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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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In regards to the grammar of the dude... he might have been a foreigner, since DLR is visited by people worldwide. Oh, and I loved how one comment mentioned how the ride stopped because he had a penny on the ride, dropped it, and triggered sensors to stop the ride

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OMG the internet is being interesting tonight. First i find out that Coney Island was bringing in 35 MILLION people some summers during the depression, and then this video pops up. Way way cool.


And I really hope Disney keeps their fashionably European loose article policy.

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Interesting the video was removed... think Disney contacted him or just by choice? If they were AP'ers Disney had proof of them breaking attraction rules.


Yeah- I know he might of just been his choice but still odd that it was only taken down once it hit some coaster/Disney fan sites.

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Interesting the video was removed... think Disney contacted him or just by choice? If they were AP'ers Disney had proof of them breaking attraction rules.

They actually weren't breaking any rules. There isn't any "loose items" policy on California Screamin. You're allowed to bring on cameras and cell phones.

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They actually weren't breaking any rules. There isn't any "loose items" policy on California Screamin. You're allowed to bring on cameras and cell phones.


True, but I mean the penny trick.




I know "just a penny" is little to some people but tech. speaking they didn't secure their loose items.

Edited by wesley815
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^ Again, I'm not sure what the loose item policy is, but from my understanding there isn't one. Yes, it's completely stupid to do that, but I'm not sure there is any rule in place telling you that it's not allowed.


For whatever reason, Disney has always been VERY laxed on loose items. I mean, I can't bring ANYTHING with me on a very tame ride like Gold Rusher, but Disney will tell you to bring entire backbacks, duffle bags, purses, cameras, and suitcases (yes, I've seen this) on a launched looping coaster!

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^ One time a guy in front of me in line got in holding a tripod with a giant SLR camera attached. He set the tripod up between the seats, sat down, and they dispatched the train with no questions asked. The signs and verbal pre-recorded instructions may say to stow your articles in the pouch, but it is well known that you are allowed to keep stuff out of the pouch if it doesn't fit or you just prefer to.

Edited by ILoveRides
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^^^ Ahh, ok. Thanks for posting that picture. I was just under the impression they let you bring anything on. I've certianly seen tons of random stuff carried onto the ride. Really, do we need to argue about the penny thing? I think it's quite pointless, really. It's obvious that It's stupid. And common sense should tell you that no one should do it. But you've made your point. You're right. I'm wrong. Pat yourself on the back.

Edited by robbalvey
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For whatever reason, Disney has always been VERY laxed on loose items. I mean, I can't bring ANYTHING with me on a very tame ride like Gold Rusher, but Disney will tell you to bring entire backbacks, duffle bags, purses, cameras, and suitcases (yes, I've seen this) on a launched looping coaster!


I'm also VERY surprised how lax Disney is about loose items. You're right Robb, being a former CM and regular park guest now I've seen people take crazy amounts of items that could really do some damage if they flew out of an attraction!



But you've made your point. You're right. I'm wrong. Pat yourself on the back.


I didn't mean to seem like I was arguing about that minor thing. I was also curious about the exact policy so I found a pic of the attraction sign. Sorry if it came off as I was trying to prove a point, that's not how I am at all and get annoyed with others who do that too, lol


Thanks for reposting the video so quickly!


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Did anyone notice that in the video, someone mentioned that they have a crappy engine, which means they think roller coasters run by an engine that is connected to the coaster train?


My money is on that guy's comment being pure sarcasm.

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Obviously, Disney doesn't care about loose articles because forcing riders to secure items will affect their efficiency and throughput. They're willing to take the chance that nothing bad will happen and try to pump Guests through as fast as possible.

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Did anyone notice that in the video, someone mentioned that they have a crappy engine, which means they think roller coasters run by an engine that is connected to the coaster train?


My money is on that guy's comment being pure sarcasm.

Dude, the funny part about this - you would be surprised the amount of people that actually DO THINK that roller coasters are somehow powered by an engine! I've heard this before, it's not an un-common thing to people, who have zero concept of how a roller coaster works, to believe this is actually the case.

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Dude, the funny part about this - you would be surprised the amount of people that actually DO THINK that roller coasters are somehow powered by an engine! I've heard this before, it's not an un-common thing to people, who have zero concept of how a roller coaster works, to believe this is actually the case.


Oh, I do believe it, but in this case it was really more of a sarcastic Chevy vs. Ford comment than a motorized coaster comment. At least, that's how it came off to me.

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I bet that evacuation was annoying for the park. Also, why can't people just ride coasters instead of doing other stuff like filming, holding pennies, etc.? Watching this video also reminded me how upset people get when a ride malfunctions. On my Volcano roll-back, people were literally crying and screaming at the mechanics opening the restraints.

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Alright I've just got to ask, could they sue the park and win (a substantial amount I mean) with an "injury" case or a "traumatic experience" case (not sure if they even have the latter). Going off the video, it did not seem like anyone got injured, but with how some people act in this case they might try to fake it. And one other thing, WTF is up with the design of that backpack?


Found a picture of the backpack.
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I like how the guy in the video screams, "This wedding is horses**t" and then tells the little girl not to freak out... weird how someone acting so juvenile can change attitudes so quickly! Also, it took a while for the train to actually stop, which took me by surprise. Guess I've never seen a coaster valley before.

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