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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Im pretty sure that if the park asked Intamin for something within reliable boundaries like millenium force (which has hardly any mechanical issues) they would easy do so. The parks are the ones who ask for rides that will push the limit. There are plenty of intamins out there that have gone many years problem free.

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I wish this ride was an Intamin, even though it's not. This park really needs a ride like i305, not another B&M similar to what they already have. That's my opinion, but I do realize that this will be B&M.

Wait, what? I'm going to assume you've never been on Leviathan. This giga will be a completely different ride from Intimidator. Being the same manufacturer is a moot point. Cyclone and Goldrusher are the same manufacturer. Nighthawk and Cobra are the same. Afterburn, Vortex and Intimidator are the same... must be the same experience, right?

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From what I've heard, the difference between Leviathan and Behemoth is like night and day. I wish people would stop B!tching and Moaning about this coaster being a B&M. I'm sure most of the people begging for Intamin don't live in the Charlotte area or even North Carolina. I personally welcome the coaster into the park, because no matter who the manufacturer is, this coaster will be amazing. I wish people would stop being biased. If you haven't ridden Leviathan, what makes you think that Fury 325 and Intimidator will be carbon copies?

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^,^^Agree completely with Mega_Coaster_77. It's fantastic to have both but it still makes little sense--they are both Mega Coasters with different lift heights. It's fine to have the same manufacturer but different coaster types would make more sense. I'd wish for I305 as well. The fact is, Leviathan and Behemoth are very similar with the main differentiators being a location on opposite sides of the park, colour and train. I guess the park was going for a Magnum/ Millennium Force thing..ie: airtime vs speed.

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From what I've heard, the difference between Leviathan and Behemoth is like night and day. I wish people would stop B!tching and Moaning about this coaster being a B&M. I'm sure most of the people begging for Intamin don't live in the Charlotte area or even North Carolina. I personally welcome the coaster into the park, because no matter who the manufacturer is, this coaster will be amazing. I wish people would stop being biased. If you haven't ridden Leviathan, what makes you think that Fury 325 and Intimidator will be carbon copies?


So I am an Ohioian and just got back from CW last night. While I expected Leviathon and Behemoth to be relatively similar, boy was I wrong. Leviathon COMPLETELY blew me away. It is very much so a better than I could have ever imagined and was not like Behemoth at all. To me, all the B&M hypers are starting to blur together for me. I mean the differences between DIamondback, Inimidator, and Behemoth are few in my opinion. Leviathon, while I expected it to be a taller version of those rides, it was not. It is Definitely right up there with Intamin Gigas. If Carowinds does get a B&M giga, sign me up.

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Im pretty sure that if the park asked Intamin for something within reliable boundaries like millenium force (which has hardly any mechanical issues) they would easy do so. The parks are the ones who ask for rides that will push the limit. There are plenty of intamins out there that have gone many years problem free.

In theory shouldn't I305 be as complex (and, therefore, as reliable) as Millennium force? They're both gigas with cable lift hills and MF actually operates with more trains and was build 10 years before, so I would expect I305 to be as/more reliable than MF.

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I305 actually is pretty reliable. Sure it was closed for a little while last year because of a lift issue but that could happen to any coaster. Other than that and the fact that it needed tweaking in it's first 2 seasons it's been fine.

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I thought the turn was modified because of guests complaining the ride was too intense? IMO the park and Cedar Fair got exactly what they asked Intamin for: an intense and intimidating one-of-a-kind attraction. While there were issues with the wheels, I thought they solved that by having water sprayed on the wheels while the train was in the station? In any event, I'm excited for this Carowinds announcement!

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I thought the turn was modified because of guests complaining the ride was too intense? IMO the park and Cedar Fair got exactly what they asked Intamin for: an intense and intimidating one-of-a-kind attraction. While there were issues with the wheels, I thought they solved that by having water sprayed on the wheels while the train was in the station? In any event, I'm excited for this Carowinds announcement!


I believe that they modified the turn because too many people were blacking out on it. I think that Intamin went a little overboard on the intensity there.

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They modified it only because the original turn kept melting wheels, if I remember correctly. I didn't experience it directly, but I've also heard that today's trimless reprofiled turn is just as intense as the original turn with trims on the drop. Intensity is the whole point of the ride; that ground level turn is on purpose. Intamin's not going to spend money and time to manufacture new track and supports because a few people got woozy on their insane speed monstrosity.

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^ exactly correct


The current version of the ride is just as intense as the original... with a LONGER blackout/greyout. The turn was modified for the wheels only. The original turn was 270 degrees 5 feet off the ground before going up the 150 ft. hill. Now the turn is 180 degrees 5 feet off the ground, climbs to approximately 75 feet for the final 90 degrees before going up the 150 ft. hill.


Back to Carowinds, if this ride is actually 325 feet tall, it'll be the best feature of the ride. Even though it's basically a more "turny" version of Intimidator, at least it will be 93 feet taller if the 325 height is correct.

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^,^^Agree completely with Mega_Coaster_77. It's fantastic to have both but it still makes little sense--they are both Mega Coasters with different lift heights. It's fine to have the same manufacturer but different coaster types would make more sense. I'd wish for I305 as well. The fact is, Leviathan and Behemoth are very similar with the main differentiators being a location on opposite sides of the park, colour and train. I guess the park was going for a Magnum/ Millennium Force thing..ie: airtime vs speed.

Again, being the same manufacturer is a moot point. Cyclone and Goldrusher are the same manufacturer. Nighthawk and Cobra are the same. Afterburn, Vortex and Intimidator are the same... must be the same experience, right? These are two different ride experiences. Just like Top Gun is different from Vortex.

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^^A few days before the announcement Cedar Point updated their home page "Quick Links" with things like, "GateKeeper Photos", "GateKeeper Videos", etc. Even worse, they made the http://www.cedarpoint.com/gatekeeper URL live, revealing the entire layout and a few stats...


Hahahaha that's a pretty bad mess up. This centurion tease would be much more believable if it included all of that information rather than just a low-res logo picture hahaha.


Wouldn't say it's that low res.


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^^A few days before the announcement Cedar Point updated their home page "Quick Links" with things like, "GateKeeper Photos", "GateKeeper Videos", etc. Even worse, they made the http://www.cedarpoint.com/gatekeeper URL live, revealing the entire layout and a few stats...


Hahahaha that's a pretty bad mess up. This centurion tease would be much more believable if it included all of that information rather than just a low-res logo picture hahaha.


Wouldn't say it's that low res.



In reference to the smaller image next to the countdown. The background looked really good as you've shown.


Looks like the site is down now anyway.

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