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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Calm down Meryl Streep, Your Oscar is in the mail (haha I've been wanting to use that one for awhile) it was a joke and that's the last I'll say about that to avoid any further bickering on the boards.


Again, It's Disney, nothing will (or has in this case) change(ed?).

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Ahhh, nothing like a good ol' "I'm new to the forum and clearly know more than a disney mega-fanatic" brawl

Pop some popcorn and get comfortable, as this stuff's going down in the SFMM thread. Tonight's exciting topic: Let's argue about why Deja Vu has a cable instead of a chain!!"

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Watching that POV video is a trip. I've been on coaster where I THOUGHT we might valley, but never actually did. My biggest concern would actually be if another train was already coming up from behind and wasn't put into an auto-stop. Or does CS no release a train until one is back in the station?

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^CS is built to run five trains, and it runs them more smoothly than most coasters can run two. The next train would have stopped either on the lift or on the brake section that used to run next to Maliboomer - I'm not sure whether the trains have to be a full block section apart or not. But either way, they make these things so that doesn't happen!

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^CS is built to run five trains...


Actually 6, as it did for quite some time. Including the preview days and opening day, (when the park was damn near empty). Problem was, they had quite a few problems with the staters overheating, causing stacking in the station. Their first solution was to make 5 trains the norm on heavy days (as it is now) which helped for a time. Eventually, they installed the current misters on the staters, to keep them from overheating and creating a shutdown (not necessarily an e-stop).




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^Having seven trains means you can keep two in rehab, while running five. Although, the schedule of how many trains are running may vary by day. I spent two days at the park once. The first time, the wait for CS was 20 minutes standby, and no wait for Fastpassor single rider. The next day, the wait was 70 minutes standby, 30 minutes Fastpass. I did not try single rider, but there appeared to be a good deal more of them. The odd thing was, five trains were running the first day, while only three were running the second day. Oh, and the late opening followed by an early closing did not help either. (I have no idea why they closed it early. It was supposed to be closed for WOC, but they did so early enough to stop cycling trains a good 30 min-1 hour before the show even began! Usually, they run the ride until the very last second).


[begin_Rant] What was especailly aggrivating was that when trains were still being cycled, Fastpasses were not accepted. My party was not alone on this. There were others standing around in confusion, at the foot of a fully operating ride, yet cast members were denying anyone entrance via valad Fastpasses. On my way out of DCA, just after denial of FP's, I asked a cast member (out of view of the ride, about 45-75 min. away from WOC) why our FP's would not be accepted. He did say he was unsure, but suggested that the ride may have been broken, which was not the case. (Can't blame him, though. He did seem very friendly, and was working in an area out of view of the ride). [End_Rant]I was able to get my CS pass upgraded to a BTMR one, though. That did settle some of my frustration.

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Westcoaster did an awesome job covering the D23 Expo this year.


They also provided some very nice shots of a Radiator Springs Racers ride vehicle which are similar to Test Track (which has already been established) however you can see the under carriage which I'm pretty sure few of us have seen.




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I really like the "one-way" windshield on the Cars cars (cymbal crash). It reminds me of the windows on the Tron-o-rail at Walt Disney World.

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I stopped by the Disney Parks today, and changes were afoot.


Over at DCA they have closed down the main entrance, and you are now shuttled back behind Soarin' Over CA.


At Disneyland The Haunted Mansion is receiving its Holiday overlay.


The summer crowds are dwindling and the Canoes have gone on hiatus.(At least on Mondays)


Overall a fun day at the parks, with signs of change in the air.

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Interesting... the finale of the RS Racer will take place in tail light cavern*... wonder if they're taking a page from JTCOE at TDS. Maybe they'll be a transformer instead of a lava monster in there?

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Interesting... the finale of the RS Racer will take place in tail light cavern*... wonder if they're taking a page from JTCOE at TDS. Maybe they'll be a transformer instead of a lava monster in there?


No, The caverns are a tribute to an older ride from Disneyland. Rainbow Caverns Mine Train


The Rainbow Caverns Mine Train began operating in Disneyland’s new Living Desert in 1956.

In 1960, the Mine Train attraction was upgraded to become the Mine Train through Nature’s Wonderland.

A thrill ride, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, replaced the Mine Train in 1979.


Here is some concept art




The Imagineers said it was a tribute during a presentation they made at D23

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^ Nice! I'm glad to see them honor a Disney tradition, even at DCA.


I know about all of the tributes at Disneyland, but is this something that's done at all Disney parks?


Well not the Rainbow Mine Train Caverns. However in EVERY ride Disney builds you will find tributes and jokes about past attractions, the Imagineers that work on the ride. For example- Mission Space- Realativly new ride. In the queue the logo of the beloved attraction it replaced- Horizons -is in the middle of the space centrifuge theming. Now even though Mission space is only 6 years old, Star Tours- The Adventures continue- actually makes a reference to it in the Hoth scene, and for that matter all the scenes have a reference to either the past ride or to Star Wars.


A lot of the theming found in the parks (espically if it has names on it) is an Imagineer/Engineers name usually. Its one of the many things that just makes Disney even better !



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To add to that, names on the windows of Main Street buildings are probably the most straightforward tributes the parks make.


The Haunted Mansion Graveyard is a good one also, in fact the "owner" Master Gracey was based on Imagineer Yale Gracey.


I have a PTR I'm working on, where I got to pay tribute to Master Gracey. I'll link it when I'm done typing it



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