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This is good James. The first step to recovery is being able to admit it!




No that's the second step. The first step is showing it accidently in public.


I actually thought you were kidding around with the wink at the end.


Trust me, I'm not



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Nagro - I guess the whole day. There was a little park I wanted to hit to, but they have told me that their coaster is down waiting for a part. That was after I weazeled my way into riding a coaster just for kids under 12 and under 80 pounds too! Thus the extra time there now.


Big Steve- I like your name I have no clue what was there, so I just estimated those times! Hope to see you!!


Str8fxxxinedge - I always wanted to do trip reports earlier than when I started, but my pictures were always too big and I am not good at resizing. I just turned my camera to the lowest possible setting, 480X640 or something like that and now they fit without the etxra work.


Geekgrrl - My days at work are looooong and boooooring too! I sit on my ilackberry all day waiting for awesome and nice responses like yours, thanks!


Bobafett - Our time together is coming up QUICK!!!






Peace, Big Mike

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I'd love to try and meet up with you Big Mike if you make it back to Six flags great adventure by the end of the season. Whenever you are there in September let me know since it looks like it's a stop for you sept19-21st. I want to go in sept. but not sure what weekend or what day so let me know what specific day you will be there so I can plan to go that day.


Awesome trip report for knoebels, I need to make it there now somehow. I'd drive myself there but I'm scared to death of getting lost and I hear it's in the middle of nowhere, did you have any trouble getting there with your GPS? I have one but I don't trust it sometimes.

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^STR8FXXXINEDGE: I use Picasa to export my pictures into an acceptable size. You can download it for free and it is from Google. The good thing is you can resize a whole folder at once. Simply select the folder in Picasa and choose File>Export. You then choose the size and it does everything at once. Once you down size the pictures it puts them in a separate folder so you don't confuse the full sized ones with the new smaller ones. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I am looking forward to your TRs.


Ok back to Big Mike's Roadshow. Thanks for the updates Big Mike. As always I enjoy what you do.

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Big Mike,


When the road show goes from the great state of New Jersey into New England, which route does it go. I am planning on heading your way and cannot decide if it would be better to go 95 through the city or the Tappan Zee Bridge route. Any tips.


PS. the ducks are still in their box waiting to get shipped out.

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Mike,when you come to Worlds of Fun, ar you going to stay for a bit after coaster mayhem? we dont have tickets to the event because we are not part of any club, but would love to meet up with you as the park opens! You are going to be really close to us tonight when you are at the great mall, but we are heading down to branson today. Let me know if we can see you while you are here in Kansas City, our 8 year old son wants to ride Patriot with you! Jeffrey

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Hey there Big Mike! I'm new to TPR and after reading completely through your 2008 BMRS thread I must say that you are living the dream! Hope I'm not out of line here, but I gotta ask; how on earth are you financing the Road Show? I can't even (and don't want to) imagine what the grand total will be at the end of the season.


It's a shame you're not hitting up Holiday World or SFKK. I'd be right there with you! (BTW - I am totally shocked you don't have The Voyage credit yet!)


Keep the excellent TRs & Pics coming! We all love it!

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Six Flags St. Louis TODAY in less than an hour and a half!


Will be there the majority of the day, come out and say hello!!



Wear your TPR shirts, I always hunt them down


Don't have one??? Go buy one! That is the Big Mike bullseye target when I visit the parks!!!


See you TODAY or sometime this week everybody!!!


Peace, Big Mike

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Hey Friends!!!!!


Getting ready to go to Six Flags St. Louis and ride EVEL KNIEVEL!!!


One hour to go!!



Yesterday, the skies were not friendly to Big Mike!


First, the stretch limo did not show up to pick up the Big Man.

Second, there was a 3 hour "weather delay" in the bright sunshine.

Third, the delay caused Big Mike to miss the first scheduled park, Zonkers, which will now be added on to the Worlds of Fun day Probably.



Come on out to a park this week if you can and hang out


I am a magnet to the TPR shirts, so I will find you or you can find the big goof in the bright yellow shirt!



Peace, Big Mike


Well as the sun goes down on this bad day, the real fun begins in an hour at SFSTL!! Hope to see everyone who lives in the Heart of America portion of The Big Mike Road Show 2008 Tour!! Peace, Big Mike


To answer a previous post question, we could cut costs down on The Big Mike Road Show 2008 if we would just stop buying these first class premium tickets!!!


A 3 hour delay is not as bad when you are sitting in FIRST CLASS! Thank goodness Big Mike Productions did not screw that up too!


The day continued to go down the crapper as the planes are grounded for "weather"?????


While waiting for the plane, Big Mike plays with his Bette Midler playing cards that his good friend Miles (rllcster) gave him on the Europe trip!! Thanks Miles!!!l


Task 2 complete. Big Mike makes it to Laguardia and runs up the expense account for the limo mistake.


Now Big Mike had to catch a bus from NYC to Laguardia! Damn Big Mike Productions for screwing up the stretch limo!!


World Premiere!! TPR luggage tag on 42nd Street!


First task complete. Big Mike makes it to NYC!


The stretch limo does not show, Big Mike does not want to leave The Hot Rod in NYC for a week, the only other option is to catch a bus to NYC!

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I can't wait to see this Heart Of America Tour Big Man. I've always wanted to travel to the parks in that area. Silent K and I had a mini Midwest Tour (before TPR's) but we never really made it to some of the parks you are hitting up. I can't wait to see the updates.


Jimmy "Flying these days sucks" Bo

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I tried to go to SFSTL today. When we got there the parking lot was full and they were people parking on the grass. We bailed and went to a waterpark close to home. I checked their website and today is

"Christian Family Day".


I can't wait to see Big Mikes report from today!

It should be interesting.

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Big Mike,


When the road show goes from the great state of New Jersey into New England, which route does it go. I am planning on heading your way and cannot decide if it would be better to go 95 through the city or the Tappan Zee Bridge route. Any tips.


PS. the ducks are still in their box waiting to get shipped out.


The Tappan Zee is the better route. You can take the Merrick Parkway thru Conn to 287, then to the Tappan Zee to the Garden State Parkway. 95 is the shorter route and Ive made better time on it, but its hit or miss. You can make excellent time or add an extra 2 hrs. Time of day really doesnt matter either as Ive hit traffic in the middle of the night, but made great time in the middle of the day. Tappan Zee is pretty consistent.

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I tried to go to SFSTL today. When we got there the parking lot was full and they were people parking on the grass. We bailed and went to a waterpark close to home. I checked their website and today is

"Christian Family Day".


I can't wait to see Big Mikes report from today!

It should be interesting.


Yeah, the park was insanely crowded. I arrived 45 minutes before opening and got a parking spot in the second row of general parking. By 2pm everything had atleast a 15 minute wait, that included all food stands!

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Dang it, Big Mike! The weekend you finally come to Ocean City, Maryland, 30 minutes from my front door, is the weekend I'll be away for a wedding! And since I'm actually in the wedding, they'll most likely notice if I don't show up....


Oh well. I was looking for an excuse to hit Hard Rock Park in September. Now, if the funds and schedule hold out, it looks like I have one!

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