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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I think this WindSeeker has one of the best locations of all of them. It's just really nice with all those coasters next to it and the atmosphere in that area.


I doubt you can beat the view of the lake off the one in Cedar Point...but any view can look good from 300 feet in the air.

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Me living near Canada's Wonderland, I can tell you that WindSeeker is a great ride. I love the sensation of "flying" and its a nice ride up and down. The ride might look scary from looking at it on the ground, but once your up in the air...its like you riding a traditional swing ride on steroids. Also, if the line looks long, it is actually short. Because of the capacity, the line moves really fast.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got back from a day at Carowinds... the fact that I'm back this early (with a 3 hour drive each way) should indicate how I felt about the day.


It was pretty crowded- I wasn't expecting Easter weekend to have lots of people going to parks, but they were out in droves. I absolutely abhor the implementation of Fastlane. On every ride, there is a separate entrance that leads to the load platform. The Fastlane riders then take their choice of seat before the air gates open. There is no limit- waiting for Vortex front row we had our seats taken twice in a row, and the op said that as long as they keep coming they have their choice (and so, the line for the front may never actually move). Other rides at least seemed to be running Fastlane on just one train, but still with the operational hindrance of a train load all people all entering from the very front of the station, so the air gates might not be opening until trains are already stacked.


I must give credit to Afterburn's crew who still managed to move their line pretty well. On the other hand, Intimidator's crew, one of the 2 rides where FL do use the gates, was just horrible with stacking. They also could not seem to get people in the station quickly enough, and with the loss of the single rider line trains could have 4-5 empty seats (some empty rows, despite the 90 minute line).


I realize it was a crowded day, but it still sucked to have operations so shoddy. I felt like too many people had Fastlane, and that they either need to limit it better or raise the price. Some users were also pretty jerkish about it, and seemed to take pleasure rubbing it in to guests in line that they just cut it. That's not the park's fault, but it certainly doesn't make my day any better....

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Interesting. So they are letting fast lane guests enter from the exit from certain rides and hold the air gates until they are seated? I can imagine this would GREATLY effect dispatch times as they now have to wait for Fastlane guests taking their seats and than opening the air gates. I don't see a problem with the fast lane queue entering into the station where dispatch times would be the same. I wonder which rides at CW will have exit/station entrances.

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Interesting. So they are letting fast lane guests enter from the exit from certain rides and hold the air gates until they are seated? I can imagine this would GREATLY effect dispatch times as they now have to wait for Fastlane guests taking their seats and than opening the air gates. I don't see a problem with the fast lane queue entering into the station where dispatch times would be the same. I wonder which rides at CW will have exit/station entrances.


From my experiencein dealing with KD's fastlane it wasn't that bad but I expect that to change come peak season as most if not all of their rides in the system currently use either separate entrances to merge into the station or,as is the case with Dominator & intimidator they use the maintenance staircase(Dominator) & the disabled guest entrance(intimidator 305)it still leads to slower moving main lines however as the station fills up faster.


As for windseeker both carowinds,as well as KD lucked out in getting this ride & it is IMO a must ride attraction at least once per visit....I can't wait to ride this thing at night.

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Sorry about your shoddy day there. Its still early in the season... so ops are going to be a bit on the slow side.


Hopefully the park will see lots of love in the future, or as Bart Kinzel said "Cedar Fair is looking to make this park an A park, like KI or CP"

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  • 1 month later...

I was just thinking, since KI closed The Crypt this year, would it be possible for them to move the Giant Top Spin (without the themeing and building) to Carowinds, and to plop it in that grassy area in front of Intimidator next to GR8 SK8? Or did they trash the ride altogether? I hear it didn't work well.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going to Carowinds this Sunday. I have a question..? Can I take a backpack (The one with the strings that you can pull) into the park when I arrive. Just something to keep my camera in, and maybe a bottle water, and phone and such.

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I'm going to Carowinds this Sunday. I have a question..? Can I take a backpack (The one with the strings that you can pull) into the park when I arrive. Just something to keep my camera in, and maybe a bottle water, and phone and such.


Yes you can.

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Ill be heading to the park on Labor Day Weekend (Possibly Sunday) while I'm in the area. I was just wondering if anyone knew an estimate on how long with Fast Lane it would take to get all the coasters done? I'm really hoping to stay longer but it might just be a coaster run! I also know not all the coasters are on Fast Lane.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not a big fan of getting Dino Alive but if they do get it I think it would only work out nice if they changed Action Theater to play Dino Alive 3D. Also it would be cool if they followed in Cedar Point's steps and put in a racing water slide. An addition to Boomerang Bay is needed bad. Overall I still can't wait for 2014 since that seems like the summer Carowinds is ready for another big attraction hopefully coaster #14.

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I'm not a big fan of getting Dino Alive but if they do get it I think it would only work out nice if they changed Action Theater to play Dino Alive 3D. Also it would be cool if they followed in Cedar Point's steps and put in a racing water slide. An addition to Boomerang Bay is needed bad. Overall I still can't wait for 2014 since that seems like the summer Carowinds is ready for another big attraction hopefully coaster #14.


It wouldn't suprise me that DA is what is comng in 2013 to carowinds seeing as how this attraction seems to be doing well for all of the other parks that've added it so far.


The 2014 season should be a good one coasterwise for Carowinds as well as KD since both parks got their last coasters the same year back in 2010 & were identically themed,of course the intimidator/nascar theme made sense for both parks as there are nascar race tracks surrounding their respective target markets.

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Yeah I could see Carowinds, Kings Dominion, and Kings Island all with their next coaster in 2014. Maybe something to replace Son of Beast for Kings Island. Whatever Carowinds and Kings Dominion get has a decent chance of being the same thing just like the Intimidators.

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Yeah I could see Carowinds, Kings Dominion, and Kings Island all with their next coaster in 2014. Maybe something to replace Son of Beast for Kings Island. Whatever Carowinds and Kings Dominion get has a decent chance of being the same thing just like the Intimidators.


The two Intimidators are nothing alike.

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In my opinion, carowinds needs to add more slides to its water park. Forget a new coaster they have plenty already. What they dont have are slides and flat rides. The last time slides were added was pipeline peak and the last flats were in nick central...not including windseeker.

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Yes I did mean the theming is the same not the ride. You might just get your wish on the new flats. There are survey markers in planet snoopy, which I know is planet snoopy still which could mean kiddie flats. That's the last thing I want at Carowinds. You got any idea what these markers may be for? I don't have a pic but there over at screamscape which is poated above

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone I'm planning on heading to the park on Sunday, and I know it is going to be labor day weekend, so what is the damage going to be? Is it going to be swamped sunday, or maybe not because school is back in session? Thanks in advance for your help!

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