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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I wish I could understand the thought process behind standing in line 7 hours for something that you will probably only wait 1-2 hours for later in the summer. But I guess enough people feel they have "bragging rights" to be able to be there on opening day? I dunno. I never "got" that whole "MUST BE FIRST AND RIDE BEFORE YOU" thing...


I'd rather wait a week and ride something 3 or 4 times in a 6 hour period rather than once.


I'm curious to know what the line is like on the 2nd or even 3rd day the ride is open. Seriously if it's a third or half.... Why would anyone want to wait 7 hours on one day when they could wait 1/2 that the next?


--Robb "I don't get people sometimes..." Alvey


I waited 3 1/2 hours for DarKastle at BGW on its opening day, and swore I'd never hit a big new attraction on its first day ever again. I can understand out-of-town and out-of-state visitors enduring this, especially if they aren't going to be at DL again for a few years. But if I were a local passholder, I'd definitely wait a few extra weeks.

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After waiting a little over 3 hours for POTC following the reopening with the movie characters several years ago, only to have the ride break down as we entered the building, I have sworn off of being at any ride opening that is likely to have that kind of wait. I'll hold off on visiting the DLR until the newness wears off a bit and I can enjoy the parks without multi hour waits for the new attractions. I'm guessing it may be September before that's the case. Any thoughts from those that are more familiar with when to expect the crowds to die down to more reasonable levels after the opening of major additions such as what we've witnessed here?

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I wish I could understand the thought process behind standing in line 7 hours for something that you will probably only wait 1-2 hours for later in the summer. But I guess enough people feel they have "bragging rights" to be able to be there on opening day? I dunno. I never "got" that whole "MUST BE FIRST AND RIDE BEFORE YOU" thing...


I'd rather wait a week and ride something 3 or 4 times in a 6 hour period rather than once.


I'm curious to know what the line is like on the 2nd or even 3rd day the ride is open. Seriously if it's a third or half.... Why would anyone want to wait 7 hours on one day when they could wait 1/2 that the next?


--Robb "I don't get people sometimes..." Alvey



100% agree. This is why I much prefer seeing the new stuff on preview days/soft open/Media Day. Failing those, I have no problem waiting a few weeks or longer.


I visited Harry Potter at IOA in Feb '12 and Jan '11, and had a much better experience the second time because there weren't hoards of people shoulder-to-shoulder everywhere, including inside the gift shops. I don't really understand why people consider that having a good time.

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After waiting a little over 3 hours for POTC following the reopening with the movie characters several years ago, only to have the ride break down as we entered the building, I have sworn off of being at any ride opening that is likely to have that kind of wait. I'll hold off on visiting the DLR until the newness wears off a bit and I can enjoy the parks without multi hour waits for the new attractions. I'm guessing it may be September before that's the case. Any thoughts from those that are more familiar with when to expect the crowds to die down to more reasonable levels after the opening of major additions such as what we've witnessed here?



The 17th-19th and 24th-28th of this month is going to be crazy busy, as those are the last remaining days that SoCal annual pass holders are able to visit the parks before they get blocked-out for the summer.


And August 20th is going to most likely be another "opening day" crowd as Southern California and Southern California Select passes become un-blocked.



I don't think the crowds will be THAT bad mid week in July after the 4th. But if you are planning to visit once this year mid week September is the best time of year to visit the Disneyland Resort.

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Whether or not the attraction is god's gift or just decent, here's hoping the addition remains unique to California. Its about time we see some more diversity in large scale attractions across the globe, especially for DCA.

Oh, god... Here we go again....


--Robb "Read my rant a few pages back..." Alvey

This has nothing to do with the quality, I mentioned that. I was saying, let it be unique. Not that it was the greatest ride on earth.


If the resorts were all total replicas of each other than there would be no incentive to visit different resorts. If Journey, Tower of Terror Tokyo, 20k, Hunny Hunt, and Sinbad were at all 5 resorts, then they wouldn't be as exclusive and there would not be as much reason to visit Tokyo.


I'm not saying that Carsland is the best thing on the planet, I'm saying that it would be better if it was no cloned left and right ala Mermaid and Toy Story Midway Mania

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^Except for the fact all the resorts cater to their region, so 99.9% of guests could care less if their is a "clone" on the other side of the world!


I'd personally be thrilled if they cloned any of those quality attractions you mentioned. Wouldn't stop me from going to Tokyo either!

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I'm going to have to agree with Joey on this one.


Take the Universal resorts and Revenge of the Mummy, for example. Building the "same" coaster at both parks didn't take anything away from the additions. If anything, it gave enthusiasts a large incentive to visit both Orlando and Hollywood, while regular visitors had no idea another version even existed somewhere else (and if they did, they didn't care).


Now building two Windseekers at two competing parks four hours away from each other in the same year...that may be a different story.

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As for the ride: It's good. Very good. The first outdoor portion in nice and gives you a great view of the enormity of the project, as well as the incredible detail. In the dark ride portion, it lost a little something for me. You go by the scenes a little too fast (not only) to take it all in, but to get the gist of the story. Yes, I, and everyone else knows the story, but..., there is so much going on, that the scenes seem a little rushed.



Honestly, I would call it a "D" ticket attraction, with an "E" ticket budget. It just fell a little short on the major thrill factor for me. Especially when I would do a comparison to either TT, or JttCotE. I mean, TT does all that silly dark ride stuff, then bolts like a bat outta hell, hitting 67mph on a steeply banked track. Journey has the ear splitting thunder and lightning bolt, then Lava Monster and you get the hell away from him as fast as you can.


I would rate TT and RSR pretty even. The dark ride portion of TT is lame, as is the racing part of RSR.


Journey owns all!




Anywho, that's my 2 cents worth.





That's what it looks like to me. I mean, if Toad was all 3 D sets, and a some animatronics, would it be an E ticket? Would a 35 mph autopia that lasted 1 minute be an E ticket? Hell no. Does the sum equal an E Ticket? Ive seen folks saying that average park goers aren't really amazed by the ride. The fanboys, starving for a new E Ticket are over praising it most likely.


Again, comparing to Indys opening day. I'd imagine damn near everyone getting off that ride had their mouth gaping open with amazement. I just don't see RSR at that level. It seems like a D+ ride with an F ticket budget. Yes, I said F. I mean, didnt this thing cost like double any other E ticket? I just don't see the bang for the buck here.



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^ Um, the ride is really good. The money is there. It is easily the best ride Disney has put in any of the US parks in years. While I do prefer the speed section of Test Track, Racers has everything else in spades. I can't wait to finally take a trip to Japan sometime in the future so I can experience the Lava Monster. A slightly more expensive Toad, this is not. I easily give the attraction an A- or B+.

Edited by Erik Johnson
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^^Yeah, every time I come across comments like this, I wonder if the person making them watched the same video I did. I respect Jeff's opinion because he's actually ridden it--Erik's, too.

Edited by cfc
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I will be riding tomorrow and will post a review. I am somewhat of a fanboy, though but I will try to be as fair as possible even though literally everything I have seen has blown me away. Finally DCA won't have construction walls! I am really happy though... DCA is one of my least favorite Disney parks(but MK will always my least favorite American park) and it finally looks like with this step it may become one of my favorite Disney parks!

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I watched most of the video. But a lot of animatrons don't make an E Ticket. Is SPaceship Earth an E Ticket by today's standards? It has amazing sets, tons of animatrons, and is in a huge building. What about Sinbad At TDS? I loved it, it has great sets, tons of animatronics. But it ain't no E Ticket, and probably cost a fraction of RSR, even inflation adjusted.


Huge budget doesn't equal E ticket. C'mon, for $250 million, this ride should be much more. Spidey was $100 million, which is supposedly what TLM cost, which blows my mind. Is Disney letting the government control their purchasing?


Is Monsters Inc an E Ticket? It's based on a Pixar movie, is full of movie perfect animations, has full 3D sets, and tells the story in a slow moving ride vehicle.


RSR looks very large, and has an extravagant set, but doesn't do anything new with it. And it doesn't look to provide any big thrills.


However, I also think Journey is too short. It really needed another big room, or maybe one more fast indoors section.


As I've said before, RSR strikes me as the first kids E Ticket. Which does not equal an adult E Ticket, even though it cost a fortune.


To each his opinion, but I still believe the crowd forecasts of huge lines all summer is just wrong. The rest of the park was already back to normal yesterday, it seems. I don't think overspending on Carsland will fix DCA. And the whole Carthay Circle love is insane. Like the average visitor gives a shit. Do people rave about Disney Studios entrance, or do they rave about good tower?



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They need to slow down the dark ride portion and speed up the racing portion. Simple as that. Even increasing the rate of acceleration would do a lot. It feels like it "wants" to go faster, and for a second there you start to feel it, but you never get an "OMG were going so fast" moment like you do with Test Track. I was also expecting some more sudden stops/jerks/brake screeching like you do with Test Track.


Many people getting off the ride that weren't 10 had similar thoughts, several people saying "that's it?" or "I thought it was supposed to be fast."


Wonder how hard it is to speed up/reprogram it. I also wonder how the ride was never designed to be as fast as Test Track, as it should have been, and would have been getting much better reception from older fans. I also don't think speeding it up would change anything in regards to families/children being able to ride.

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Huge budget doesn't equal E ticket. C'mon, for $250 million, this ride should be much more. Spidey was $100 million, which is supposedly what TLM cost, which blows my mind. Is Disney letting the government control their purchasing?


If that's true, then the whole WWoHP expansion at IOA cost about the same as RSR, including the ride and all the retheming, new shops, etc (Wikipedia claims $200M, other sources say that WWoHP, The Simpsons' Ride ($10M?), and HRRR ($50M?) together cost $275M-$310M, so $250M). I can't even imagine what Disney could do with a bunch of KUKA arms, but I have to believe it's better than this.

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I think people forget there's a 200 ft tall mountain range that factors into the cost of the ride. As well two tracks for half the ride length.


Was there ever a cost figure released in association with Journey?

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They need to slow down the dark ride portion and speed up the racing portion. Simple as that.



Yeah, that can't really happen 'simple as that'. Slowing down the inside reduces capacity. Speeding up the outside causes cascade stops, not to mention the banked turns are designed for 40mph and not a higher speed.


I think, without making the ride longer or reducing capacity, they've done a great job. Of course I'd like an additional 10 minutes in the dark ride section or for the race to go up to 65mph or higher, but it just can't happen.

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Not much middle ground on this thing. It's either over-praised by fanboys, or ripped by those who haven't ridden it. Oh, wait... I'm on a theme park enthusiast's website. Nevermind, and carry on good sirs and ladies.

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Not much middle ground on this thing. It's either over-praised by fanboys, or ripped by those who haven't ridden it. Oh, wait... I'm on a theme park enthusiast's website. Nevermind, and carry on good sirs and ladies.


Yup, nothing to see here, just some hot air, oh well. Although I do have to say, being on several boards, including ones that aren't totally positive about Disney, this is the first one to actually complain about this ride.

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Whatever the ride is or is not, one thing is for sure: it is going to make Disney a fortune.


And the whole Carthay Circle love is insane. Like the average visitor gives a poo-poo. Do people rave about Disney Studios entrance, or do they rave about good tower?


They may come for good tower, but having a nice themed environment welcome them to park most certainly adds to the experience. More importantly for Disney, a welcoming/themed environment probably makes someone far more inclined to spend money. They are FAR more likely to actually check out the shops/restaurants than if the entrance was just boring and bland (like the old DCA entrance).

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Not much middle ground on this thing. It's either over-praised by fanboys, or ripped by those who haven't ridden it. Oh, wait... I'm on a theme park enthusiast's website. Nevermind, and carry on good sirs and ladies.


I don't get out to Disney very often. For me an E-ticket is a signature attraction in both popularity and scale. Personally for me it's a ride that I would plan a trip to the resort around. Carsland fits the bill on all fronts IMO.

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Not to mention the banked turns are designed for 40mph and not a higher speed.


I didn't know that.


Cars Land is really awesome and so is RSR. I have no idea how it would not be considered an E-ticket ride, although I'm not really sure what the qualifications for an E-ticket are. I imagine it has at least something to do with the ability to draw big crowds and make money, and in that regard I am sure RSR more than qualifies. I personally feel they could have kept the same demographic for the ride and sped it up a notch or two. But I'm not 10, and I'm not a huge Cars fan, so there ya go.

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