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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - D23 announcement roundup for DL and DCA!

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^ Cool review. I look forward to eventually trying out the new Guardians ride (whenever the next time I'm at DCA may be). I just saw the new Guardians movie and it was pretty entertaining and really funny in parts (although it was a bit long).

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First-world problems. Police and hazmat respond to geese poop incident at Disneyland.



That is one of the most pathetic things I've read in a while. Amazing


They should come to Six Flags where getting pooped on and bitten by geese is just part of the experience.

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To further elaborate on that story, one report stated the reason police (and Hazmat) were called out was because the initial report was that it might have been human feces.


Also, don't forget that Anaheim PD has a sub station on Disney property. Its not like they rolled up to the front gate in squad cars, lol.

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I'm curious. In alllll the years that the Disney parks have been open...this hasn't happened more often?

Or enough to warrant social media comments?


Talk about timing, lol. Hope all the guests affected, were okay, too.

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Any word on the Disneyland railroad opening date? I am planning a trip for some out of town friends. And one of them loves trains. I am looking forward to it, as it might help the crowds at least. The BT trail turned out quite nice, good design work.


I did see the trestles are pretty close to being done. Compared to the concept art, they are a hare on the small side. So I am wondering if they get "grander" as more of the exterior of SW land is finished up.

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^ Probably not. All forced perspective. I remember when concept art and especially the model of Big Thunder Mountain was revealed in the late 1970s. And then of course, the actual attraction that opened, was waaaaay smaller than the artwork made it out to be (i.e. Gi-normous!).


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Disney has announced the first of what I am sure will be many more changes to ease congestion prior to Star Wars Land: Adventureland shops closing. Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost & South Seas Trader will be closing to become indoor seating for Bengal BBQ.

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So the Disney Parks Blog confirmed here that the island is opening on Friday (June 16th), Fantasmic is opening July 17th, and the train/boats are opening July 29th.


It's going to be nice to have the island open again as it's always a nice spot to go to get away from the massive overcrowding of the rest of the park. And of course it will be lovely to have the train back in operation again as that also sucks people off the midway.


Definitely looking forward to the changes they have made to Fantasmic and here's to hoping that the Adventureland modification helps with the flow of human cattle that always results from the show.

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I can't wait, to get back and get back on one of the park trains, circling the park, traveling through that new section at the back, and seeing what they've plussed up, in the Grand Canyon Diorama and Primeval World. And seeing Fantasmic! again, as well.



And not that I'm being PUSHY or anything like that...

but are there any new shots of SWL construction, taken from the parking lot?


Thanks in advance!

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Took a spin (err, drop) on Mission Breakout yesterday. I'm not a drop tower person by any standard, but it was okay! Fun soundtracks, too, I got Hit Me With Your Best Shot. I know that some people have cheekily called California's Tower of Terror "bad tower" but I would give it the label of "fun tower" now because it makes the experience of the drop tower attraction fun, interesting and exciting as opposed to terrifying. It won't get me on StratosFear at Knoebels, mind you, but it's a drop ride I can handle.


I can also confirm what others have said - even if you have a FastPass return, expect to wait a while. The sheer popularity of the attraction meant that I was waiting in their FastPass staging area, which was on the other side of the pathway, for about a half hour. Due to the nature of the pathway crossing they would occasionally block it to send a gaggle of people over to the attraction. Better than 90-130+ minute standby (yes, the app pegged it at over 130 minutes once yesterday), but the heat made the experience miserable. Once we got inside the building, though, we got sent right to the pre-show. Rocket Racoon's bantering during the ride ("Is that Disneyland? That's thematically inconsistent") is the second-best part after the soundtrack / ride sequence.


Also, I can reconfirm, after seeing it previously in January, that World of Color is best Disneyland show. Gets me every time.

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Had an odd thing happen with the FP on the 28th. Got a FP for Screaming at 11am, and the return time was listed at 11:10. The standby line was 40 minutes btw. I overheard some other guests had that happen on a other FP machines too. I think there might be some bugs in the new system as they are gearing up to the Maxpass.


It is quite handy to have it linked to the AP/ticket now. They still give you a little reminder ticket.

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Had an odd thing happen with the FP on the 28th. Got a FP for Screaming at 11am, and the return time was listed at 11:10. The standby line was 40 minutes btw. I overheard some other guests had that happen on a other FP machines too. I think there might be some bugs in the new system as they are gearing up to the Maxpass.


It is quite handy to have it linked to the AP/ticket now. They still give you a little reminder ticket.


I know the same thing happens to the FPs on the Haunted Mansion, where if you get your pass at 11 a.m. the return time is 11 a.m. I don't quite understand what's going on myself, but I'd agree that it's probably just a few kinks they're still working out. Still, can't wait for that Maxpass! No more having to run full speed to get a Fastpass!

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Had an odd thing happen with the FP on the 28th. Got a FP for Screaming at 11am, and the return time was listed at 11:10. The standby line was 40 minutes btw. I overheard some other guests had that happen on a other FP machines too. I think there might be some bugs in the new system as they are gearing up to the Maxpass.


It is quite handy to have it linked to the AP/ticket now. They still give you a little reminder ticket.


I know the same thing happens to the FPs on the Haunted Mansion, where if you get your pass at 11 a.m. the return time is 11 a.m. I don't quite understand what's going on myself, but I'd agree that it's probably just a few kinks they're still working out. Still, can't wait for that Maxpass! No more having to run full speed to get a Fastpass!


I don't think it's a glitch. They're doing that on a bunch of rides, and the times are listed in the app for reach ride distributing FP. I think they're testing how it will affect crowd control. At the moment there is now cool down period for this, so if a ride is currently at the FP tier of "ride right now", you can keep getting them and ride over and over....

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