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Just use protection. And I'm not talking about a padded mat in case she falls off the balance beam.


I just had a flashback of that Trojan Olympics Video with the girl doing the pole vault...



No, I know where you're going at. I wouldn't have mentioned that she was a gymnast if I didn't know why it was an advantage.


No ya don't. (sigh)


Let me give you a visual...


Please note the above picture. Using your imagination, hopefully you see the the optimum level height if she's standing. Get it now?

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^Absence makes the heart grow fonder... that's what they say anyway.


On the home front, the person I'm dating is back in school and working hard. This is great considering where he was when I met him. But I encouraged him to go back, even though I only see him after his class or if I go into his job on the weekend. But I guess I'm doing a little "training"... teaching him how to take care of himself because you don't want to depend on someone for your happiness.


When I stop by his house, he shows me the latest changes in his RCT3 park and I give him advice on how to make the park look better.


The holidays are coming up, so I'm planning on tying to make sure his Thanksgiving and Christmas is special. This will be the first time he's celebrated it in years. He was one of those kids that got disowned when his parents found out he was gay and he's been in foster homes for years; life hasn't been good for him since... so he's carrying all that baggage around with him. It will be the first time I try to celebrate the holidays as well, because I usually get a plane ticket and head out of town to avoid the holidays. So I guess I may have a holiday to spend with someone after about 12 years. Yep, TWELVE years!!!



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When I stop by his house, he shows me the latest changes in his RCT3 park and I give him advice on how to make the park look better.






After dating ex-porn stars, go-go dancers, and a "escort", I'd figured I had to change my choices up. (Mind you they approached me, surprisingly). It's nice to stay home and run the electric bill up with all the electronics running for a change. I said I wanted a more nerdy guy that likes games and coasters and I got one. Been working on cleaning him up a bit though. I talked him into a cute haircut and some better jeans, so he's more presentable when we head out. His nickname is still "scruffy" though.



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^Trust me, I can come up with better porn star names... they just would be unprintable here. I'm told I may be the "innocent" one of the group, my mouth is by far the foulest! Besides he was trying to give me a pet name that I'm trying to talk him out of... it's a food, but in the "adult" circles, it equates to a sex act! I have to explain it to him the next time he uses it.


Anyway, yesterday I gave "scruffy" a Dance Dance Revolution mat as a present for his computer. He promptly set it up and embarrassed us in the game! This other guy and I were just mashing keys and he was bouncing all over the place! I think he liked the present.



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I had a girlfriend prior to Sunday. She broke up with me after a bit of thinking. She came to the conclusion that she thought of me more as a friend than as a boyfriend. I'm happy that we are still friends, but I am still really depressed. She wasn't my first girlfriend, but she was my first serious one. And she was the first girl I could truly say I loved. I'm usually ok for most of the day, (although Monday I was really distracted all day and since I was in electrical for the day I was working with staple guns, and wound up shooting myself in the foot because I wasn't paying attention. Ouchie!) but once it hits around 6 or 7 o'clock I start to get depressed. Usually because we would call each other at around 7:30 and talk until her parents made her get off the phone. (About 30 minutes to an hour and a half) Now, when I would usually be looking forward to talking to her, I just get depressed. I would think spending some time with her as just a friend would help, but at the same time I'm afraid of embarrassing myself, making her feel bad (She already feels bad for having her friend give me the news because she was too afraid to) or both. I'm gonna stop here because I'm practically on the verge of tears, but are there any things you guys would recommend to help get over this?

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