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Fireball - Happy Valley Shanghai, China

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I spy with my little eye something that drops at a 90 degree angle!


This coaster looks great and all those turns look like they are going to pack a punch! One question though, why did this park get all the big coasters? I'm not familiar with cities in China, but you would think Beijing or Hong Kong would get the custom and record breaking first rides. That is just my two cents at least.


Also, when can we expect this park to open?

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I have just recieved another Fireball update from Martin & Vleminckx.


It's look like the ride is getting close to being complete! And it's looking GREAT!


Here are some new photos...


Not wishing the same fate for this park, but does anyone else see the resemblance to Jazzland in that one shot showing the S&S Towers with the Coaster behind it?



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I spy with my little eye something that drops at a 90 degree angle!

Yup! That is indeed the B&M being worked on.


One question though, why did this park get all the big coasters? I'm not familiar with cities in China, but you would think Beijing or Hong Kong would get the custom and record breaking first rides.

Well, there isn't a Happy Valley in Hong Kong, so there is your answer there, and Beijing did get that amazing looking B&M Flyer!


Shanghai is also the largest populated area in China.


Also, when can we expect this park to open?

Summer 2009.




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^That is true that it did get the amazing looking flyer, but it was still just Superman but all jazzed up. I'm not complaining at all because I think themeing can add a lot to ride, but it still wasn't custom layout.


As far as we know now, are we expecting a SheiKra clone due to all the pictures released earlier? Or is it like Dive Coaster at Chimelong, using SheiKira pictures, but getting a different ride?


I think they have a LOT of work to do for a summer 09 opening. We are saying "HRP" is going to have a difficult time opening by labor day-they at least have their park built.


Thanks for answering those questions though Robb! Can't wait to see this park complete!

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I think they have a LOT of work to do for a summer 09 opening.

You have no idea how fast things can go in Asia! For example we were at T-Express in October of 2007 with not much more than a turn around standing and then 5 months later they had the ride and an entire area DONE!


Also, keep in mind that "Summer" could mean as late is July or August for China.



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I just find it extremely amazing that China is grapsing this part of Western culture, and doing it quite well. I cannot wait what the end result of this park looks like, and how well it holds up, even after just one season, just to see if they really did thier homework.


Awesome update!!!!!!

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I hate generalizations like this but I am going to make one: The ride looks like a big Ravine Flyer II.


Because it's also made of wood?


I don't see a whole lot of resemblance myself. I'd compare it more to the Astroworld Cyclone, just off the top of my head. It's a pretty classic woodie layout.



No, because it looks more like RFII compared to any of the other GG coasters.

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I too wish this was a California Fireball instead of the Terminator were getting. I'm usually not a big fan of woodies unless it's Intamin but man this thing is absolutly gorgeous.


I wouldn't worry about earthquakes b/c this thing looks very dense with wood unless it's a magnitude 10, I don't think this thing is going anywhere.

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