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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Ok guys, I'm going to Carowinds on the 25th or 26th. Could you guys give me a plan for the day, like what to do first and what has long lines and stuff? I have been there before but I never really had a plan. Thanks guys!


Based on my weekday experience I'd start out with Afterburn & Intimidator first,most other rides in the park are walk ons until the waterpark closes for the day.

If you're talking about August 25th or 26th, you're wasting your time. They aren't open either day.

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So, what can I expect from lines on Saturday the 27th?

Saturdays are the busiest days at the park. If you're at all interested in Nighthawk, I would ride that as soon as you arrive. The line for that can become very long in a short time due to slow loading. Intimidator may look like it has a long line, but if it's running all 3 trains, it still shouldn't take more than 30-45 mins to ride. Afterburn usually isn't too long either unless you want a front seat. The back row is best anyway.

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Seconded about Nighthawk... when I was there earlier in the season every coaster was a walk on or at most a 2 train wait (because they run one train on a ton of rides for no reason) except for Intimidator which had a 15 minute wait basically all day and Nighthawk which had over an hour wait because they were running one train and it took them about 5 minutes to dispatch once it got back to the station.


Almost every crew at Carowinds was horrible with Afterburn being the exception. The Intimidator crew was okay but they don't let you choose your own seat "Due to the long wait" so instead they have someone there who assigns you to a row but usually misses a couple so the trains are rarely full. Any long lines are usually caused by their lethargic approach to their jobs.

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Is Scarowinds a good event? My family and I are thinking about heading to Carowinds for a day or two (on the weekend, of course) for Scarowinds but we want to make sure that it is actually good. Our home park is Kings Dominion so exactly what should we be expecting?

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I've been to SCarowinds each year for the past 4 years, and I have had a blast each time. Most of the rides, excluding water rides, and Snoopy are open and It is fun riding at night. Mazes are great, Scarezones are great, I think you will have a great time.

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They got the land? Excellent! Bart (as in Dick Kinzel's son, GM of Carowinds) said that they were trying to acquire the land.


He also said at Coasterstock that Cedar Fair wants to turn the park in to a top tier park. And maybe this land is for a hotel, and future rides, making the park a resort destination ala' Cedar Point.


Just speculating, but its always nice to see an amusement park gather more land

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