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New Vekoma Flyer in China 2008

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I still don't see the point in using a zero car at the back of the train...
they got the possibility to mount the floor on the train instead of the seats as they have done so far.


I assume its still needed. but doing it this way means the floor doesnt need to be mounted onto the chairs themselves.

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  • 2 months later...

I found a video of the ride testing... *note it has no audio



In my opinion the ride doesn't look that thrilling at all. I could be biased having actually been on Batwing. It seems quite slow..... and the trains just look so odd with the zero car in the back.

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This would only work in smaller parks, BUT there is so much unused potential with this track design. It really doesn't make sense in so many ways. It's not family friendly in terms of looks. Smaller parks cater more to families.


As a big thrill attraction, I wouldn't invest in this if I were a smaller park. There's greater ROI with many other style small coasters and attractions.


In my opinion the ride doesn't look that thrilling at all...
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Wow! That thing just peters around it's track. And that last drop into the station looks like it is braked the whole way through it. This thing will be a capacity nightmare. I don't think I would wait in a line more than 20 minutes for it. It looks forceless and slow. What is the capacity supposed to be on this ride?

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Hmm...am I the only one who thinks it looks just as exciting now as I did before?


Firehawk, yesterday, also appeared to just meander slowly around the track, but ended up seeming very fast and lots of fun.


Plus, I doubt you would want to experience that outside half-loop with too much speed...

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Again having been on Batwing I feel as thought the this Stingray ride will not be nearly as thrill... I think Batwing is an "ok" ride but it looses the sense of speed after the loop. The stingray seems to just be .... I don't know... but not even close as thrilling as a ride say steel hawg. THIS IS JUDGING BY THE VIDEO!!! I will preserve further judging until I've actually ridden the stingray.

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My problem with flying coasters was always the tameness of the front row due to a horribly exaggerated push pull effect. This ride would eliminate the boring rows. That being said I would much rather prefer a layout that allowed for longer trains so that the other people can fill up those lame rows and the line can move more quickly. Seriously, try riding flyers near the back if you haven't already. It feels much more like you're flying instead of being pushed. This ride looks interesting just for the fact it eliminates most of the push/pull effect.

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