Its very interactive with guests and people were absolutely loving every second of it today.


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Thank you for the photo update, nicksvideos! The splashdown looks absolutely fantastic. Is there any way that I could get a larger version of each of those photos? I'd like to use any of them for a desktop wallpaper, if it's alright with you.


There is a wonderful soundtrack that not only accompanies the queue line and station, but also the entire area. The Park did a wonderful job at bringing everything together, its all very cohesive. One of the coolest "little touches" that I like is the sound effect that accompanies each train as they are dispatch. A very loud thunderous type roar sounds, followed by a mix of the music from the promo video that was released back in March.


Thank you for your review! I'm glad to hear about the soundtrack. It almost sounds like they've made it sort of like the old Epcot Living Seas soundtrack with the different background sounds.

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I was expecting the splash down to be bigger, you know like Sheikra's splash down. But very cool none-the-less.

And also, the letters that make up the word Manta on the sign entrance looks photo-shopped every time I see it. But the ray the letters are on looks very cool.

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Thank you for your review! I'm glad to hear about the soundtrack. It almost sounds like they've made it sort of like the old Epcot Living Seas soundtrack with the different background sounds.


The soundtrack was a surprise to me. I sort of expected music in the aquarium, but not in the entire area plus the station. Like I said, they really thought it all out. Everything goes together very well, the Park has every right to be proud of this baby....definitely an excellent addition to SeaWorld.


As for the splash down, it is small....but I do like how it operates. It begins at the end near the bottom of the drop, the water shoots up rapidly (one jet at a time) and follows the lead car around the curve. Of course the jets remain on until the entiretrain has passed through the element. Its still entertaining for those viewing, but from a rider standpoint this absolutely beats Sheikra's splash. I was in the far left seat this afternoon and still saw the water in front of my face. I know the right side is the best for that turn, however during my earlier rides, the splash wasnt functioning yet....I'm definitely thinking you see a lot of water on the right

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They timed that block out perfectly. I t got me wondering on where towards the top of the lift is the spot where the blocks change as the train in the splashdown had just passed the block and the other train was almost completely off the lift.


I'm referring to this picture:


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I'm definitely thinking you see a lot of water on the right


I rode on the right side and you are right you do see the water and I got a little wet to so they did the splashdown prefect.

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Great pictures, however, let me tell you, pictures don't do justice. The place looks MUCH better in person. I was there today and there was already a huge line before it even opened. Later in the day, the line got much shorter. The atmosphere around the entire attraction is so great. It just looks so beautiful there, it can be enjoyed even if you don't get on it. SeaWorld did a great job.


All day I watch guests stared and was in awe over this new attraction. The water splash was not big but it really looks cool in person watching the train go by and the splash come up.


Trains were dispatched fast, with a train leaving the station going up the lift immediately after a train hit the MCBR, sometimes even faster.


I probably won't get my first ride until later this week and I'm really already so excited about this ride and I only just walked around it.

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Here are some pics that I took with my phone this afternoon. I'm going back with my camera since I'm off tomorrow, so I should have some higher quality pictures to share then.


This is entering the aquarium building, just after crossing the bridge from the waterfall



One of the viewing windows from the rider queue line


Quite a few rays already, when all is said and done there will be 300 plus 2500 other fish, including sea dragons and an octopus


Not the best picture, but shows part of one of the smaller aquariums integrated into the queue


Walking directly under the lift


The new pathway that connects the Manta plaza and existing areas....






Entrance sign. The queue enters the rock formation and actually goes behind the water fall that the train flies by

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I was there today as well. I got to the park around 12PM and waited in front of the ride area which looks INCREDIBLE, by the way.


I talked to a few of the GM's around the ride and 4 out of 5 said the ride would be soft opening today. So I decided to stick around. At 1:30 or so, the ride started testing.


At 2:25PM the ride opened, and I was lucky enough to be on the first train, front row, of the public. That makes 2 for 2 for Sea World.


The ride itself is wonderful, it really does glide and play with it's surroundings perfectly. On the outside seats of either side, in the back row, you do get you a little wet from either the waterfall, or the water skim.


Best row for me was the back, you get so much G-Force, much more than on S:UF's. But I heard from a few people that Tatsu is better, but that is probably a given.


The inside of the queue was beautiful, with the tanks of fish and rays. Along the queue you can also find many "Hidden Manta's" just like the Hidden Mickey's at Disney. I think I found about 8.


I got to ride four times, twice in back (Left and Right side), once in row 6, and once in the front. The wait was never more than 25min.


Great ride, I hope to go back on Monday and ride it again! Pics may or may not come soon, my camera is giving me problems.


SeaWorld defiantly received a winner though!

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They timed that block out perfectly. I t got me wondering on where towards the top of the lift is the spot where the blocks change as the train in the splashdown had just passed the block and the other train was almost completely off the lift.


My apologies. I didn't realized I'd uploaded the photoshopped version of that photo. I've replaced it with the non-photoshopped version.


And even though the trains weren't running that close together, I must say, dispatch times were pretty impressive given this was the crew's first go at having an actual queue for the attraction. I think they did a great job keeping the line moving. Plus, the wait went by quite quickly as there was always something to look at in the queue, and the aquariums aren't even fully filled yet!



Thank you for the photo update, nicksvideos! The splashdown looks absolutely fantastic. Is there any way that I could get a larger version of each of those photos? I'd like to use any of them for a desktop wallpaper, if it's alright with you.


No problem, I've uploaded widescreen wallpaper sized images of several of my photos here:




Note: Photos with an 'a' are photoshopped to include multiple trains. I've also included the originals for those who may not like the multiple trains.

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No problem, I've uploaded widescreen wallpaper sized images of several of my photos here:




Note: Photos with an 'a' are photoshopped to include multiple trains. I've also included the originals for those who may not like the multiple trains.


Thanks for uploading those!



Here's a video of the loading station



You can kind of here the music in the background, but it's hard to hear over the talking.

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