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Disney expanding into Canada?

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Didn't want to put this in the rumor thread since Motley Fool isn't exactly a rumor monger - but did anyone else hear about this


Motley Fool link


with this quote enclosed


Oh, and speaking of regional amusement parks, Disney is a hit in Canada. It acquired a Canadian amusement park from a publicly traded operator. Was it the Six Flags park in Montreal or the Cedar Fair property just outside Toronto? I'm not at liberty to say. Since Disney is now building smaller, localized themed experiences like indoor water parks and high-tech arcades, it was able to get a great deal from a cash-starved operator and enter a lucrative market that won't cannibalize its coastal bookends back home.
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^ Interesting. Considering that BOTH companies have mentioned selling parks it's a total coin toss.


My guess would be Six Flags because of the recent article, but then agian it could very well be Cedar Fair dumping their only international park.



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This is just a prediction as to what the author thinks is going to happen in 2010. Disney didn't really acquire one of those parks, as BeemerBoy also stated.


I don't think they ever will acquire either of those parks. If anything, it'll be Parques Reunidos. I do believe, however, that Disney will eventually build a thrill park. Whether it's 2 years from now or 12 years from now, I think it will happen.

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Something about this does seem REALLY wrong.


I don't think anyone including Disney knows what their plans are in 2010! They seem to be flying by the seat of their pants lately, throw in the unstable economy...yeah, taking this one with a giant grain of salt.

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I'd believe something like DisneyQuest in Toronto, but not the purchase of another company's park. I'd rather have Disney build those smaller localized experiences than purchase a property and try to build from there.


Though if Disney were to create a full-fledged destination themselves up here, they'd literally triangulate their North American theme park market: Florida, California, and because 2/3 of the Canadian population lives here, somewhere in Ontario. Obviously the year-round thing might be a problem... seems when people think "Disney parks" they think "tropical"... but Paris seems to do just fine with the snow.


...Actually, the more I think about it, the more it seems Disney could tap into the wintertime recreation market. (Disney on Ice nonwithstanding. )

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^ I would assume that would've been simply to buy out the competition and close them down. Or tear a good chunk of it down and rebuild/retheme.


I simply cannot see Disney buying either La Ronde or Wonderland. Neither park comes anywhere close to any of the existing Disney properties. It would take alot of work to turn them into Disney quality parks.


I agree with Dandaman though. A DisneyQuest would do pretty well in the Toronto area, although probobly not in the heart of the city. There's a place called Playdium in Mississauga (my hometown) which is right along the lines of DisneyQuest, but without the themeing and more arcade games than attractions. That property is in a great location and could easily be converted into a Disney experience.

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There's a place called Playdium in Mississauga (my hometown) which is right along the lines of DisneyQuest, but without the themeing and more arcade games than attractions. That property is in a great location and could easily be converted into a Disney experience.


Not a bad idea. (And hey, it already has a CyberSpace Mountain, albeit a semi-crappy one. )

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Read the first 2 paragraphs.

It is this persons view if he were to take a trip in a time machine and look back two years.

It is the writers way of speculation on future markets.


It says (I've been taking an "unauthorized field trip" through time this week, checking in on what many of my favorite companies are up to two years later.)


The article is legit however it is one mans vision on what the future could hold as he looks back on the past which is in the future yet.

Its about future possiblities in market projections and what possible things could come.

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Another point in that article that I thought was interesting is that Disney is building another park in Orlando. That will be "for the thrill seekers"? Did I read that right?

That would definately be interesting to see.


I have been waiting for a true thrilling Disney park for a very long time. I'm up for this. I'm all for Disney's Villain Land.

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It's not a joke, it's what one smart reporter theorizes will happen in 2010. I'm still not buying it though! Well, some of the article is right on, but not Disney buying a park in Canada!

I dunno, after Kennywood selling out, I'd believe anything shocking happening in the industry at this point. Though I still take this as a theoretical scenario, it can happen.

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I can see the head lines now.


Disneyland Canada. The happiest place on earth ay.(excluding hockey games)


It's eh, not ay.


IF they bought a Canadian property, why would it have to be La Ronde or Wonderland? Neither of those parks would fit in as a Disney park. And I doubt Cedar Fair would drop $25 million into Wonderland and then sell the park.


Besides, I thought Disney isn't interested in seasonal parks?


Now if they bought something, it'd almost make more sense for them to buy something like West Edmonton Mall's Galaxyland. Small amusment park, that they could surround with Disney stores.

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