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10 year old arrested for bringing steak knife to school


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Its ridiculous because the teacher made it out to be something it was never even about. She brought a knife to eat food with.. she had NO intention of anything else, and shes 10! What kind of thoughts did this crap the teacher pulled put into her poor mind? So screwed up, stupid lady. "I just wanted to be able to eat my food... why is my teacher saying I wanted to hurt someone with this kitchen utensil? why do people do that? why did she think I would?" Poor kid.

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I got to say, working in a school, that this is Exactly, how the school needs to handle it. If you look the other way on this you have to look the other way on every kid who brings a steak knife to school. The rule is no weapons at school, not no weapon other then this instance. I teach at a school with 5-8 th graders. We have no metal utensils at all and no knives of any sort, even plastic. I got to say why did her parents let it leave the house? Wouldn't them not allowing it have been the easiest solution to this problem.


Bottom line is nothing much will happen to this girl if she has no previous incidents. They will keep it in her school file, but by reporting it and following procedure, they have protected themselves the next time when a kid with violent tendencies brings the same type of knife to school to handle their "problems".


Personally I blame a society that has stripped almost all of the authority from teachers over the last 20 years as the main reason we have these problems in school.

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That's redic.


To arrest her, Fricken morons...seriously. I just don't get how there are so many people with no common sense.

I guess people don't realize there is a difference between a 10 year old school girl, and a trouble maker. They are usually easy to tell apart at first glance...

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^There is not a difference between a 10 year old girl and a trouble maker when it comes to rules. Again if you look the other way for her, how do you bust the trouble maker who brings it to school. The rules have to be the same for everyone. If this girl was so innoncent, why didn't she use some common sense.

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Personally I blame a society that has stripped almost all of the authority from teachers over the last 20 years as the main reason we have these problems in school.


I agree. I remember when I was in grade school, a child got out of line the teacher could paddle them. Then they had to face their parents. Teachers were authority figures and you were there to learn not play. Now that authority is taken away by parents that don't their children chastised, and then they don't chastise their bad a$$ed children themselves. And people wonder why these kids run rampant in the classroom and the districts have to put up metal detectors and have kids eat with plastic utensil like they are in jail. I knew a few former teachers that complained how they were underpaid and expected to babysit children that have no guidance at home and run rampant in class. No wonder they quit and got better paying jobs.


If I had my way, teachers would have high paying jobs and athletes would be receiving low pay. They deserve every penny of it.



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Terry, you and Rich are on point, but I'll just add a bit more.


I'd also place some blame on the general economy of the country. With factors such as illegal immigration and a general increased cost of living, families are more strained then they were 20-25 years ago. How many middle class stay-at-home moms are there anymore? To me, overpopulation is leading to more and more problems, and directly affecting the school system in ways we couldn't have predicted decades ago.


There's too many parents who really shoudn't be having children. So many couples have kids because they feel obligated to. Next thing you know, reality hits and they realize they're not financially able to spend the necessary time with them. This leads to them handing off their kids to countless other "babysitters," and then the fingerpointing starts when they're not happy with the way their children turn out.


Sad thing is, I have no idea as to a viable solution.

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For anybody here who feels the school system was the moron in this situation you are more then welcome to volunteer in my classroom for a week. Walk a mile in the teacher's shoes before you decide how the problem should be handled.


As for the common sense response, yes they do have common sense it is taught everyday by responsible parents and teachers, and in this situation an entire school got the benefit of experience from this situation.

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In Virginia, there was a huge flap a few years ago over a high-school kid who brought a hunting rifle to school, which he left on the rifle rack of his pickup. The cops were called in, which made perfect sense to me, and the parents raised hell because, by god, what's a boy gonna do during hunting season? Why make him go all the way home to get his rifle, thus missing valuable varmint-shootin' time?


This might've made sense back in the days of Daniel Boone, when you had to hunt to survive. But in the 21st century? People can be amazing idiots at times.

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Does common sense even exist at age 10?


I always thought that came with experience, which usually comes with growing up.


In Canada, kids under 12 don't even get arrested. I don't know why American authorities feel the need to legally punish kids when they don't even know what is illegal or not

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I'm going to have to agree with this page, while it does seem ridiculous for this particular child, it's not always the case. I doubt much will actually come from this case against the child except a lesson learned. Kids are not always dumb, they understand a LOT more then some people here are giving them credit for. While I don't think she really would have expected this, there was some thought into bringing a knife to school.

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So you are saying in the 4 plus years she has been in school NOONE has ever told her knives are not allowed. BS! Its lowered expectations like these that have made are schools into the problems they currently are.


Rich"My sixth graders do alegbra they know right and wrong" Bitner

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I'd also place some blame on the general economy of the country. With factors such as illegal immigration and a general increased cost of living, families are more strained then they were 20-25 years ago.


Without going too far off subject I'd doubt illegal immigration has much to do with the economy. Most illegal immigrants are getting jobs that most people DON'T want. I believe the reality of tougher immigration laws is higher prices for products because you'll have to pay those people working in kitchens, landscaping and on farms the minimum wage instead of "under the table". Even the percentage of illegals getting healthcare is small compared to people legally in the country and citizens unable to afford insurance. Immigration is just another hot topic to get people to vote for politicians in election years.


Outsourcing jobs to other countries has more effect on the economy. Those are the jobs people do want and companies outsource so they can save money. With the cost of living going up and companies paying people less for more work, parents has less time to spend with their kids and give them the guidance they need. So that ties in with other things "babysitting" kids instead of the parents--videogames, internet, TV, etc. Even though times are harder for parents, it's even more important for them to give their kids guidance and make time for them. Parents have to be the ones to set a the example for kids... sit them in front of a TV without guidance, then Jamie Lynn, Britney, Paris, and all sorts of ex-con rappers will be their example. Videogames without guidances becomes some kid's reality. And so on.


Even though both of my parents worked, they stayed on me to do my homework, be home before dark and be respectful to others. If I didn't do those things, mamma was waiting at the door with that belt... even when she pulled a long shift at her job at Target... and I didn't want that! Back then we didn't have a lot of money, sometimes eating french toast for dinner; but if your parents are there for positive guidance, then you grow up to be productive citizens.



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Read the story. This is just plain dumb all around.


1. The girl's parents shouldn't have let her take a knife to school in the first place.

2. The teacher didn't need to call police. Take the knife and call the parents.

3. The police didn't need to haul the girl off in a squad car. A 10 year old girl isn't strong enough to do any damage to a full grown adult, unless she's trained in martial arts, and even then, she still couldn't do much damage.


I truly marvel at the stupidity, paranoya, and lack of common sense in todays society. Several years ago, this story wouldn't have even been in the news because it's ridiculous. Good grief people, use your heads.

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I understand why the teachers might have been a little concerned, but arresting the girl is WAY too extreme. I think the teacher should have asked all of the students individually what happened and if they felt threatened or not. Depending on the responses, the teacher could simply confiscate the knife tell the principal and her parents as a warning.


As for the parents' common sense, its not their fault either. Like someone said earlier, things were a lot different back then, so they were probably allowed to eat their food with metal utensils. Based on past experiences, how are the parents supposed to know that knives in general are not allowed?

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Do you teach?


What part of no weapons in school is tough to understand. Nothing will happen to the girl other then the embarassment, and "street cred" she will get from this situation. I am sure no one was worried for their life, but the rule and consequence must be followed. I had a student get a five day suspension for a toy gun. To be honest this seems fair and the reason it was not news a few years ago is because we just assumed it was kids being stupid. Now kids being stupid may result in injuries and death to all.


I am tired of defending the job I love in this thread to people who appear to have no idea how hard it is. Bottom line is the line at school needs to be clear, and in this case it was definately crossed. If you like the thought of the same kid that you guys are saying was not smart enough to know right and wrong carrying a knife in her backpack that is all great, but I would prefer my students didn't have weapons in my room.

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^I understand that teaching is a very tough job, but I don't understand why arresting the girl is necessary. Why did the teacher have to take it THAT far if no one felt threatened? Sure a knife is a weapon but its sole purpose is a utensil for food. I would think the teacher would be a little more understanding when she saw the steak.


I'm not trying to criticize or disrespect your profession, I just don't understand why arresting the girl was necessary.

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I totally agree with Rich. Rules are rules, and they are the same for everyone. You guys would be calling for a ride operators head if they let a kid who was too short on a ride and that kid got hurt.


I'm guessing the teacher was just doing her job, following the set policy when a weapon is found on campus. She'd get in more trouble for not doing her job, so I respect her decision. Besides the school district going after her, imagine if something bad were to happen in the future (or this time for that matter). You don't think the media and parents would be all over the teacher for not following procedures????


The reality is that times have changed a lot even since I was a kid (and I am only 22!). The school has to protect themselves and the students, which means enforcing the rules for everybody. Thankully nothing happened, but what if the girl accidentally hurt someone with the knife? Schools have to apply the rules to everyone to avoid the "what if" situations becoming reality.


Besides, does anyone really think the DA is going to force the issue? I'm sure they'll probably just make the kid and the parents attend some class and consider it done.

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OK since I can't seem to stop reading this thread. First how would parents know knives for food are not allowed in school. The code of conduct. The school provides utensils to the kids so you don't have to bring your own.


Joey also brings up a great point. If the teacher looks past the policy and something would have happened it would be her career. Bottom line the union would leave her hanging out to dry. I love my students and do more for my students then probably 95% of the teachers on the planet, but if one of mine is dumb enough to bring a steak knife to school I would instantly report them to our on duty police officer who would arrest the student on the spot, no questions asked.


This was done to make sure ALL the students realize how serious this infraction was. Also my wife and I both had a discussion about this with our class of 5 and 6 graders to hear a child's response. 80% of them thought she should have been picked up by the cops, they all thought she should be suspended, they all knew no knives should be allowed in school for any reason. They also raised the question of some other kid grabbing the knife, the girl accidently hurting herself with the knife, and the overall idea that they would not be comfortable with any kid eating in the cafeteria with a knife. Mostly my students thought she was an idiot for doing it and they felt no sympathy for her situation. Continue to debate if you would like, but as said above rules are rules and even 10 year old kids understand that point.

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