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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I know it's futile, but does anyone think there's ANY chance of Disneyland ever updating its castle like Hong Kong is doing? After going to Disney World, the castle just isn't the same. I know it'll probably never happen, but it'd be amazing if they made the Disneyland castle bigger and better to truly honor its legacy.

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Since it's the original castle, the top of which Walt actually turned around after he saw the original model of it,

I doubt they'd do anything to it, except the decorating and theming they already do on it during the seasonal events, etc.


But, you never know, right?

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I know it's futile, but does anyone think there's ANY chance of Disneyland ever updating its castle like Hong Kong is doing? After going to Disney World, the castle just isn't the same. I know it'll probably never happen, but it'd be amazing if they made the Disneyland castle bigger and better to truly honor its legacy.


I don't want to say never..... But likely never.


Even if Disney wanted to do it, i=they would have a pretty hard time. There really is not that much room around the castle. Also, the whole scare of Main St would be all wonky too. Making the castle look EVEN BIGGER. It just doesn't see likely.


The small park gets the small castle, lol.

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LOL, the HoJoCam is always fun to watch.
About the only thing "moving" I caught on the HoJo cam, was when

California Screamin' had a train going through it's loop. My luck and timing.

Yes very fun, especially right now...


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So Midway Mania's FP machines were turned on and people immediately started complaining about stand-by wait times. Also the FP system has been modified so all FP rides in both Disneyland and DCA are on the same network now. No more grabbing a FP for Indy or Space Mountain and then immediately hopping over to DCA to get a FP for Soarin'. Of course self-entitled internet people immediately started complaining about that as well. Matterhorn will have FP when it returns from its refurb so there'll undoubtedly be another round of outrage for that too.


Obviously these changes are being made for MaxPass. These people are apparently too blinded by their own rage over losing their FP loophole/gravy train to understand that MaxPass is going to make things so much easier for all those non-terrible AP's who might be visiting with families, lots of kids, big groups, etc who can't just sprint over to Midway Mania from Space Mountain in a few minutes, and probably never knew they could have done that anyway. We can't get things we never should have been able to get in the first place but we've been able to for 15+ years because Disney never bothered to fix it before now! RAGE!!!

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I for one am happy that Midway Mania has FP now. I haven't been on the ride in 6 years because I don't feel it worth waiting 45-60+ minutes to ride. So I am excited to grab a FP for it.

However, I am not in support of the rumor that Pirates will be getting FP. Obviously the wait time for Haunted Mansion goes up quite a bit on days they use FP. It's one thing to add FP to a ride that has long wait times as-is (such as Midway Mania), but I don't think it's good to add it to rides that are already people-eaters. Having FP for Pirates will further cramp the walkways as it does for Mansion.

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So Midway Mania's FP machines were turned on and people immediately started complaining about stand-by wait times. Also the FP system has been modified so all FP rides in both Disneyland and DCA are on the same network now. No more grabbing a FP for Indy or Space Mountain and then immediately hopping over to DCA to get a FP for Soarin'. Of course self-entitled internet people immediately started complaining about that as well. Matterhorn will have FP when it returns from its refurb so there'll undoubtedly be another round of outrage for that too.


Obviously these changes are being made for MaxPass. These people are apparently too blinded by their own rage over losing their FP loophole/gravy train to understand that MaxPass is going to make things so much easier for all those non-terrible AP's who might be visiting with families, lots of kids, big groups, etc who can't just sprint over to Midway Mania from Space Mountain in a few minutes, and probably never knew they could have done that anyway. We can't get things we never should have been able to get in the first place but we've been able to for 15+ years because Disney never bothered to fix it before now! RAGE!!!


Aw man I used to love running between parks to get Fastpasses.


On the bright side, I won't spend as much of my day fighting through crowds on Main Street and those inevitable 40-45 minute waits for the Matterhorn and Toy Story Mania can now be avoided.

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This sounds a lot like what happened in Florida when they removed the ability to scan old tickets and get fast passes, or press the button on the back of the machine to get a fast pass. As soon as a 'loop hole' was stopped, people felt entitled to it! They'll get over it.

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There are certain ride I do hope that do not get fast pass; all the large people eater rides. In a park that will be showing lots of lines with high waits, its nice to be able to get in line for a ride like pirates that never stops moving. Even if the line is posted the same wait as others, that line never stops moving. And it doesn't feel like you've nearly waited as long.


So I hope some rides are left out.

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That loophole was nice while it lasted, but I am surprised people are actually angry about it being closed.


You shouldn't be surprised by anything AP's complain about....since they complain about everything.


I kind of hope Disney will bring back the option to have one in DL and one in DCA...but for Hotel guests only. Make people pay a premium for it.

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I kind of hope Disney will bring back the option to have one in DL and one in DCA...but for Hotel guests only. Make people pay a premium for it.


Just to piss of the AP's even more, right?


It doesn't matter what they whine about. Many are so infatuated with Disney that they'll keep going regardless.

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I was there Sunday. It looked like TSMM line wasn't that bad. Until you read the 120 min standby line notice! I thought it was an error, but looked like the ride was solid with FP people standing in part of the line. The return for the ride was 7:45, so we skipped it. I think in the future it will be quite handy to have it added into the system. Getting rid of the loophole is a good idea, as it hopefully help control the amount of FP guests between the two parks.


What I liked was how the FP area was designed in the same architecture style as TSMM, very nicely done.

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Why is everyone calling it a loophole? It was designed for the two parks to be separate on purpose. And if you asked Disney, they would tell you it was allowed up until last week. I thought that being able to get the fastpass on your phone, one for each park would've been the primary advantage of having Maxpass. But now that that feature has gone away, what's even the advantage of having Maxpass? Not having to walk 3 minutes to get a fastpass somewhere? I really don't understand.

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But now that that feature has gone away, what's even the advantage of having Maxpass? Not having to walk 3 minutes to get a fastpass somewhere? I really don't understand.

If you're in Disneyland and it's time to get a new fastpass, you don't have to walk all the way to DCA (or vice-versa) to get one at the other park. You can get a Space Mountain fastpass from California Screamin', for example.

I personally won't use the system unless it's pretty cheap for AP holders (I doubt it), but I see how it would definitely be worth it for those on vacation.

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With the amount of annual passholders and park hopper tickets sold, if they continued to allow 1 FP per park at a time without restrictions once MaxPass goes live, I imagine it would be impossible to get a fastpass for any of the E-ticket rides...

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Right, MaxPass would have made it incredibly simple to max out (pardon the pun) FastPasses to both DL and DCA at the same time. MaxPass should theoretically still allow holding of FP times in both parks at the same time, assuming it parallels how the paper system now works, but this move greatly reduces the max amount of FP times any one guest can reserve during any one day, and that's a good thing.



For example, it's 2pm and I use MaxPass to reserve a FP time for Hyperspace Mountain for 10pm-11pm. I can now get another FP time at 4pm. I can NOT immediately use MaxPass to reserve a DCA ride, nor can I walk over to DCA to a FP machine like I used to.


Now it's 4pm. I open MaxPass and reserve Midway Mania at 8:30pm-9:30pm. I now hold valid FP times to a ride in both DL and DCA, but I had to wait longer now that the loophole's been closed. The current paper system allows this also.


Extend this over an entire park day and you'll see how the max amount of FP's any one guest could have reserved with MaxPass has now been reduced. This will hopefully help FP's from selling out too quickly once MaxPass comes online which, again, is a GOOD thing. The short-sighted complainers, of course, don't understand this.

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I saw this on SlashFilm...



Disneyland Resort is currently retrofitting the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror attraction into Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout!, which is set to open later this summer. The new Disney California Adventure attraction is being rethemed into a fortress owned by Benicio Del Toro‘s character Taneleer Tivan (AKA the Collector). Of course, this Fortress has not appeared in any of the Marvel movies to date, and James Gunn has confirmed that the Collector does not appear in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. But what if the Collector’s new digs make a theatrical appearance in Thor: Ragnarok?


This wouldn't surprise me one bit, but I'm not totally sold because it doesn't look 100% like the profile of the building. But what do I know.

Edit: it looks like it could be taking some damage in that picture, so maybe that will all tie in with the ride's story.

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If you look at the Tower from Bug's Land, the colors almost work. From anywhere else, not so much. I am kind of hoping that at least it has amazing lighting at night. Maybe it looks better illuminated? Really odd though that the character of the Collector does not appear in the new movie (maybe later on in the Avengers?), yet the park went with that concept for the redesign.

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If you look at the Tower from Bug's Land, the colors almost work. From anywhere else, not so much. I am kind of hoping that at least it has amazing lighting at night. Maybe it looks better illuminated? Really odd though that the character of the Collector does not appear in the new movie (maybe later on in the Avengers?), yet the park went with that concept for the redesign.


He is scheduled to appear in the next Avengers movie, but you are correct. The character will not be in the latest GoTG sequel.

I am also hopeful for some awesome nighttime lighting and effects.

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