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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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^Since I haven't been on Tatsu, I can't really compare the two, but I can say that this is the best flyer I have been on so far. I strongly prefer Manta to either of the two Superman flyers I have ridden. It can also be said that there is no reason whatsoever to even consider comparing Manta to a Vekoma flyer, at least in my opinion.

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^Since I haven't been on Tatsu, I can't really compare the two, but I can say that this is the best flyer I have been on so far. I strongly prefer Manta to either of the two Superman flyers I have ridden. It can also be said that there is no reason whatsoever to even consider comparing Manta to a Vekoma flyer.


I only compare methods of torture to Vekoma Flyers.

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^^^These photos were taken today.


^^My brother and I did notice that the timing was off by a little bit, but nothing major enough to ruin the effect. I figure they are still tweaking it, so I'll wait until the official opening to focus more on the system.

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Yeah, like I said in my previous post, it seemed they were running the splash effect quite a bit faster today. It actually got us wet in the front row, whereas yesterday it wasn't fast enough to get us wet there. It also seemed to be a bit bigger today. I assume they're still testing it at various speeds and heights to see what looks best for riders and spectators.


And jedimaster, my friends and I are totally in a few of your photos. I thought you looked familiar, and almost said something to you, but bringing up an internet message board to a complete stranger is always a bit awkward, so I decided against it.


Also, here's another rather poorly thrown together video from today:

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The splash definitely seemed bigger today, but not sure about the timing. My rides late this afternoon found the block brake kicking in a tad more than yesterday (least it felt like it) and my rides from earlier on.....didnt detract from the ride at all, just an observation. Could also explain the timing. Still looks fantastic!

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So...is there a splash zone (as implied in the concept art) for non-riders or not? I don't think I've seen any photos yet of little kids getting soaked as the train goes by....

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I finally got to ride Manta today and I have to say I was very impressed. The layout is great because it gives great visuals of guests all over Sea World, it has perfect B&M smoothness, and the ending is great with the low to the ground dives and close (sometimes too close) dives to the water. I was only able to manage 2 rides one in the middle and one in the very back. The queue line is cool, dark and provides plenty of entertainment while waiting. They even have a great soundtrack playing while waiting.


As far as a comparison to the other flyers, I've been on both SFOG and SFGAd Superman rides and Tatsu - I think it's clearly a big step up from the Supermen ride and I honestly prefer it to Tatsu. I can see where a lot will like Tatsu better, but I think Manta gave an overall better mix of sensations than Tatsu and Tatsu seemed to just power it's way through the whole course (which is a good thing too). Manta had several intense moments, but some nice fast, gliding-type moments too which is when flyers are their best IMO. The pretzel on Manta was intense enough, maybe not quite as intense as Tatsu, but very close. However, I loved the sequence after the pretzel which was a roll over then an intensifying 270 degree spiral dive that went back, threaded the pretzel and did a corkscrew type element into the block brake. The ending was not very intense, but the interactions with the themeing, water and ground more than make up for it. In fact, the back seat gives a really nice sensation when you dive out of the block, something kind of unusal for a flyer.


The length is fine and pretty much perfect. It's a rather quick (and deceptively high) climb to the top of the lift and you get great views of people walking below. The dive off the lift gives a great whip in the back row.


Overall, I'm really excited about Manta and can't wait to go back and ride some more. Honestly, when it was first announced, I didn't know what to think because I've never been a big fan of flyers, but I think it's going to be a hit. I loved it and the public seemed to LOVE it too. I'm sure I'm leaving some good points out.

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^^I am pretty sure the "splashdown" is purely visual, no other purpose. I guess it might get turned up as we approach the official opening, but I still think that it is visual only. Not only is the walkway far away, there is also a garden inbetween the viewers and the ocean. That is to my understanding of the ride at least.

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^^The splashdown is purely visual. And it just lights up the whole area. It really draws a crowd into this entire new area.


^I would have to say the themeing of this coaster is amazing and is among the best out there today.

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I only compare methods of torture to Vekoma Flyers.


Well the only flyer I have ridden is a Vekoma and I really like the flying feeling of it. I must really be missing out on these flyers. Anyone know what the closest flyer (not Vekoma) to Louisville, KY is?

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Wow, thanks for all the great photos! Manta looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I didn't even know it was open already, i thought it still had a couple of weeks, oops! I'm already thinking of planning a trip to Orlando sometime this year to ride it. I'm loving all the positive reviews I've heard, and the theming is just amazing! Cant wait.

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Wow, thanks for all the great photos! Manta looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I didn't even know it was open already, i thought it still had a couple of weeks, oops! I'm already thinking of planning a trip to Orlando sometime this year to ride it. I'm loving all the positive reviews I've heard, and the theming is just amazing! Cant wait.


technically, it's not "open". It is just in the preview stages, so to say. May 22nd is the "official" opening day! you know, with a band, dancers, and the park manager telling everyone how proud they are to have the coaster. should be crowded that day...

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And then I got in the seat, pulled down my restraint for a photo and then tried to exit, only to find myself locked in. Unfortunately, I made a fool of myself while I frantically attempted to free myself--the little handle does the trick.


I could totally see this.

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Actually, this is true. Salt water tanks do have some set up process to go through before they can drop most fish in. My cousin has had several, and they always have to put this one thing in before anything else, and let it run. The finished product will be amazing I am sure!


Now, anyone who has gone through the queue so far - will they allow cameras if there is a non rider with you? My son does not ride, but I will not leave him outside alone. He will wait on the line with me (especially a long one) He can carry my camera and just wait at the exit when we go through. Anyone's opinion on this?

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I've never been a fan of flying coasters, at all. They all rank at the bottom of the barrel for me. After riding Manta yesterday once and 4-5 times today, I'm surprised to say it might be in my top 10 steel, I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10. It's simply amazing.

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^yeah, same here, I've never cared a lot for the flyers. I wouldn't say they rank at the bottom for me (stand-ups are probably there in terms of "types" of coasters), but I've never considered them to be something I really looked forward to riding. Tatsu was obviously the best I had been on before Manta, and I did like it, but I still wasn't dying to get back in line for it like I was Manta. I do think Tatsu is overall more intense probably.


I'm not sure it's a top 10 ride for me, it's kind of hard to tell since it's so new right now and I'm excited because of that so that may sway my judgement some in it. I do think it just has a better overall experience than any of the other flyers I've been on though. The drop is good, pretzel is good, but then it turns into something way different that any other flyer I've been on with the inline twist, spiral drop and corkscrew elements. To me, it has the right combination of intense moments and "flying" moments. I'm really glad Sea World put the pretzel in though, because I had heard rumors way back that it wouldn't have one...

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The ride could possibly crack my top 10 steel. I've ridden more times now than I care to post here so I have definitely had the opportunity to get over the newness factor. I just have a ton of fun with the ride, everything about it. Cory is right in that it has a terrific balance of intensity and graceful elements. For the most part flyers are gimmicky, but this one just works SO well. Honestly, while I knew the second half would be about the visuals, it still surprised me just how well everything works. I'm so happy to hear all the positive comments about it. Some would think I am biased because I work there, but I'm a pretty seasoned rider and for a change a new ride actually exceeded my expectations! Keep in mind my home park was Kings Island before I moved to Florida a year ago, so disappointment is all I ever knew when it came to new attractions

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