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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Of course as soon as I move away from Charlotte for the foreseeable future they build one of the coolest coasters in the area! (just my luck...) But anyway I'm new to this site and I'm sure that this has already been stated multiple times in this thread, but Carowinds desperately needed this coaster. Driving down I-77 towards the park was starting to get depressing with that small of a skyline. It was like "Wait...is that Carowinds?" But now that Timmy's up it's more like "WOW! There goes Carowinds!" And this is our first big new coaster since Top Gun (oh wait...sorry...Afterburn...) so it's nice to see Cedar Fair investing in our park.


Anybody else think that Intimidator Carowinds is gonna blow Intimidator 305 right out of the water?

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That would normally be true, but those restraints on I305 have me worried. If I have to brace myself throughout the ride like on Maverick, instead of just throwing my hands up and enjoying the ride, I fear it will ruin what makes a Giga fun.

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That would normally be true, but those restraints on I305 have me worried. If I have to brace myself throughout the ride like on Maverick, instead of just throwing my hands up and enjoying the ride, I fear it will ruin what makes a Giga fun.


I agree. The layout has me really worried. I mean droping 305 feet then going straight into a turn? Yes I know that Intimidator Carowinds has been done before, but i'd rather have that and have a lot of fun than brace for impact on I305.


But going back on topic, I would love to see some more flat rides at Carowinds. I love Kaos at Cedar Point and I would love to see some of the old fashioned carnival rides added to the park.

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At least on paper, Carowinds' Intimidator looks like a much better more re-rideable coaster.


Considering I live only 30 minutes from it, and 5 hours from 305 guess which one I'll be riding a lot more this season.


I've been very impressed this year with the massive amounts of money CF is putting into the park. I was worried about a year ago that they really weren't going to come through on their promise to make Carowinds a premier park. But when you see what they've been doing and are planning for the future, I'm very pleasantly surprised.


As far as the future, I'd love to see a flat package. A frisbee, top spin and a Ferris wheel are my wish list.


A frisbee or top spin would go nicely in that green grassy plot right in front of Timmy. Go check the webcame if you don't believe me.

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A birds-eye view of the 211-foot first drop of the new Intimidator roller coaster at Carowinds. The tallest, fastest and longest coaster in the Southeast opens to the public this Saturday!

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I have never been to Carowinds (I am going in 2 weeks though), so I'm not too familiar with it, but it looks like next to that kiddie amphitheater thingy you could get a great shot of the first drop. I'm pretty sure there will be a big fence on the path (not the maintenance road) right before the first drop, but I'm sure if you get the right angle it'll provide some awesome shots!

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